Status: Sorry for not being regular on updating. College and whatnot. Will always update, eventually. :D

Turn It Off

Chapter One

My alarm rung loud, almost echoing around my room. And my head thumped. I saved the lyrics I had been typing up on wordpad and switched off my computer, the music disappearing. 7am, time to get ready for church. I dragged myself to my feet, dizzy and weak. I'd been up all night sketching and writing songs again. I stumbled over to my bed, getting down to my knees a little too fast, my vision bluring. I can't remember when the last time I slept was. I reach under and pull out my small box, and open it slowly. In it is a full 'water' bottle, a flask, and a few bags off pills. I pick up the ones I'm looking for and wash a couple down with the contents of the 'water' bottle, wincing. I need the energy.

"Hayley, you up?" My dad calls through the door.

"Yeah, getting ready." I reply half-heartedly. I hear him walk away then I put away the box, starting to feel a little lighter on my feet. I skip over to the wardrobe and pick out my "Sunday best", a smart grey dress. I undress, change my underwear, then slide into it. It's bigger on me than it was last week. I walk over to my desk and pull the mirror towards me. I tidy my face and hair, then get up and walk out of the door, stumbling a little.

"We better be off." My dad says in a flat tone. Once we're in the car, I stare out the window.

"Why do we still go?" I ask my dad, he doesn't reply. We get out and make our way in, and take our seats for service.

I don't even listen to what Father Folks says anymore. I try to, but it's not the same. Since my mum walked out the door, I haven't really known what to believe. Who to believe. By the end of the service I can feel the pills wearing off. Why does everything have to end? I suddenly feel angry. I need to write. I feel the urge to run.

Me and my dad continue with our routine, get in the car, drive back home. instead of walking back through the door, I tell my dad I'm going out, then wait for him to back in the house and look around, wondering which direction to run in. I pick left, and run, as fast as I can. I get tired, and look around. I'm in the rougher part of town. I lean against a wall, sweaty and out of breath. I fall down and I sit against the wall, resting my head back on the cold stone, my bright orange hair all messed up. I stare at the sky.

I stay here for about an hour, noticing the sky's gotten darker. The sound of an ambulance speeding past pulls me back to reality. I stagger to my feet and run back in the direction I came from, letting tears run my makeup down my face as the harsh wind whips my hair backwards. I get to my street and slow down, wiping my face dry with the backs of my hands. There's a big truck outside the house next to mine, guess the new family's moving in. I keep my head down and rush past, going into my house and running up to my room. My dad was sat watching tv, probably didn't notice me come in. I lock my bedroom door, and pull off my "Sunday best" in disgust, who was I dressing up for, anyway? I throw it across my room. I let myself fall to the floor, leaning against it the door, I hug my knees and sob into my arms. Then everything goes dark, and I'm asleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry that's kind of a slow start, but you know where Hayley's at now, the next chapter gets a little more interesting I promise. :) After atleast one comment/sub I will put 2 up, I just wanna know people are actually reading!
Hope you enjoyed!