Descending Angel

chapter 8

I went back into the living room and sat down next to Mikey, sipping at my coke every few minutes. Did I mention that coke makes me horridly hyper? No? Well it does, and obviously by Mikey's standards I am already inhumanly hyper, so he was about ready to kick my ass off of the couch when Bob asked where Gerard was. I think it's cute that Bob worries about Gerard. They make a sweet couple even if I am really really jealous of Bob getting Gerard's hottness all to himself. Because I'm sure he wouldn't be willing to share Gerard with me...

"He's in the kitchen, I guess. Unless he's wanking off in his room. But I'm not going to check." I scooted closer and rested my head on Mikey's shoulder. I definitely liked him better than the others. He was much nicer to me and he was such a cutie-butt. And yeah, I said cutie-butt, but only because it describes how adorable he was. I squirmed around in my seat until Mikey sighed and put his arm around me, stilling my movements.

"Geez, stop fidgiting, Erik, sweetie," he said, bopping me lightly on the head. I growled and turned around in my seat to give him a nasty look.

"I can't help it, I can't get comfortable. Your couch hates me. It's racist. You need to send it to one of those....self-help seminars, or something."

Mikey laughed and shook his head. He pulled me into a hug that I found much more comfortable than the lumpy racist couch. "You're weird. How did you get so weird? I like it."

"Me too! Now, Erik's nice to be around. Not that you weren't before, but..." Bob trailed off, shrugging. He hated Erik before. I know that because Erik teased him about being with Gerard. That must be it. And since Erik was such a bitch to Bob, I'm going to be extra nice to him. Plus, he's a cutie-butt as well, and he deserves someone to be nice to him to keep up his cuteness.

"Oh, I know that I was a bitch. It's okay to say it. Tell me off if you have to. But I promise I'll be good from now on." I got up off the couch and went over to Bob. He raised his eyebrows like he was confused until I jumped on him and hugged him. I was off the floor because Bob was holding me up, but that also means that he was hugging me back. Yay, he's not mad! At least...I don't hug people that I'm mad at. But I don't know, he might. It might just be out of politeness, he seems like one of those guys that say they forgive you without really meaning it, just to make the other people happy. It's really sweet, really. Okay, so now I guess that Mikey and Bob are both my favorites. I just want to squeeg them both to death.

"Uhm...well, you're certainly cuddly, aren't you?" He asked awkwardly. I could tell he kind of just wanted to drop my ass on the ground. Don't do it, Bob! Please, my ass will break and I'll end up in that awful hospital again!

"Oooh, be careful, Erik, you don't want Gerard to-" Mikey started, but shut himself up when his brother walked into the room. By the look of shock on his face, he thought he was about to be in shit.

Gerard gave a bitter little smile to everyone in the room. He cocked at eyebrow at Mikey and put his hand on his hips. "Don't want Gerard to...Go on, Mikes. What do you think I'll do?" Gerard asked through the smirk pasted on his lips. To save Mikey from the pain of answering, I did it for him.

"Throw a bitch fit! Or a Gerard fit, or whatever you want to call it. You know, one of those things where you *grr* at everybody won't let them see your drawings...Gerard can I tackle you?" I threw the question in very quickly so he wouldn't really catch it. He tilted his pretty little head to the side and it was impossible for him to look mean. Aw, damn Bob for getting to him first.


"Can I tackle you? I feel really jumpy and Mikey looks like he will break if I tackle him. But I don't want to break him because he's really nice, but you're pretty tall, so I don't think I could hurt you that much if I tackle you, so can I please?"

Gerard blinked. "I knew I shouldn't have given you coke. Dammit, Mikey, get the stomach pump!" he exclaimed with an over-dramatic wave of his hand. I giggled and rolled my eyes the best I could while continuing to laugh. It isn't as easy as you think it is, because I always squint when I laugh and it just fucks up the whole sarcastic feel of the facial expression.

"You're so weird, Gerard. "

"No, you, my acquaintance, are weird. And no, I don't want to be tackled, thank you very much. You might land on my back and paralyze me or something, and then I'll make sure that you stay with me in the hospital the whole fucking time without any sleep, and then Mikey would probably get pissy with me for making you die of exhaustion."

Gerard moved closer to Bob, who put his arm around his boyfriend's waist affectionately. It was so cute to see. Gerard leaned his head on Bob's shoulder and smiled sweetly.

"Awwww...that's so adorable! I just wanna coat you in wax so you two stay that way forever!" I squealed.

Bob frowned and cocked his head to the side. "Please don't. That would probably kill us. And it reminds me of that House of Wax movie, and that scared the shit out of me."

Gerard giggled--holy friggin crap in a purse, that is the most adorable sight I've ever seen in my life--and nodded. His arms circled around Bob's stomach and he cuddled into his chest. "But I love that movie..." he mumbled.

Bob smiled fondly down at Gerard and kissed the top of his head. "Only because I get scared and end up cuddling with you, and you get to seem all tough and manly."

"Ha, I know! It's awesome," he said. Gerard gasped loudly and clapped his hands together. "Dudes, we should totally watch a scary movie!!!" he exclaimed happily. All the others agreed, and found places around the living room to sit. Mikey was on the floor, laying on his back while I used him as a pillow. Frank was sitting in the comfortable-looking recliner, Ray was near Mikey and I, and Gerard curled up into Bob's chest on the couch.
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agh, I'm bad at updating for this story, aren't I? Well, I'll try harder next time...