Status: Active.

Here Today, Gone Tomorrow

Towson to Baltimore.

I watched the police push my mother into that car. She grabbed my hand as hard as she could, as if I could save her. But I couldn't. I ripped my hand from hers and glared at her as she got into the car.

One of the officers walked over to me. "Your dad should be here shortly, do you wanna wait at the station?"

I simply shook my head and walked back into my house, I walked into my room and closed the door, everything I had was already packed. Except for four things: My notebook, a pen, my shoes, and my sweater.

I sat down on my bed and grabbed my notebook and pen and began to write.

I titled it: I'd like to familiarize myself with another universe.

'Somewhere completely fictionalized by me, somewhere I can allow only those who interest me in. Somewhere bright color fills every space, and every pore on my skin. Somewhere everyone could feel first-rate, happy, and free. I dreamt I was living in that world. In my own world. I dream the same daydream everyday because it keeps be hopeful. It keeps me strong. It keeps me smiling. But as I drift back into reality, my breath is stolen from me, and I find myself gasping for air. I have to learn how to breath in and out again. Panic spreads throughout my entire body, and my hands clench, and my heart races, and then it stops. All at once.
And then I am regular again. Everything is the same. And I am alive. And I cope with reality; the way it is; the way I am.
I hope that everyone knows sometimes it’s necessary to create your own alternate universe. That happiness can only come to you if you let it. That people who constantly let you down, aren’t meant to be in your life. That you must travel at every opportunity you get; experiences and different cultures enhance your well-being. That sometimes you’re going to cry and have no idea why. That sometimes you’re going to laugh at a time you probably shouldn’t. That sometimes you’re going to dwell on things you know you shouldn’t. That sometimes you have to make believe. That you’re not always going to win. That you’re not always going to lose. That sometimes you need to reassess your life and make sure you’re living it for no one other than yourself. That sometimes even when you think everything is terrible, remember it won’t be that way forever. And most importantly, you must let yourself radiate.
Be free.'

I shut my notebook, putting it neatly into my suitcase and put my sweater on and my shoes. I set my bags by the door and sat on the marbletopped counter, waiting for the father I hadn't seen in almost a year to show up. I brushed my bangs over to one side and began to swing my legs back and forth, still waiting. The door opened and I saw my little sister Laney, by a year, Standing in the door way. I smiled and hugged her tight and she returned the action. Hugging me as tight as I did her.

Then followed after Laney and I greeted each other was my father. Marshall mathers. Yeah, im sure it sounds familiar. It should. I smiled and greeted him with a simple hug and we grabbed my bags and made our way into the car, leaving my house in towson to go live at my fathers house in Baltimore.
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It's a rough start, I'm sorry.