Descending Angel

chapter 4

The next day that I was in the hospital, only four people were there, which I found much less claustrophobic. Frank's mom (and mine too, I guess), Frank, Mikey, and Gerard. Mikey swore the only reason Gerard was there was because he had to drive him to the hospital. was sitting on the end of the bed trying not to cry. I couldn't blame her, since from her perspective one of her sons had amnesia. Frank and I both lied about how I fell. We told her that it had nothing to do with Frank, and that I had ran off and gotten myself hurt.

"What did the doctor say about you, honey?" she asked me.

"He said that Erik has permanent amnesia. He's gonna have to re-learn all of his life." Frank answered for me, since I hadn't spoken to the doctor. For some reason he thought that this information would discourage or traumatize me, or something.

"Oh...Erik, hon, are you feeling okay? You're not in pain, right? Do you need me to call a nurse to give you some more pain pills?" She asked quickly so that most of her words were running together.

"No, no, I'm alright. Calm down. I'm pretty out of it already. I'm kind of tired." I said. That was a lie. I just wanted them all to let me be for a while so I could gather my thoughts. Frank had been here the entire time, and I could tell that he needed sleep as well. Mom took him home, which left Mikey and Gerard.

"Well...Erik...I'm gonna go down to the cafeteria and steal stuff. Uh, Gee, you wanna come too?" Mikey asked. Gerard shook his head.

"Nope. I'll go wait for you in the car." he said. Mikey nodded before running out the door excitedly. Gerard made his way to the door slowly.

"Hey, Gerard?" I called out quietly. He turned around and raised his eyebrows.

"Did you really believe me when I said I'm not Erik?" I asked. He looked down at the floor and scratched the back of his head.

"Um...I dunno, man. It something you would joke about. And if Frank finds out that this is all a pile of shit, he's gonna kill you."

"I'm not joking! The doctor himself said that I don't remember anything!" I exclaimed, making him flinch. His hair fell in front of his eyes and he ran his hands through it, messing it up. I felt bad at my sudden outburst, realising how jumpy Gerard was. I sighed and lowered my voice.

", do know why I have this tattoo? Obviously it has something to do with you. Was I obcessed with you?" I asked. He turned red and shrugged.

"I really don't think so. We've never been friends, Erik. Actually, we were enemies because you were such a bitch to me and Bob."

"Why'd I single you two out?"

He got nervous and shook his head. "Just the reasons everyone singles us out. We're different, that's all. And, anyway, I thought that you were tired." he accused.

"If you want to leave, you can, Gerard. You don't have to be such a nice guy. I've only known you a day and I already know you let people push you around too much." I told him. He shrugged and bit the inside of his jaw, probably to keep himself from answering.

"Say something. Tell me off if you have to. Don't just stand there."

"Well, if you're not the same person that made my life hell for ten or so years, what's the fucking point?" he snapped, finally showing some emotion. But his eyes immediately got wider and he looked down at the ground.

"I don't know. It's still Erik's body, you know. Obviously. But if it makes you feel any better, Erik did die from that fall. His..soul, or whatever it's called. But I'm not gonna tell poor Frankie and his mom that little detail, and I'm hoping you're a decent enough guy not to mention it as well. I'm going to pretend to be whoever they think I am and let them be happy." I said softly in case anyone was listening outside the door.

"So, who are you? And why are you in Erik's body?" he asked. He dragged a seat next to the bed and sat down. Oooh, story time...maybe not. I just shrugged, at which Gerard sighed and flipped me off. I rolled my eyes.

"Gee, thanks, sweetheart. You're making this tons better....butthole."

"Shut up. You're the one who's being difficult!" he exclaimed. I snorted and rolled over on my side. I could almost feel Gerard's annoyed stare.

"Oh, what, the cold shoulder?" he asked.

"Nope. Check to make sure that I don't have your name tattooed on my ass."

"Ew, I don't want to see your ass!" he yelled a bit loudly. The people in the rooms next to us were probably getting a strange picture. I gasped.

"What?! I look damn fine in this body, thank you very much!" I said. I heard Gerard laugh, and turned around to see him in a fit of hysterics. Is Erik's ass really that funny? The door opened and Mikey walked in, giving Gerard a weird glance.

"Gee, you were supposed to be in the car! And what are you laughing about?" Mikey asked.

"He's being mean, Mikey." I whined. Mikey hit his brother on the arm and crossed his arms.

"Gee, don't make fun of kids in hospital beds. Now come on, I wanna go get coffee. Bye, Erik!" Mikey said, waving to me as he pulled Gerard out of the room
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TWO updates in one day. Maybe one more. Then I officially run out of ideas.