Descending Angel

chapter 7

I ran my hand through my newly dyed bangs. They were black, and the rest of my very close cut hair was peroxide blond. I was a mirror image of Frankie now. He figured that it would be fun to show up at Mikey's house looking like twins and confound everyone. And it was!!

An older woman I guessed was Mikey's mom answered the door first, and was immediately confused. She looked from one of us to the other.

"Frank? Erik?" she asked, tilting her head to the side. Frank had told me that she didn't know I had amnesia, so it made it all the more confusing for her.

"Hi, Mrs. Way." Frank said pleasantly. He smiled brightly and I mirrored the facial expression. She smirked.

"Oh, you must be Erik. Frank's never that formal." She said to Frank. I giggled, which just further confirmed her suspicions. Obviously Erik didn't giggle. She let us inside, and Frank led me to the living room, where everyone was congregated. Mikey, Ray, and Bob were sitting on the couch while Gerard was in the floor with a sketchbook in his hands.

"Holy shit, they're multiplying!!" Mikey yelled when he looked up at us. I laughed and jumped on him. I landed on his lap and threw my arms around his shoulders.

"You should be so lucky, Mikey. The world needs more of us, cause we're hot."

"Ah. And which Iero do I have the pleasure of cuddling with?" he asked, putting his arms around me. I gasped and flicked his ear. I was becoming very comfortable with Mikey. The other guys still didn't fully embrace me like he did.

"You can't tell? Good friend you are, butthole." I said.

"Frank?" I didn't answer, and neither did Frank. This was getting fun.


"I can't believe you can't tell! I think I'm gonna ignore you now." I said. I laughed at his expression and slid off his lap onto the floor. I was now next to Gerard, who hadn't even bothered looking up from his paper. I scooted closer to look at what he was drawing. He moved further away.

"Hey, Erik." he said absent-mindedly. I frowned. How could he tell? Was he psychic?

"How do you know these things? I bet afro guy told you, didn't he?" I turned to face Ray. "Shame on you, Ray. I trusted you to keep my secret."

Ray hung his head low. "I know, I'm sorry, Erik. Gerard threatened me. He said he'd take all of my blood if I didn't. And I need that blood to live."

I nodded. "Obviously. No, really, how'd you know? Super Vampire powers that tell you everything?" I poked Gerard in the side,and he finally looked at me. He looked amused.

"You-" he poked me in the forehead. "Are more annoying than Frank. And you pluck your eyebrows, so they look different." Very observant there, Gerard. I didn't think he paid that much attention to Erik.

"Do I? Well, you pay too much attention to details." I told him. I leaned closer to try and see what he was drawing, but he held it out from both of us.

"Stop it, I'm trying to draw." he told me, frowning.

"No, really?" I asked sarcastically. He pushed me away from him, so I went back to Mikey, who held out his arms for me to land in.

"Aw, poor Erik.." he cooed. I laid my head on his shoulder.

"Man, I know. Everyone is working against me. 'Cept you, Mikey." I snuggled into his arms.

"Aw, you're like an even cuter version of Frank..."

Frank scoffed at that. "Ah, is not! No one is cuter than me! Gerard, defend me!" Frank said, plopping down in Gerard's lap. He seemed amused when Frank did it, but if I bother him, he gets pissy. Pft, stupid hos. Just because Erik was an ass to Gerard, that didn't mean he had to be mean to me! Gerard wrapped his arms around Frankie's middle.

"That's right, Frank. No one's cuter than you." he said.

"Erik is!" Mikey yelled.

"Is not!" Gerard yelled back.

"Is too!"

"Is not!"

"Is too!"

"Is not!"

This went on for several minutes until Ray got fed up.

"They are identical twins, you idiots! They're both cute, alright?!" he screamed. He reminded me of a dinosaur in that moment...I don't know where the hell that image came from, but it did, and I had a fit of laughter. Well, a fit of giggles. I rolled off into the floor and just collapsed, wiping at my eyes.

"Damn, afro guy, you just looked like a dinosaur. Just not green. Pft, my head hurts now." I announced. I should really start re-thinking things that I say before I say them, or I look like a crazy person. And, from the way everyone was looking at me, it was obvious they thought I was crazy. Oh no, this isn't good, now I'm the weird one! Oh well, at least I'm not the bitchy one anymore.

"Okay, due to that little case of giggles, which no male should ever have, Erik, you are promoted to cutest." Bob announced. I gasped and stood up.

"Really!? Oh, I so wasn't expecting this...I don't have a speech ready..." I put a hand over my heart. "I'd like to thank all the little people--namely me and Frankie--, and of course Blondie.." I leaped over the couch and attached myself to Bob. He managed to remain standing by sheer Bob-power.

"Oh my god, all the peroxide has gone to your head..." Mikey said, shaking his head. I nodded.

"Yeah, it probably has nothing to do with the coma. Oh well. Mikey, do you have any non-purple beverages?" I asked.

"Why yes, I do. Gerard, go help Erik find something to drink." Mikey ordered. Gerard groaned and got up. Though, why he would even obey his little brother is beyond me. I would never do such a blasphemous thing. Being the oldest automatically gives you all the power in the sibling relationship. Hmmm, I wonder which of us is older, me or Frank?

I followed Gerard into the kitchen, where he just stood in front of me, searching my face for something.

"What's your name? And I mean really." he said quietly.

"Adrienne." I answered. He bit his lip and nodded.

"So this isn't made up...what are you?" Oh, how do I answer that question when I don't even know? I'm a dead girl sent back in another human's body. I lifted myself up onto the counter and tried to answer him.

"Well, right now I'm the twin of Frankie. Duh." He rolled his eyes.

"I realise that. Are you an angel, or something?" he asked. I shook my head and reached out to toy with a bit of his glossy black hair.

"No. I went to hell. Now, I have a question for you. I'm not stupid, okay. There was something with you and Erik, right? I already know you're gay, but-"

"How'd you know that? Did one of the guys tell you? Or do you know everything?" he asked suspiciously. What, am I supposed to be all-powerful, then? I wish.

"Neither. Erik had a journal, and there was some stuff about you in it, and I was just curious. You are really cute. Did you and Erik have some sort of secret gay love going on?" I asked. He blinked several times before he actually comprehended the question and his face became a pretty shade of red. "Aw, you're so pretty when you blush! But really, this is something I need to know. And really, darling, your blank facial expression is telling me nothing."

"No! Hell no! I would never! That is really disgusting, not to mention that I have a boyfriend! Now....didn't you come in here to get a drink, or something?"

"Aren't you the one who started this, Gerard? Yes, I do believe you are. So there. Ahem, now excuse me, I am thirsty." I reached up to grab a glass down from a cabinet and poured myself some coke.
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yup...I updated finally.