Status: Active.

Here Today, Gone Tomorrow

"Its kind of like we're in the same place... together."

I sat up in his bed and checked his phone for the millionth time, I wasn't able to sleep, mostly 'cause he had just given Haley, a girl I pretty much knew liked me, but I hadn't had the balls to ask her out or even take a step forward with, my phone number. So I pretty much had sat up all night, hoping for a call, or even a text. Just like one of those desperate girls who met a guy in a bar. I took a deep breath and let it out hastily, setting my phone on his nightstand and checking the clock. 5 AM on a technical Saturday morning. I pulled my covers back and kicked my feet over the side of the bed. What's the point of pretending to sleep anyway? I stood and snapped the waistband to my boxers back in place. My mom always told me not to walk around half naked, but I never listen. It’s hot as fuck and I’m too lazy to put on anything else. Just as I made it to the doorframe my phone started vibrating. It was as if I couldn’t move fast enough, I jumped toward my phone and checked the screen. My heart jumped and fluttered when I didn’t recognize the number.
“Hello?” I answered groggily. I wasn’t really tired, but I didn’t want Haley to know I’d been waiting up for her…that is, if it was her.
"Did I wake you up?” Her innocent voice questioned over the phone. I smiled to myself and stifled a laugh.

“No, no,” I yawned because now that she’s called the sleep was catching up with me.

“What’s going on?” I questioned running a hand through my hair and sitting on the edge of my bed.

“Nothing too special,” She chuckled softly. It got quiet for a second and I felt like a dirty bastard talking to her in my panties so I pulled on a pair of loose pajama pants.

“Hey,” She spoke suddenly.

“Yeah?” I whispered taking a seat on the edge of my bed.

“Go outside and sit down for three minutes.” She asked of me. I didn’t question her motives. I walked outside and sat on the surprisingly warm sidewalk to wait. We sat in silence; her breathing was the only thing that broke the silence.

“Where are you?” I wondered as I waited for this spectacular event that Sarah brought me outside for.

“I’m at my house, on my balcony.” She answered kindly.

“So, we’re both outside for what?” I tried to weasel it out of her.

“You’ll see, just watch the sky.” She gave me a hint-ish. I grinned and waited just a little bit longer before I got inpatient again.

"Goodness, Haley, what are we looking at?" I groaned, my patience wearing thin.
“Sh,” This time she hushed me. “Look,” She commanded. I was already paying attention to the sky, but I didn’t tell her that. The sun started to rise from behind the flat horizon. It turned pinkish and it was little yellow.

“You just wanted to show me the sunrise.” I smiled at her.

“It’s kind of like we’re in the same place…together.” She murmured quietly. “Even though we can’t be.” She followed up quickly.
“Why can’t we be?” I questioned softly. “Together, I mean,” I clarified the statement.

“I didn’t say we couldn’t be together,” She laughed at me. “I said we couldn’t always be at the same place at the same time just yet.”

I could hear the smile in her voice and I could almost inhale the velvety scent of her perfume. The color of her hair flashed before my eyes and her smile embedded itself into my psyche. I wanted to feel her hands on my hands again, her arms on my arms. My arms wrapped around her body, her body close to mine. I remembered how her mouth looked at the park when she was surrounded by the flowers. I wanted to taste those lips again, the same why I had on her bithdau. Her breathing soothed me for a moment and, I swear, I could hear her heartbeat. I’d always been picky about girls, but not when it came to her. When I saw her face every other girls’ face blurred out; disappeared, never to be seen again. I wanted her to understand how in love with her I actually was.

"Haley,” I got her attention.

“Yeah?” She croaked back.

“I'm in a band.” I informed her.

“Okay,” She let out a small laugh.

“I’ll be gone for a long, long time if we make it.” I kept going. “I understand,” Her voice shook a little bit.

“I don’t mean to hurt your feelings.” I consoled.

“I know,” She cleared her throat. I waited for her to say that she wasn’t ready for that. I waited for her to tell me that if I was going to waste my time that way she didn’t need me. I waited for her to reject me and when she didn’t so, I said, “So…?” Haley started laughing a repeated my phrase mockingly.

“Are you going to leave me?” I questioned. She started laughing harder.

“We’re not together, Alex..” She informed.

“But it’ll be pretty awesome to have a best friend in a famous band, huh?” She was being playful, but I really hadn’t asked her out yet. That statement proved to me that she was ready to be with me. Fuck waiting for Monday to come around! I took a deep and got ready to ask her out, but there was glass shattering and slams in the background.
“Where is it, Haley?” The voice yelled.
“I-I ha-have t-to g-go,” Haley stuttered terribly.

“Wait, what’s going on?” I spoke before she could hang up on me.

“Bye,” She hung up with the quick statement. What the hell was going on? I knew where Laney lived, I could probably drive by…but if I did she wouldn’t trust me? People don’t keep secrets for nothing. I took a deep breath and looked out at the sunrise. I fidgeted and shook for a few moments before I stood up to walk back into my house. I was worried about her and I couldn’t shake the feeling.