Status: Sorry for not being regular on updating. College and whatnot. Will always update, eventually. :D

Turn It Off

Chapter Eight

That may have been the awkwardest day of my entire life. I just couldn't get the dream out of my head. And everything Cassadee said sounded like an inuendo to me. I told her I'm going to a party tonight, I didn't invite her. I need to prove I'm not falling for her, because I know I'm not. It was just a dirty dream. I can't be bothered to walk the long walk to Stitches club so I ring up Dean, one of my dealers.

"Sup Hayles?" His husky voice answers.

"Wondering if I could catch a lift with one of your lot?" I jump right in, I'm a loyal customer so there's absolutely no need for fucking about.

"Sure, Carl's headed from down town so I'll get him to pick you up before me, that sound cool?"

"Yeah man, thanks."

"Also, I might have a special deal for you, dress up. See ya." He says, then hangs up. He occasionally does 'deals' where he gets his customers to do some work for him, picking up or dropping off. In return you get a chunk of money or drugs, it keeps him on the down low when he's got some cop buzz.
I follow his instruction and change into fishnets, a short-ish black plaid skirt, and a purple cut up band shirt. I wait in my garden and as planned Carl picks me up, his long ginger beard and all. There's no conversation until Dean gets in, he sits in the back with me.

"Alright?" I ask, he nods.

"This work I have basically just involves you picking up from my supplier, an easy in-out job. We can do it on the way to Stitches, now. You in?"


"You get 50's worth."

"Of?" Raise my eyebrows questioningly.


"I'm in." no more need be said. We get to a run down building, the kind you see in films, they drive to the door and I get out.

"Going around the block." Dean shouts, waving me off. I walk in, slightly weary.

"You must be from Dean?" A man asks, about 40, all grey and probably high.

"Yeah." I notice how grimey he is.

"You do know he has a load of debt, right?" He takes a puff of his spliff. There's about 4 other men around him, all of similar description.

"I'll tell him to sort it, I'm just here to take his supplies and leave." I say, starting to get worried, I haven't heard the car come back around yet.

"No darlin', that's not how it goes." He shakes his head, dropping his finished spliff to the ground and standing on it.

"Oh yeah?" I ask, backing up a little.

"It's a shit load of debt, sweet, and that's not good enough." He nods towards the door and one of his men goes and shuts it, I instantly turn and run, but he grabs me around the waist. "Ah, you're getting the idea now?" He laughs, a sour, evil laugh. I'm dragged, kicking and punching, back to infront of him.

"What the fuck do you want from me? I have nothing to do with the debt." I shout.

"Quiet." He says, he nods at the man who's holding me and the man brings a knife to my throat, I feel the cold metal on my skin and instantly fall limp, stay still. All I wanted was a fucking lift to town.
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Hope this is good enough! Thanks for sticking around!!
Christie, xo