Status: Sorry for not being regular on updating. College and whatnot. Will always update, eventually. :D

Turn It Off

Chapter Five

I wake up with a thumping headache, most of whatever happened last night is a beautiful blur. I smile to myself and turn over in my bed. I almost jump out of my skin, Cassadee's laying in my bed, in her underwear, fast asleep with a small smile on her lips. I try and remember how she got here, and how she got in her underwear, then I piece it together. Why does she have to be so cute in her sleep? She mumbles something. I quietly get to my feet and step over her, landing on my bedroom floor gently, then sneak over to my wardrobe, I pull on some pajamas and then leave my room almost silently.

"Morning Hayley." My dad says from his seat in front of the television. "You're up early, I haven't even left for work yet." He says, looking up at the big clock in the living room. It's 6am, I must have only gotten home at about 3am, no wonder my headache's so damn intense!

"Didn't sleep very well." I lie, shuffling into the kitchen. I make a big glass of water and grab a load of painkillers. I take two, then bring two up to my room. Cassadee's just stirring awake. She groans. "Morning sunshine." I say quietly, bringing her the water and pills as she sits up.

"Thanks." She takes them, "Why am I like, naked?" She covers herself up with the covers.

"We didn't bother with pajamas last night." I chuckle, taking the left over water and putting it on my desk. "Have fun though?"

"Hell to the yeah." She grins, I grin back.

"Good, that's what I like to hear!" I salute, then go find all the drugs from various pockets, and hide them in the box under my bed.

"What did you do to Lyn-Z to get the drugs?" Cassadee asks gently. I freeze and look at the floor chewing my lip.

"Just things." I shrug, then sit back down on the computer chair.

"Like?" She's too curious for her own good.

"Well first we make out, then I strip her, then.."

"Oh, I get the idea." She interrupts.

"Wanna get dressed? I won't look." I give a smirk, she nods and I shut my eyes and cover them with both hands. She giggles and gets up, I hear her get dressed really fast.

"Done." I open my eyes and turn to look at her, she has a different outfit on, she must have grabbed it from her house yesterday. She has a blue dress, with tiny white poka-dots, a white waistcoat, leathery looking leggings, and white sneakers, the outfit has dangerously high levels of cute.

"You like your waistcoats." I point out. She blushes, "I like them too. They're sweet! Amazing outfit." I give her a wink. I get up and get dressed myself, I decide to get a dress on too, I wear my black Hell Bunny "Psycho Cameo" dress with some light black holey tights and my black doc martins.

"That dress is amazing." She smiles at me.

"Thanks, I wore it to my prom." I give a cheesy smile. "So, what do you wanna do today?" I ask, leaning against a wall and tilting my head at her.

"What about a wonder around the town? Also, this afternoon my mum's arranged for me to go to this youth club thing to 'make more friends' so I gotta go to that, wanna come?" She says everything practically in the same sentence.

"Sure and sure." I rub my hands together "Let's get going."

"Hayley?" She says nervously,

"Yeah Cass?"

"Are you gay, or?" I look right into her eyes, she's so red bless her.

"Drugs are drugs, sex is sex. I've never really been that interested in guys but I don't do that 'love' rubbish, anyway." I explain it bluntly, "Why?"

"Just wondering." She shrugs. We head out into town.
♠ ♠ ♠
Short, not much happens, but it's just here to feed you readers for now. I haven't had much time to right, unfortunately, and I didn't wanna keep you waiting for a long time, so here's a little "filler" i guess.
Hope you're enjoying! Don't forget to comment to lemme know you're still here!
C, xo