Status: Active.

Here Today, Gone Tomorrow

Do you want me to cry?

School was.. school. The usual, of course. Study Halls here and there, final study guide packets the size of a Harry Potter book shoved at us, taking balls left and right to the face in PE. Well, that last one sounded a little gross. But that’s not what I meant. I shoved study guide packets into my locker and Alex wrapped his arms around me from behind.

“I need something to do.”

“Something or someone, alex?” I snorted.

“Both.” He shrugged.

“Why? Don’t you have band practice?”

“Yeah, but Rian thinks he knows how to work, so we have to wait til five. I’ve got three hours of down time. What to do, what to do.” He smirked and I felt his lips against my skin.

“Read a book.” I said playfully.

“Aw come on.”

“There’s good books out there, Alex. Believe it or not. You know, like Looking for Alaska, The perks of being a wallflower..”

“Dammit, Im dating miss anti-social.”

“Rude!” I scoffed, pretending to be butthurt and walking off to the parking lot.

“Baby!” I heard him yell jokingly but I gave him a finger and kept going. I heard footsteps quickening behind me and arms wrapped around my waist once again, spinning me around as I shrieked.


“Don’t leave me.” He sighed, pressing his lips to mine. Short and Sweet.

“No promises.” I laughed, even though I was serious. I skipped happily to my car, pretending to frolicaround everyone hanging in the parking lot, doing spins and twirls, dancing around everyone til i got to my car and took a bow, where Alex laughed and clapped.

“Bravo, look who’s got moves. You could be in one of those bad dance movies.” He smirked.

“Hey, faggot, don’t test me! I know how to dance!” I stuck out my tongue.

“Oh really? I don’t.”

“Ballet is my religion, okay.” I said, matter-of-factly.

“Oh really?”

“Mhm.” I nodded.

“Dance for me then.”

“Hell no.” I shook my head.

“What come on? What happened to your religion?” He shrugged, smiling.

“Nope, I don’t dance for anyone, not recently, anyways.”

“Come on please!”

“Uh uh.”

“Whatever.” He faked anger and crossed his arms.

“Aw booo.” I cooed, walking over too him, kissing along his jaw line then down his neck.

“No sex in the parking lot, kids. Get home, or something.” I jumped away from Alex as the teacher walked past us, making her way to a group a kids who were attempting to quickly put their cigarettes out before she got to them.

“Yeah, Haley, stop it.” He snorted and shoved me.

“Whatever, then you aren’t coming over, hoe!”

And just like that, in the split second the sky went grey and the ran started pouring. I gasped as my mouth was in an O shape and each drop hit us hard, when we saying pouring, we mean.. pouring. I screamed and ran to my car getting into the driver seat and Alex quickly hopped in next to me.

I scoffed playfully. “My god, dont you have your own car?” I rolled my eyes.

“I do, but she’s in the shop.”

“Old piece of shit got worn out, huh?”

“Hey! Dont talk about Ariel like that!”

“Shes named after a mermaid!”

“So what?! I love her.”

“Whatever, bro.” I laughed and pulled out of the parking lot, turning on my windshieldwipers and making my way home.

“I hope you have food.” Alex sighed as we pulled into the driveway.

“God, you’re an asshole. Using me for my food, and all.”

“Mhm, I know.” He laughed and we got out of my car, quickly dashing into the house and sighing.

It was cold, so I took some newspaper and lit it on fire, tossing bundles into the fireplace and lighting it all up, which made everything warmer.

“Kay, we have time to kill. Pick a movie.” I said, sitting down on the couch.

“Pretty in Pink!”

“Jesus, Alex, please, anything but.”

“Uh.. A Walk to Remember?”

“Do you want me to cry?”

“The notebook!”

“Stop fucking with me.”

“Kay fine,” He put in Saw II.

“Dammit Alex.” I whined, hiding my face in his chest.


“This one’s scary.”

“Thats kinda the point.”

‘Yeah but.. this ones just creepy.”

“Aw its okay, if Jigsaw comes to get you, I’ll be here.”

“Oh please, you’d run away screaming.”

“True, but you know, at least i can say I tried.”

“But you wouldn’t try!”

“True..” He sighed.

After the movie was over I opened my eyes finally. “Ugh, never again.”

“Oh, calm down.”

I giggled and he made his way towards the door.

“Jack will be here to get me soon!”

“Congrats, you’re both gonna die.”

“True, so very true.”

“Well, bye.” I laughed as he leaned against the door, I kissed his lips only softly but he obviously wasn’t done yet. I pulled away and he grabbed me by my waist, pulling me closer to him once again. Goddammit it was just some of the things he does that always set me off, always. He kissed me once again, this time a roughly passionate kiss and I kissed back, with just the right amount of force. I opened my mouth just wide enough and his tongue happily entered and I tugged at the ends of his hair, causing him to moan and my mouth and me to giggle. We traced out footsteps back over to the couch and shed out of our clothes.

“Fuck.” He moaned as I made small bites down his neck then trailed back up to his lips. Jack was obviously taking to long, and we weren’t about to wait, there was no way in hell. He was on top of me, making small kisses down my stomach and then he blew raspberriesinto the side of my hip, next to my tattoo and I started laughing.

“Alex, what the hell?”

“Why not?” He shrugged and smirked before continuing on.

He kissed my inner thigh and I was going wild.

This boy was a tease.

Then I heard that ringing, worst possible damn timing.

Alex reached through his pants pocket for his phone.

“Hello?.. Hi, mom..”

I held back a giggle and the irony of this all.

“Oh no Im just uh hanging out with Haley before practice…Mom!..No, we arent doing that… Yeah, yeah, ill be safe.. love you too mom.. bye.”

I started laughing harder than ever. “That?”

“I dont talk about sex with my mom okay?”

I laughed and nodded, “Uh huh, but.. ohJesus.Never mind.”

He started to kiss me once more, rubbing circles into my inner thigh inching closer and closer then the doorbell rang. I didnt part my lips from Alexs and threw my phone at the door, as he started to kiss down my neck and chest pounding continued.

“Alex? Dude, come on! We have an hour till practice.”

I was listening to Jack so intently I wasn’t even focused on Alex in the split second. I let out a loud moan gripping Alex’s hair.

“Jack, come back later!” I screamed.

‘OH, I see.. ew.” Footsteps retreated and cars left, and now I could focus on the only thing that mattered to me at the moment.
