Descending Angel

chapter 6

I woke up with a start, tears running down my face. I'd just had the most awful dream about me dying and coming back as a twin, or something like that. Weird, right? I reached down for my blanket and was going to use it to wipe my face. My heart stopped when I grabbed a fist full of a red and black star blanket. Was it a dream?

I jumped up from the bed and ran to the bathroom. It wasn't in the right place. It's supposed to be right next to my room, but it was across the hall instead. I threw open the door with probabably more force than was neccessary and looked around for the mirror. It was on the left instead of the right. The wallpaper wasn't right either. Nothing was. Where am I?

Hazel eyes looked back at me in the mirror instead of my blue ones that I had always been so proud of. My eyes that had once been described as 'Jared Leto blue' were gone. Now dark eyes searched under dark, arched eyebrows for any resemblance to the person I once was. There was none. This skin was an olive colour, opposed to my dazzlingly pale skin that I attributed to being a ginger. Ugh! And this uglygoatee patch of hair! What was the point of it? Girls wouldn't like this.

I slumped down the wall, pulled my knees to my chest and cried. I'm supposed to be Erik. A boy. A twin. Frankie's twin.

Frankie was hugging me, I realised. I hadn't even seen him walk in. He was holding me and rubbing my back, and it made me feel so guilty. I knew he was going through a hard time too, and finding his 'brother' like this must be very shattering.

"Erik, what's wrong?" he asked. He pulled away from the embrace a little to search my face.

"I didn't know where I was...or who I was. I forgot overnight, I guess, and it scared me." I whispered fervently. I sniffled a little and buried my head in his chest.

"Don't cry, Erik, it's alright. You're my brother, and this is our house, It's just going to get some time to get used to." he told me. I nodded and sighed.

"I'm sorry, Frankie. I know you're uncomfortable..."

"Hey, don't you worry about that. I can't begin to understand how you feel, but it must be pretty bad, and just know that I'm here for you. All our friends are there for you too. You've got tons of people who love you and we're going to help you however we can." he promised. I nodded, and he stood up, taking it as a sign that I was okay. I got up as well and followed him back into our room.

Frankie told me that we were going to Mikey's house today, and that I needed to go get dressed and shit. I opened the closet that we shared and just looked in there dumbly. I didn't know which clothes were mine. Did Frankie and I share clothes, or will he get annoyed if I wear his?

"Uhm, Fra-"

"Hold on." Frankie said from the other side of the room. He walked over and saw my predicament. He pointed to the left side of the closet, which was in disarray.

"That mess is yours, Erik." he told me. I wrinkled my nose and he laughed.

"Shuddup, or I'm going to attack you. Seriously. So, is Mikey going to be the only one over there?" I asked, venturing into the closet gingerly, afraid of losing a hand. Yeah, I was hoping to see more of Gerard's beautiful face, but wanted to be subtle about it. Frank was already upset about the whole Gerard thing.

"Nope. The whole band should be there, like usual. We thought it'd be nice to remind you of who you are...were, at least."

So Gerard would be there... Frankie seemed to read my mind, because he sighed and punched my arm lightly.

"Yup, Gee will be there. Now, you, clothes." he commanded.

I loved Erik's sense of style. Ah, his shirts were amazing. All of my favorite bands were here. I picked out a black Iron Maiden t-shirt, and...girl's jeans? I'm pretty sure I used to have this same pair in my old life. After I was dressed, I told Frank that I wanted the goatee gone. He was hesitant at first, but then dragged me into the bathroom, and we finally got rid of 'Shirley'.

"Aw, Frankie, don't look so defeated. It was a pathetic attempt at a goatee, anyway." I said, putting an arm around his shoulders. He cracked a smile and nodded.

"It was, wasn't it? But it was you."

"Well, think of this as...newly rennovated Erik, huh? Maybe it'll be like in that movie where that guy goes in a coma, and when he wakes up he had superpowers. *gasp* Maybe I can fly!!!" I exclaimed. Frankie giggled and rolled his eyes.

"You're so weird." he said.

"Yeah? Well you laugh like a girl. And I made you laugh!!! Ha ha." I said, poking him in the middle of his eyebrows. He laughed again and swatted my hand away.

"Ass. Come on, the guys are expecting us." he said, pulling on my arm. Suddenly, he stopped in his tracks and turned to me with a maniacal gleam in his eyes. Oh, god...

"Hey, Erik, I just got a great idea. If you're up for it, of course." He raised his eyebrow at me and grinned cheekily.

"Ah, sure, Frankie..."

What have I gotten myself in?
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comments? Anyone?