Status: Active.

Here Today, Gone Tomorrow

New Years and opening up.

I shoved and weaved through the crowd of people Laney had invited for some new years party she decided on. I sighed walked up to my room, shutting the door hoping that no drunken couple was in here before but just to be safe I removed the sheets from my bed and safely replaced them, throwing the others in the corner and said to myself that id wash them tomorrow but I probably would not get around to it, at all. I sighed and sat down on my bed with newly clean sheets and started painting an awkward looking jungle/landscape thing, but I didn't know what it was.Alex opened the door and poked his head into the room, "Hey, they're bout to start counting down, you wanna come?"

"New years parties aren't really.. my scene." I laughed awkwardly.

"Well I'll make it your scene, come on, please?"I sighed and set the painting down. "Sure."Despite the paint on my hands he locked his fingers through mine to lead me through the crowd of people gathering around in the living room and kitchen to countdown.I sighed as people started counting and Alex's hand didn't leave mine. Of which I didn't mind.

Five..Four..Three...I groaned to myself as people turned to their partner, or loved ones, about to kiss while I was here holding hands with this guy that I maybe had the slightest crush on.Two...One!!!

Almost immediately everyone's lips locked and I started down at my feet awkwardly and scratched the back of my head. I looked up awkardly and Alex was looking back at me, a small smile on his lips and I couldn't help but smile back, which sadly gave him and easy entrance and his lips locked on mine before I could even think twice.
Was it wrong that I didn't deny? That I was secretly wishing for it to happen?

I pulled away from him almost three-fourths of a second later and looked straight at him before rushing out to my car and started driving, I didn’t know where, but I had to get out of there. God I am the worst at keeping my mouth shut. I was willing to spit out my whole life story to anyone who’d listen, and Alex would listen. The problem was I didn’t want him to hear. Hell, I really didn’t want anyone to hear. I parked in a vacant parking lot next to an old men’s warehouse that went out of business ages ago and searched around the backseat for her notebook, I swore I had it with me. Shit.

Third Person.

Alex was somewhat puzzled by what had just happened but happier than ever. He started up the stairs to the bathroom but saw Haley’s room door slightly open and a notebook, sitting on the night stand. He usually wasn’t one to snoop, well he was. But he couldn’t help it. So being his nosy self, he went into Haley’s room and shut the door quietly behind him and started flipping through the notebook, looking over each page of writing.

I don’t want someone to rescue me, I will be alright. I will be happy again. But I can’t make time go by faster, and even if I could my mother taught me never to wish away time ‘it will be gone soon enough,’ she’ll say. And it will. And our bodies will become dirt and flowers will sprout from where our hearts once laid. Our brains will become nonexistent after maggots and earthworms tear through them and sweep out your skull like dust balls in an abandoned cottage. The only thing that could possibly prove your brains ever once existed is that you utilized them. You recorded things down, somehow, that you left your mark while you existed on earth, somehow, that you knew in your final moment you would never really become nonexistent. Somehow. You will exist forever. If you choose to. Everything is a choice. And I will reiterate that phrase until the day I die.

He felt a smirk on his face; he loved how absolutely beautifully creative Haley was.

He kept reading, one was titled Baby teeth, Baby bear. Others remained untitled, some with awkward titles, but there definitely were a lot here. He sighed and felt bad, he just kissed the girl and she ran away from him, and now he was snooping through her stuff. He exited Haley’s room and sighed once more.

Haley sat back in the driver’s seat and thought momentarily. What if Alex wasn’t as horrible as she always play him out to be? She felt so bad because he tried so hard and she closed off no matter what. She sighed to herself. Was it wrong to take chances? She knew it wasn’t, but it was how she was acting. This past month she had been scared, no, she had been terrified of the possibilities of getting hurt. But then she got the feel that she couldn’t spend her whole life closed off and scared, she had to take chances, to risk everything. Then she thought, why not start now? But there was an absolutely good reason; Alex could turn out this inconsiderate prick. But she wouldn’t know unless she tried, right?