Like the Stars


It felt like years had past, but in reality it was only a month. So much had happened, which was probably why it felt like so much time had past.

Not only had they come out to their friends, but to the entire record company, their manager, and most importantly, the fans.

They had received the news well enough, and supportive fan mail had been pouring in, along with a handful of mail from now ex-supporters who felt it was ‘wrong’ of them to come out and ‘corrupt’ their fans, mainly the younger ones who were ‘vulnerable.’

Frankly, Gerard didn’t give a fuck. He was happy that they were so well-received, but he wouldn’t have stopped making music even if he had only gotten negative feedback. And that was because if he wasn’t in the band, if he didn’t make the music, he wouldn’t know what to do with himself. Sure, his comic book was doing great, but it wasn’t about the profit. Making music was a release for him, he could write down anything he felt in the form of lyrics, and the next night he could scream them out at the top of his lungs to thousands of fans who were more than eager to listen.

Lately, love songs had been coming to him by the dozens. He would dream of Frank’s soft lips and warmth, and words would bubble up from within his heart, popping out of his mouth. The few times he actually did come in contact with his love, it felt like something pure was born. And he wanted to share it so badly. So he did it the only way he could, by writing them down.

Everyone noticed, and they were enthusiastic to be so involved in the strange relationship, one where feeling weren’t spoken but sung and played. Because when they played, they could feel the love resonating through their veins, to the brain and heart. When they played at concerts, Frank would blush furiously whenever Gerard would introduce yet another song, because he knew it was for him.

So far, life seemed perfect. But like many things, this didn’t last too long, and the picture perfect relationship would come face to face with one of the past’s furthermost problems.

The problem came after a concert, a couple of weeks after the announcement of Frank and Gerard’s relationship.

Everyone was hanging out back outside of the tour bus, signing autographs and talking to the few fans left. Soon enough, all of them left, except for one.

She had curly black hair and slightly tanned skin. She was pretty, but in a superficial way. Her hair wasn’t natural – it was slightly frizzy, betraying it as a perm, and her skin was lightly tinted orange from what was obviously a tanning bed. Her lips were plump, but appeared more on the swollen side. Her eyes were a lifeless blue, contacts covering her normal brown. Her breasts were large, but noticeably fake. She was about as plastic as a fucking Barbie doll.

The painted up doll of a woman was easily recognized by Gerard, despite the many changes she had with gone.


Her grotesquely painted lips stretched across what was probably a Botox-injected face, “I’ve missed you so much, my darling Gerard!” she had acquired a false French accent, probably in the attempt to seem more exotic.

That was his claim. He was looking for more a more ‘exotic’ type of girl. Something more…interesting. So she changed. That was what Gerard had wanted, after all.
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And so the problem occurs. Next chapter, we'll learn more about the relationship and how Gerard rather stupidly went about breaking up with her. And, you'll understand how she changed.