Status: Sorry for not being regular on updating. College and whatnot. Will always update, eventually. :D

Turn It Off

Chapter Four

We're heading back on the train, now.

"Ready to party?" I ask, raising an eyebrow suggestively at her.

"Hell yeah!" She looks from the window to my face, wearing huge grin.

"Gunna be a long night!" I smirk. It's our stop and we get up and get off the train.

"How are you gunna buy any, drink, or drugs." She asks, walking close and saying the two 'd' words under her breath.

"Drugs are easy to get a hold of without any money, drink however, well, watch and learn." I wink at her, walking ahead from her to join the small queue that's formed for one of the ticket machines. I stand pretty close to the guy infront, he's stood with about 3 other guys, all about 18/19, in dirty tracksuites, wearing smug annoying looks on their faces. Cassadee stands just beside me. I slowly move my hand towards his back pocket, take a gentle hold of the wallet, then take out gently.

"Walk until I say the word." I whisper to Cassadee, leaning close into her ear. She nods nervously. I slip the wallet into my pocket, then motion the door, we both walk off, then as soon as we're out of the doors, "Fucking run!" I say to her, and we run as fast as our legs, and skinnies, will let us. Huge smiles, adreniline pumping. Once we get far enough from the station we slow to a walk.

"That was insane." Cassadee chuckles.

"All in a days work." I shrug smugly, taking the wallet out. "What do we have here?" I say to myself, looking in. "Wow." I take out 10 £20 notes, "We've hit the fucking jackpot. 200." I say to her, her face lights up. I look in the change compartement, there are a few pound coins, nothing smaller, I shove the whole lot of money into my jeans pocket, throwing the wallet onto the road.

"Let's party?" She asks, an excited look on her face.


We get to the dirty street where the party is at, and I lead Cassadee into an underground club, music shaking the floor a little. We're in the kinda area rape and murder is the norm, so I must remember to keep a close eye on her. As soon as we get into the underground club, we call "Stitches" my good friend Lyn-Z pushes her way over to us. The room's full of smoke and the stench of alcohol AND the morning after. Lyn-Z's dressed in her usual, tiny skirt, high black shoes, her lovely legs in holey tights, a tight shirt, only half the buttons done up with a loose tie over her perfect upper figure, red lipstick, dark eyeliner and her messy black hair, well, messy. I give her a big smile.

"Hayles." She gives a seductive nod. "And?" She smirks in Cassadee's direction,

"Cassadee" She says shyly, putting a hand out for Lyn-Z to shake.

"Alright Cass" She ignores the hand and kisses Cassadee lightly on the cheek. Cassadee goes red and puts her hand down. She sexily uses one finger to call us to follow her through the crowd. I struggle to push my way through and grab a hold of Cassadee's hand so not to lose her. We get into the back room, where Lyn-Z sleeps, a dusty old room with a messy bed and a small desk, upon which are many various bottles of alcohol. And inside the drawers are many various party drugs.

"Haven't been in here for a while." I bite my lip, pulling Cassadee over to Lyn-Z's bed and sitting her down on it. "Wait here a minute sugar." I say to her, kissing her forehead then giving Lyn-Z a joking glare. "Be good!" I leave Lyn-Z's room and get to the bar, I buy 12 shots using some of the chav's money. the strongest, then bring them back in.

"Welcome back." Lyn-Z says from where she's sat beside Cassadee on the bed.

"Excuse me!" I say, balancing all the shots on my lap and squeezing between the girls. "4 each. Just to take the edge off." We take our shots, the atmosphere's lighter already, Lyn-Z drops the tray to the floor for me.

"What can I be doing you for?" Lyn-Z winks at me.

"The usual. Times by two." I reply, a cheeky smirk growing on my face.

"Bring it." She chews her lip.

"Cassadee, go mingle if you like." I turn to her, a scared look on her face. "Or you can stay?"

"I'll go mingle." She smiles shyly.

"Go explore the building if you want. The people here are all friendly." Lyn-Z reassures her. Cassadee gives a smile and gets up. I reach into my pocket and hand her a 20.

"That'll get you anything and everything in here." I wink, she walks out and shuts the door behind her.

"Where were we?" I lean in and kiss Lyn-Z rough, unbuttoning her shirt and pulling at her tie, I throw both to the floor, rubbing at her perk breasts, working my hands to her skirt and unzipping it, pulling it off with her tights. I push her back onto her bed. I move my mouth to her neck and suck at her skin, nibbling gently.

Once we're all done, I catch my breath, kiss her lips once more gently, then climb off her and sit on the side of her bed. I grab her undies and bra from the floor and hand them to her, followed by the rest of her clothing. "So, was that worth the treats?" I smile at her.

"Hmm..." She looks into my eyes thoughtfully, buttoning up her shirt. "Yeah. Go help yourself." She nods towards the drawers. I go over and take what I'm owed, packing them into all and any pockets, "Grab a couple spliffs too, you deserve it." She adds. I smile smugly, taking out 2, putting them safely into my bra, then I leave and search the crowd for Cassadee, I see her sat at the bar, sipping a beer.

"S'up gorgeous?" I ask her, sitting beside her.

"Nothing. Someone's happy!" She tilts her head. Damn she's cute.

"Got us treats." I pull the two spliffs out of my bra, putting one into her mouth and the other into my own, the barman comes over and lights them for us. I give him a nod of thanks. We smoke up, Cassadee occassionally choking, sending us into giggle fits.

"I'm all gawwwwn." She frowns, putting the filter into the ashtray, I am too, so I do the same.

"Dance." I say, giving her the serious eyes. I grab a pill out of my pocket, the first one I find, and put it on my tongue. I pull her onto the dance floor with me, my arms tightly around her waist and I hold her body as close as possibly, she giggles and loosely puts her arms around my neck, I'm only the tiniest bit taller than her. I sway us to the beat of whatever track's playing and stare deeply into her eyes, moving my mouth carefully closer to hers, watching her reaction. She moves closer too and before I know it my eyes are shut and our lips are pressed against eachother I slip my tongue into her warm mouth, the pill still ontop, working our mouths against each other. Her tongue takes the pill off mine skillfully and the little drug filled object dances from mouth to mouth, and back again.

After a long time of grinding, making out, feeling each other, and a couple more pills, we decide to head home.

"How do we get back?" Cassadee asks, giggling.

"We run." I yell, grabbing her hand and running into the night, she keeps up well. The pills have given us a shit load of energy and we manage to get the whole way back walking and running. "Shh" I giggle at her, unlocking my front door. We sneak into my room and I lock my door, I strip into my underwear, relieved to be out of my tight jeans. Cassadee stands shyly and I take off her jacket for her, pulling her shirt over her head, revealing a pretty black bra with a little red bow which is holding her cute breasts up, silky tan skin I run a finger down her stomach and undo her jeans, then I climb into my bed. She pulls off her jeans and drops them to the floor. She's wearing tight girly-boxers. It's okay that I think she's attractive. As long as I don't fall in love. Which I won't. I don't do that shit.

"Where do I sleep?" She asks. I roll my eyes and tap beside me in bed. She climbs in and snuggles close, then falls asleep almost instantly, her bare skin warm against my own. I kiss her forehead and fall asleep with her in my arms.
♠ ♠ ♠
So... Yep... Sorry for skiping some of the Hayley/Lyn-Z up there. There will be sex later on, maybe, if that's okay by you guys?
Hope you enjoyed this. Please lemme know! I'm going to be busy tomorrow through Saturday, maybe Sunday too. Don't forget to comment for a new chapter, though!
Thanks for being so lovely thus far, this is the first fic I've posted in AGES and my first "official" femmeslash.
C, xoxo