Status: Sorry for not being regular on updating. College and whatnot. Will always update, eventually. :D

Turn It Off

Chapter Seven

Jared turned out to be really friendly, all he wants to make sure is that we don't get too addicted to the shit we take and 'ruin our lives'. I made up some bullshit about how I only did it before the group because I was nervous and it helped me chill out and he seemed to believe it. Cassadee went for the same story, and Ian just told him to go fuck himself. I don't know why Ian hates Jared so much.

"Do you think you'll be requiring any more assistance?" Jared leans forwards on his desk, a little smile on his face.

"Nope." Ian says, not even looking at him.

"Girls?" He looks right into my eyes and I feel all warm, his eyes are just..

"Nah, but thanks Jared." I say, realising everyone was looking at me. He turns to look at Cassadee.

"No thank you." She gives a slightly false looking smile and then Ian gets up and walks out, me and Cassadee get up to leave also.

"You know where I am if you need me, girls, and if you need to contact me outside group hours find me on facebook, Jared Leto. Enjoy the last section of group." He salutes us, then we leave.

"How much of a prick was he, eh?" Ian says to us, rolling his eyes. "How cheeky of him to ask you two where you're from, too."

"He was nice." Cassadee shrugs.

"And that's not rude." I add.

"Bit of a flirt, though." Cassadee says in a cold tone.

"Awww is Cass jealous?" I wink at her, scruffing her hair up a little, she backs off.

"Why would I be jealous?" She glares at me.

"Are you two a couple?" Ian barges into the conversation.

"No way!" I laugh, "Cassadee's lovely but I don't do any of that love shit." I explain.

"But you do girls?" Ian winks at me suggestively.

"Ocassionally." I say casually.

"How about guys?"

"Sometimes." I shrug, "Anyway, what do y'all get up to in this group thing." I change the subject, I can tell Cassadee's getting uncomfortable.

"Well sometimes we have trips, mostly we hang out in here. I usually just jam with whoever can play an instrument, listen to music, write lyrics, nothing special. My mum sends me here as a chance to 'make better friends'. She believes some bullshit about how my 'druggy' friends might get me into drugs. Obviously I've never touched the stuff, though." He winks. "Do you girls play any instruments?"

"I play some guitar." I shrug,

"Same." Cassadee agrees.

"I mostly enjoy writing lyrics, and songs, and singing, though." I smile.

"Same." Cassadee says again, chuckling.

"Well we have about 2 minutes left of group, so let's jam next time." He smiles. "Actually," he hands us his phone, "Save yourselves." Me and Cassadee add our numbers and then he sends us texts, we save his. "What are you two up to tonight?"

"Just getting an early night, actually." I decide.

"Same probably." Cassadee agrees. We all say our goodbyes, Cassadee's parents give us a lift home from the group and Cassadee makes up some lies about how fun group was and how we made a new friend because he sang with us. We get to our houses and I give Cassadee a wave then rush to my room, locking the door. I get the feeling Cassadee might be falling for me, this is not good. I get a text, it's from Cassadee,

'What's wrong Hayles, you seemed in a rush to get in? x'

'tired' I sigh as I hit send, stripping myself down to my undies then climbing into bed.

'sure? want me to meet you in the back garden for a chat? x'

'nah but thanks, going to sleep night x' I reply

'night xx' I stretch to grab my charger and plug my phone in, trying to fall asleep. Everything goes black..

"Hey Hayles." Cassadee's sat on my computer chair in a tight shirt, and a tight short skirt...

"Hiya." I give her a sweet smile.

"Hope you don't mind I let myself in, your dad's not here."

"It's fine, I missed you." I sit up on my bed.

"I missed you too babe." She gives me a suggestive look.

"Why are you looking at my like that?" I chuckle nervously. She motions me over with a finger, and without thinking I obey the command, she leans in to my face and I don't know what to do, then our lips are touching. Our tongues start to slip in and out of eachother's mouths, like the kiss at Stitches, but way more passionate. And even though there's no drugs this time, I still feel intoxicated.. I slowly lift her shirt, pulling it off over her head, then stroke up and down her smooth back, digging my nails in gently. A moan escapes her mouth and I unzip her little skirt, letting it fall to the floor.

She undoes my bra and moves from the kiss to drop it to the floor, smirking at me as she carresses my breasts. I undo her bra too, then she pushes me to my bed, climbing on me with both her legs between mine. She presses her lips to my neck and sucks, nibbling my skin. A moan escapes my mouth and my breathing gets heavy as she slowly moves her hand down and slips it into my girly boxers. She works her hand against me perfectly, then slips her long fingers inside..

"HAYLEY!" My dad calls from my bedroom door, I jump out of my skin, my eyes shooting open and the light stinging them, that was a dream? I notice my hand's in my underwear and quickly remove it.

"Yeah?" I call back, washing my sticky hand with face wipes then trying to find pajamas/

"You have a visitor." He calls,

"This early?" I ask, getting dressed.

"It's the afternoon hun." He says, "I'm off to work."

"Bye!" I shout. Cassadee knocks lightly at my door. I open it for her. "Hey,"

"Sorry if I woke you." She gives a small smile,

"It's fine, come in." I let her walk past me and she takes a seat on my computer chair. I remember my dream instantly and blush red, going to sit on my bed. Oh deary me.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry for the wait, busy life, lost inspiration. Will try and keep it going this time. Thanks if you've stuck around.
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C, xo