Status: Sorry for not being regular on updating. College and whatnot. Will always update, eventually. :D

Turn It Off

Chapter Nine

"I have two options. A, we slit your throat, you go missing, no more said. Or B, sex." He says, stroking his greasy chin.

"With who?" I ask, trying not to move much as the cold metal is still at my throat.

"Me." He says it like it's obvious, "So what'll it be?" I almost choose A, then I think of my dad, alone in the house, both his girls left him, he'd think I ran away. I think of Cassadee, what would she even do if I went missing? "Hmm?"

"B." I avert my eyes to the floor in shame. The metal's brought away from my neck but he's still holding it, he pushes me forwards. I'm led into a room with a dirty bed, then they shut the door behind me and I'm in here with the scum bag.

"Make yourself at home." He says, I just stand and look at him, he offers me a spliff, I take it and blow away the whole thing fast, it goes straight to my head and everything's all dizzy. I don't even know what was in that, I don't even care. He walks over to me and pulls my shirt over my head, then pulls off my skirt and tights. He runs his scummy hands over my body and it makes me feel physically sick.

"I'm considering A." I say, without thinking. He punches me in the face, hard, I fall to the cold concrete floor and graze my legs and arms. He kicks me in the side and I hit my head on the floor.

"Don't be rude." He hisses, then drags me back to my feet, I feel tears fill my eyes up as he undresses himself. I'm stripped naked and thrown onto the sticky, smelly bed, and he gets on with it. I cry the whole time. Once he's done he gets off, I roll onto my side and throw up off the side of the bed. "Leave when you want." I get up and find my clothes, dressing my sore body carefully, then walk out hurridly.

"Have fun?" One of the guys waiting outside jesters. I stare at the floor and run out, tears falling down my face. I run all the way to Stitches, it's dark out and I thought I got lost but I get there in the end. I sit at the bar and stare at my hands. Not even any money for booze.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry for the... saddness? I don't know. Hope you're enjoying the story, anyway.
Thanks for sticking with me.