Status: Active.

Here Today, Gone Tomorrow

"Will you go back with me... as my girlfriend?"

Two days later Alex and Haley were walking along the boardwalk, eating churros of course. Alex went to throw the wrapper of his away as haley continued to eat hers. One guy, middle aged looking, stopped alex.

"Is that your girl?" He looked at Haley.

"Not yet." Alex sighed.

"What are you waiting for, kid? You haven't made your move?"

"I just.. I don't know where she stands with me, she's one of those never ending mazes where you have to get the mouse to the cheese."

"Trust me, she probably wants you. And I would get her, if I were you. Before these California boys swallow her up."

"Thanks." Alex said, before heading back to Haley. The guy grabbed him by the arm.

"And kid, when you get her. Whatever you do, don't let her go. Whether it's her fault or yours. Don't let her slip through your fingers, because once she's gone, she's not coming back."

That was probably the best advice he'd ever gotten.

About three hours later, Haley was out exploring the boardwalk once again, this time by herself, wondering if she knew anyone in california. Probably not.

"Haley?" A soft voice called from behind her.

"Peter." She said, almost breathlessly.

"Hey," He laughed in pretty much disbelief.

"Hey." Haley gulped.

"What're you doing here?" He hugged her tight.

"Just here with some friends on spring break, and Laney."

"Cool. I uhm.. I hate to ask, but where are you.. like..?"

"Maryland, going back and forth from mom and dad."


"Peter, don't. What the hell am I supposed to do? I can't pop back up in Arizona, John would never forgive me. I can't go to Massachusetts, Nick hates me. I can't go anywhere, I can't do anything. I've got nothing outside of Maryland."

"That's bullshit. Whether John and Nick hate you or not, you've got me. I'll always be here."

"I thought you wouldn't want to even be around me after.."

"Are you kidding me Haley? I love you. You're my little sister forever and nothing can change that. Even if you did-"

"Peter don't." she sighed. "No one knows besides you guys.. I think. I never even told Laney."

"Oh my god."

"Yeah, so be quiet about it." I wrapped my arms around his thin body and gave him a huge hug.

"Well, I've got to get back to the house. I love you, Pistol Pete." Haley smiled using the old childhood nicknames they'd once created.

"See you around, Hurricane Haley."

While Haley made her way back to the house, Zack was practically scolding Alex.

"What the hell are you waiting for man? Just ask the girl!"

"I can't!"

"Why not?"

"I don't know!"

"Alex, If you don't some other guy will, and you know it for a fact."

"What other guy?"

"Any other guy! My god have you seen Haley! Who wouldn't go after that in a split second if she's not taken?"

"Would you?"

"No, 'cause I respect the bro code. But I swear to god if you don't do it while we're here then you're screwed because we're only staying for the rest of tonight, and leaving in the morning!"

"Goddammit I'll do it Zack!"

"Go!" He said obviously as if he had no clue why Alex was still sitting here.

Alex ran towards Haley almost knocking her over.

"Will you go back to Maryland with me?" He said out of breath.

"What? I mean, I obviously will. Why the hell would I stay here?" She said confused.

"No, no no no. I mean, Will you go back to Maryland with me... as my girlfriend?"
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o0o0o0o0oh drama. loljk anyways op you've been left in suspense of haley's answer!