Status: Sorry for not being regular on updating. College and whatnot. Will always update, eventually. :D

Turn It Off

Chapter Six

"Town is boring." I say as we get to the town centre, basically a big McDonalds. I sit on a bench outside and Cassadee takes a seat beside me.

"Yeah." She pouts, slouching back.

"Swansea town is so crappy compared to Cardiff, I have to admit." I smile at her. "I'll take you there sometime..." She nods in agreement, "On a train," I add and her face lights up. "But for now, let's try score?"

"What about that group, I gotta go Hayles, my mum's checking" She looks worried.

"Don't worry, sugar, we'll keep ourselves under control." I give a small wink.

"Fine." She gives in, sitting forwards.

"Wait here." I tap her knee then get up and walk over to a small group of people, in their 30s, all dressed in black, studded belts, baggy black combat trousers, the whole goth look.

"Hayley! What's up girl?" The tallest of them all greets me.

"I wanna buy some shit." I give a sweet smile, "And I wanna pay off my debts." I add.

"It's about time!" He jokes. I take out 40 from my pocket and hand it to him,

"There's the debts," Then I take out a further handfull of notes, "And I want however much I can get for all this." He raises his eyebrows.

"Weed, or party pills?"

"No weed, we need to smell fresh later." I say, he hands me a small bag filled with different coloured tablets, and a little bag inside the bag with some white powder. "Thanks man, see you about." I give a nod, slipping them into my pocket and walking back to Cassadee.

"Get some?" She asks, I nod and smile suggestively. I motion for her to follow me into McDonalds, and lead her into the toilets upstairs. I pull her into a cubicle and put the toilet seat down, I climb onto the box above it and sit there, and she takes a seat between my legs on the toilet, facing me.

"Wanna try something new?" I say then chew my bottom lip. She nods hesitantly. I take out the little bag of powder from the bag of pills and open it. "Got a credit card or anything?" I ask, she shakes her head. "Let's improvise." I scoop a little bit up on my finger and then bring it to my nose, snorting it all up. I feel an instand head rush. I offer her the bag,

"I'm not sure." She screws her face up a little.

"This much won't fuck us up." I reassure her. "Will barely intoxicate us." I lie, this is strong shit.

"Okay." She gives a smirk, then dips her finger into the powder, doing the same I did. Her eyes instantly blink hard and widen. "Wow." She says, then giggles, her pupils are already diluted.

We take it in turns until it's all gone, then we get to our feet, giggly as ever. I lick out the bag and Cassadee watches me with interest, then I put it into the sanitary towel bin beside the loo. We leave and head out. I grab a drink as we leave and as soon as we get out of the doors I take the pills out of my pocket, stumbling a little and falling against a wall, Cassadee tries to help me stay up but she's all giggly so we end up both leaning against the wall.

"More?" I ask her, taking out a couple pills. She shrugs, I hand her two and then take two myself, once she's taken hers I drop the drink to the floor and we begin to stumble off.

"What time's that groupy youthy cluby thingy?" I ask linking arms with her to support myself as yet more drugs slip into my blood stream.

"Um.." She takes out her phone and reads it carefully, scrunching her face right up in concerntration. "Shit. It's started! RUN!" She says. I fall over as soon as she lets go of me and hit my face on the floor. I grazed my elbows, knees and also got a scratch on my face. I couldn't care less. I stumble to my feet and run,

"CASSADEE!" I call her to stop. She waits for me

"We're late Hayley, we're really late. I can't believe we're late. FUCK!" She shouts loudly, fidgetting on her feet.

"You're freaking out." I chuckle, putting a hand on her shoulder. "Where is it?" I ask.

"YMCA place thingy?" She's talking so fast.

"Then you're running the wrong way!" I say, "C'mon." I spot a boy about our age watching his bike and what must be a friend's outside McDonalds. He's got his back to them. I walk over to them, but before I can even steal the closest one Cassadee's jumped on it and is riding off. Man she's good at this already! I jump on the other one and speed off, ignoring the angry guy's yells at us.

I overtake Cassadee, leading her in the right direction, my steering wobbly and my speed stupidly fast, people diving out of the way right, left AND centre, my bad dodging skills prominant. We get to the YMCA and I drop my bike outside, Cassadee does the same. We fall into the building.

"What room?" I whisper to her, giggling.

"Um... A4." We rush up the stairs, falling over a reasonable amount, and we both end up crawl-running up them. We get to A4 and I brush myself down before we walk inside.

"Sorry we're late." I say as I walk in, instantly tripping over my own foot and landing face forwards on the floor. Me and Cassadee are set off into giggle fits.

"Nervous laughter.." Cassadee covers up. One of the boys in the room, the same age as us, if not older gets to his feet and walks over, helping me up. He studies my face.

"You did that falling then?" He asks in a strong Welsh accent, making a surprised face. He has dark, messy hair down to his neck, with a fringe that sweeps over his light greeny-hazel eyes that have a thin eyeliner look to them, his lips curved into a cheeky smirk.

"Do what?" I'm back on my feet but he's still holding me up.

"The bruise on your face?" He chuckles a little

"I fell over earlier." I say.

"You have white on your nose." He points out, raising one of his eyebrows in a knowing gesture.

"WE WERE BAKING COOKIES." Cassadee says loudly and over-defensively. I clean up my nose.

"Is that right?" The boy asks sarcastically. "I love baking cookies too, in that case." he turns to Cassadee and puts a hand out to her, she shakes it. "I'm Ian."

"Cassadee." She gives a huge grin.

"I'm Hayley." I say as he turns to shake my hand.

"Pleasure to meet you both." He says cockily.

"You three, here, now." An elderly looking lady calls us over. We shuffle over and she leads us into the room next door and leaves us there, we sit at the seats facing a desk.

"Shit." Ian sighs. "Not again."

"What?" I ask, suddenly very alert.

"We've gotten caught." He looks me dead in the eye.

"We didn't do anything." I try and lie.

"Well you seem it. And I'm not sober today." He slouches and puts his feet up on the desk.

"What now?" Cassadee asks and I lean back into my chair.

"We get guidance counciling." He replies. "We have to come and see Jared fuckface Leto." He frowns. Just as I'm about to ask who that is, a guy not much taller than Ian walks in, he has messy light brown hair that's sticky-uppy, he's slim and he has BRIGHT, BRIGHT blue eyes. He seems friendly enough.

"Good afternoon." He gives all a friendly smile.

"Yeah yeah." Ian rolls his eyes.

"Welcome back Mr.Watkins, and you two are new?" He asks us, you can't help but smile back at his pretty face.



"Well, let's work out something that will work out for you three." He says, shuffling some papers. Oh dear, what if he turns us into the police. What if he rings our parents? Shit. Shit. Shit.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hope that was good! Welcoming Ian Watkins and Jared Leto to the story. :)
If you wanna request a character to add in at a later date, let me know please! Band members, only, though, please..
Also, I'm thinking I might set an "upload" day, on which I will upload a new chapter each week, how does that sound? Otherwise, at this pace, I'll get writers block pretty often! Any day suggestions or upload patterns? It'd mean a lot if you readers could get involved with this!!
Thanks for reading, please comment.. ALL opinions welcome!