Status: In The Progress, A LONG Progress

Falling In Love Until I Hit The Ground

Lights And Mirrors

We drive through town. All the lights were bright and beautiful like some movie. It was so magical at night. We had to go through town to get to the fair about 30 minutes away. After the beautiful lights came the wide open streets. The sun was going down and Graig had promised me he would take me to the fair sometime this month so i guess he decided now would be a good time. I was excited though, don't get me wrong, but i mean now its a little awkward. I pushed those thoughts out of my head and just focused on the rides. I could already list all the rides in my head and pick out which ones were gonna be first. We were listening to Emily's Army in the car. I sang along quietly and so did Graig. I laughed when his voice cracked. He turned red, but then laughed too. It was great that he was one of those people that could laugh at themselves every once in a while. About 20 minutes we pulled up to a parking lot about a block from the fair. We parked and began to walk. I pulled out my phone and texted Ari. Ari is my best friend. She has always been there for me. I mean i have only known her for 2 or 3 years now, but she was an awesome friend! We fight like a married couple but we get along like we are sisters! It pretty funny when we get into an argument about who is hotter BJA or Christopher Drew (Totally Christopher Drew by the way). When we were nearing the entrance I told her i would see her tomorrow and stuffed my phone back in my pocket. As we went inside I dragged Graig along through the fair getting on rides that he hated, but he got on them just for me. After the spinning ride he got sick and had to run to the nearest trash can. I laughed so hard my cola came out my nose. He looked so funny leaning over the trashcan. He was so pale and his jeans hand dirt all over the bottoms of them. His t-shirt was dirty as well, probably from leaning against the wall next to one of the food stands. After he was done puking he sat down next to the trash can and took a few deep breathes.

"You gonna live?" i asked sarcastically. I sipped some of my cola and handed it to Graig. He chugged down some of it and handed it back,

"Yeah, I think so," he replied. His face was as pale as the moon. His honey brown hair was messed up and it looked like he just rolled out of bed. His converse were covered in dirt from running through the fair grounds trying to catch up with me. He tried to brush some dirt of his pants and took another drink of my cola,

"No more swirly rides," He said seriously. I smirked,

"Ok, fine" I replied, "What do you wanna do then?" I asked.

"Anything but swirly rides," he said. I smiled and helped him up and we headed to the Farris wheel. Once we got on we could see the whole town. I pointed out the big bank on 4Th street and the park a block from my house. We both laughed when Graig pointed out these two ducks chasing each other in someones yard. The Farris wheel stopped and we were at the top. It was so pretty up here, like a picture from a book. I smiled and looked over at the setting sun. The fair is open almost 24/7 it opens at 2pm and closes at 7am. It's weird but i like it. Most people leave by around 2am so the people who work here usually just walk around and clean up while they are waiting to close. Graig looked over at me and smiled,

"I hope you had a good day, I mean my intentions were to make you happy. I hope i didn't fail at that," he said. He laughed a little and looked at the tree tops.

"Yeah, i had a really nice day," i said. For a moment I was unsure of my answer but when it finally came out i was sure that i did have a good day, in fact a great day. Graig turned to me and smiled. He put put his hand under my chin and leaned in to kiss me. At first i wanted to pull away, but then I saw his deep brown eyes and couldn't help but just lean in as well. When Graig and me kissed I felt my heart skip a beat. I couldn't believe how great this felt. I mean i didn't know exactly what emotion i was feeling, but it was wonderful. As we broke apart from our kiss I couldn't say a word. Graig smiled at me and the Farris wheel began turning again. Once we got off I sat down on one of the benches they had scattered among the fair and relaxed. It was going on 10:00pm and i wasn't tired at all. Graig sat next to me and smiled. He attempted to try and hold my hand but i moved it and looked away. I felt so strange. I mean the kiss was great but out friendship would be down the drain if we became a couple. And i promised myself that I would never be a "Perfect Couple" thing. Like all those people who say that certain people should be together just because they look good together. I mean that is so stupid! Why would you pretend to love someone just because you, "look good together"! He looked at me confused,

"Sam, did i do something wrong?" Graig asked. He had a worried look on his face. If i told him no it would only draw him closer because he would want to find out what was really the problem. If i told him yes then he would come even closer and try to figure out what happened right here right now. So I decided to just come up with some answer,

"We cant be a couple Graig," I said sadly. I could see the light leave his eyes and a frown take over his face. I felt all his warmth disappear into a cold darkness,

"But, what about-" I cut him off,

"No Graig, we just can't. It would ruin everything. I don't like you and," i stopped and took a deep breathe,

"And I never will," I finished. His face went blank and I felt like a thousand mirrors just broke and each little sharp piece went into my heart. He stood up furiously,

"Fine. I'll just go home. If that's how its gonna be," he said. He had his fists clenched to his sides and tears gathered in his eyes. I stood up and grabbed his arm,

"Graig! I-I didn't mean for it to come out that way! I didn't mean it!" i said. He didn't turn to face me,

"Well it sure seemed like you meant it," He said quietly. He pulled his arm away and walked toward the park entrance. I tried to catch up to him but there were too many people and i got stuck beside the carousel. I stood there as tears streamed down my face. I slowly made my way onto the carousel and got on a white horse. It had red ribbons painted on it. Rose red and beautiful, but each were painted as if they were ripped. It was now dark out and the crowds were starting to leave. The carousel had many mirrors and lights. It glowed beautifully in the darkness. I looked at my self in the mirrors. My face red from crying. My long brown hair tangled and matted. I looked into my own green eyes. All i could see was evil. What had i done. That night I never went home. I just rode the carousel all night, and eventually fell asleep amongst the lights and mirrors.
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Hope you like it. If its goo please tell me ^_^