Status: Active.

Here Today, Gone Tomorrow

I know how I feel about you.


He cut Haley off. "I uh, I get me maybe I just.. came on too strong or-"

"...You have no idea how long I've been waiting for you to ask me that."

Alex released a breath of relief.



He wrapped his arms around her waist, kissing her softly on the lips while the heard a camera go off, Alex stood somehow in disbelief that he had finally made Haley his while Haley looked in the direction of the sound where Laney happily stood, Polaroid in hand.

"My god Laney."

"Love you babycakes."

"This calls for celebration!" Rian yelled.

"Last night Barbeque?" Zack suggested.

"Like any of you can cook." Haley stated.

"Woah," Rian said, putting a hand over his heart.

"Ouch, you were supposed to be the sweet one." Jack sighed.

"I am, you guys just don't know how to cook."

"We do!" Jack defended.

"Jack you can't make ice." Laney commented.


"Ice makes itself..." Alex said slowly.

"Exactly." Laney smirked.

"My goodness, Im sorry." Haley sighed.

"Apology excepted, bitch." Rian muttered."

"Shut up, Chip Skylark."

"Hey! No teeth jokes!" Rian defended.

"Lets get kites!" Jack screamed.

"FUCK YES!" Alex yelled.

"Then go get kites!"


"Uh, anywhere.." Zack said.

"Oh.." Him and Alex walked off in search for kites.

I walked into the house, grabbing my notebook and back out to the shore of the beach, feeling inspired.

'You’ve got some weird power to make me smile. You also make my stomach feel funny. This feeling is better than butterflies, baby. You send goosebumps throughout my veins following up to my eyeballs. This is a dangerous game. But this is not a game, yet it’s all the same. It doesnt matter what it is really. Because






