Status: Sorry for not being regular on updating. College and whatnot. Will always update, eventually. :D

Turn It Off

Chapter Eleven

Cassadee's POV

Hayley goes back into her house after spending the day with me, I can't believe what she's been through, no wonder she's been ignoring me. I can't let him get away with it, though. I know she doesn't really intend on going to the police at all.

'you free tomorrow?' I send to Ian, not bothering to start up a conversation first.

'yeah, what time and where?' he gets the same idea. I'll tell him what's happened tomorrow. The only place I know in town is McDonalds

'McDonalds 1pm?' I decide to have a lay-in tomorrow so we can stay up later finding the dirty prick

'cool i'll be there :)' Awesome, sorted. I slip into my pajamas and go to sleep.
My alarm wakes me, I get ready quick then catch a lift with my mum into town. I'm a little late, but by the looks of things so is Ian. I sit outside and wait for a while, and he eventually turns up.

"Hey" He gives me a smirk in greeting,

"You been alright?" I ask him, getting up and giving him a small hug.

"Yeah, and you?" He replies, I nod. We sit down and I right away tell him what's happened to Hayley. "Jeff. This isn't the first girl he's done this too. My dealer used to buy off him, too. But not anymore. I can easily access his address. I'll happily help you out with finding and getting revenge."

"Thanks!" I'm relieved, that's solved most the problems.

"I can gather a couple friends who have beef on him, too. Needless to say he's a horrible man." He chuckles lightly.
♠ ♠ ♠
Short, sorry for being away. Life's been... well... life.
Thanks for sticking with me.
I'm trying not to turn into one of those authors who disappears and leaves their story unfinished.