Status: Sorry for not being regular on updating. College and whatnot. Will always update, eventually. :D

Turn It Off

Chapter Two

I wake up with a thumping headache, curled into fetal position on my bedroom floor. I stare at the grey dress I threw off from where I am, it landed on my bed.. why didn't I go cry there damnit? I push myself to my knees. I have cramp in every inch of my body, how long was I asleep? I carefully get to my feet and walk over to my desk, sitting at it and switching my computer on. I look at the date and time in the corner. It's Tuesday? Wow. Must have slept through Monday. It's only 1am, though.

I get to my feet and pick up a tartan almost-mini skirt off my floor. I slip it on then some bad-condition fish nets. I go to my wardrobe and put on a plain black vest. I grab my water bottle from under my bed and sneak downstairs quietly. I slip on my black Dr. Martins from by the back door and trod out into the garden. I sit up the top, leaning against a fence, and stare up at the stars. I reach into the small pocket of my skirt, and take out a small bag with about 6 small pills. I empty one pill onto my pale hand, looking at it under the light of the moon, then unscrew my bottle and wash it down. I shut my eyes for a few seconds, then open them again and take another swig from the bottle.

"I'm guessing that's not water." Comes a small voice from the shadows. I jump out of my skin and tense up, looking around for where the sound came from. Am I hallucinating?

"Huh-hello?" I stutter, rubbing my eyes.

"Sorry, I'm over here.." I notice a hand waving, and attatched to said hand is a little human. "I'm Cassadee. Mind if I come over?" She says gently. I nod. She climbs over the wall and my eyes adjust to the moonlight. She's a little shorter than me, about the same age, her short dark brown hair frames her face nicely and there appears to be blonde in the bangs and neat side-fringe. She has a big white-toothed smile on her face. She has a cute little waist coat on.

"Hey Cassadee, I'm Hayley." I say as she gets to my side and sits down. I reach out the hand that's not occupied with the bottle and shake her hand.

"I moved in next door." She says, looking up at the sky.

"Figured." I take another swig. "Want some?" I ask, turning to look at her soft moonlit skin.

"I've never drank before." She says honestly,

"Wanna start?" I shrug,

"I'll try some." She gives a small smile and I hand her the bottle. She takes a swig and her face winces up. I smile, slightly amused at her expresion.

"Enjoy?" I chuckle.

"That is NOT water!" She says, then makes a cute face sticking out her tongue in disgust. I laugh, taking back the bottle and taking a calm swig. "Alright, alright, no need to show off is there?" She rolls her eyes and I poke my tongue out, imitating her teasingly. She nudges me. "Nasty." She pouts.

"Man up!" I exclaim. "How about a little something to take the edge off?" I raise my eyebrows, waving the little bag at her.

"And what is that?" She tilts her head, an innocent look on her face.

"Party treats." I shrug, a playful smirk on my face.

"Why the hell not. You'll get me pole dancing and sleeping around next." She giggles, I don't know if it's just the alcohol and drugs, but that giggle makes my heart warm.

"I'm not even that bad." I smile, emptying one pill onto her palm, I hand her the bottle again and she washes it down.

"This isn't exactly the brownies we got given by our neighbours the last time we moved in somewhere." She laughs, handing back the bottle, I laughed too. I take another pill and then a second swig for luck, the bottle's running empty fast.

"What were you doing in the garden this time of night, anyways?" I ask, feeling it all get to my head.

"I was star gazing in my window, and I saw you stumble up here, thought you'd like a little company. You seemed really upset when you rushed past on Sunday." She frowns, looking deep into my eyes.

"Yeah, rough week." I shrug, looking away and tensing up, to show I don't wanna talk about it. Because I don't.

"I'm sorry to hear that.." There's an awkward silence, I offer her another swig and she takes it, not wincing as much this time. "Who were you dressed up for?" Her tone lighter.

"God, apparently." I shrug, I don't know. I take a big swig.

"Ahh, religious?"

"Not really."

"Then why do you go to church?" She raises an eyebrow, confused.

"No idea." I admit. "Shit's too serious." I say giving her a pout.

"Yeah." She smiles at me. "Woah I'm dizzy." She giggles.

"Intoxication!" I say, doing an over-exhaggerated fist pump.

We chat away for a few hours, finishing up the bottle but not having any more pills. Somewhere in our chatting I've moved my hand over to rest it on hers. The contact feels all funny and tickly, and warm. She's turned her hand over to link her fingers in mine. I can't stop smiling.

"How old are you?" She asks me, grinning at me.

"Umm.." My mind's all slow, I chuckle and she chuckles too.. "18." I finally remember.

"Awesome!" She smiles, "I'm only 17." She pouts.

"Awwww bubbah!" I mock her, squeezing her check aunty-style. She pushes away my hands giving me a fake-angry look. We look into each others eyes for a few seconds, smiling.

"It's getting light out." I say, tumbling to my feet and letting go of her hand. "It was nice meeting you, Cassadee." I smile, she gets to her feet, falling a little.

"You too Hayley." She gives a small smile, then walks off and gets over the wall. I watch her walk down the garden, then put the pills in my pocket and walk off to my own house. What the hell even was that?
♠ ♠ ♠
Wow, thanks for the two subs and the comment! XD And a note to Annalia, thanks for the comment! I'm using a word processor that spaces my paragraphs for me, but obviously doesn't do it when I copy and paste, sorry for not noticing! Hope you like how this is going. :)
Enjoy! please comment and let me know if you want more, readers. Need to know whether to make time to write!