Status: Active.

Here Today, Gone Tomorrow

Just like old times.

Haley sighed as she ignored her alarm which had been going off for the past two hours. She didn't want to wake up, at all. She grabbed a sweatshirt slipping it over her tank top and walked downstairs to see her mom, fresh out of jail, fighting with her dad.

"Give me Haley back, marshall. Now!"

"Why, Kim? So you can neglect her like you always do?!"

"Oh please, I bet you haven't even said two words to her."

Haley bit her lip as she leaned against the stairs idly watching her parents fight, over her. Just like old fucking times,She thought bitterly. She ran her hands through her hair as they continued to debate on things that probably didn't really matter. She rolled her eyes and went back upstairs to her room and layed in her bed as the screaming got even louder.

Laney sat on the bleacher in PE, feeling horrible for fleeing the minute she saw her mothers car in the driveway. She should've stayed with Haley now Haley is stuck in the middle of this. A sigh escaped her lips and alex sat down next to her.

"Hey, where's Haley at?"

"Uh, she's at home."

"Good, cause I need advice."

"On what?"


"Why exactly?"

"I just-- I don't know."

She smiled and laughed. The poor boy was in love.

"Rule number one, no inviting her to band practice."


"Because band practice is always held in a basement."

"Shes scared of basements?"

"Well..." Laney bit her lip and shook her head.

"Number two, dont ask about her childhood, her mom, her dad, or her past boyfriends... and thats about it."

"Wait wh-"

"Dont ask why, cause i wont tell you. I need to go.. like now." Laney rushed to the locker room gathering her things before hurrying out to the parking lot and speeding home in her car. She went around the side of her house to Haley's window and climbed up the ladder through the window to see Haley on her side, her back facing Laney.

"How did we grow up like this, Laney?" Haley sighed, not evening turning to look at her sister.

Laney shrugged, even though her sister couldn't see her.



She sat up and looked at her sister, seeing their eight-year-old selves, hiding in the closet while glass shattered and drunken fights occured. Laney would bawl her eyes out, but Haley would stay stone cold and no show any emotion, just sit and comfort her sister.

Laney sighed and sat down in Haleys closet and Haley did the same, Laney wrappd her arms around Haley and they sat there, not saying a word to each other. But this time, Haley was the one crying.


After the tears were shed and the fight was given up their mom went home, swearing to be back and their dad left as well, and they had no idea where he went.

Laney called Zack over cause she needed someone to comfort her and haley sat on the floor in her bathroom, trying to gather herself, to collect her thoughts. Yeah, she had fixed her makeup and what not. She looked fine but she wasn't. She grabbed her notebook and sighed, letting the pen speak for her.

'In a bed of salt I lie, I lie.
The burning begins at the caps of my knees,
I scream, I scream
for an end to end the torturing.
Black sky, blue moon
facing agodI never knew.
Channeling satan at my fingertips
pulling strings to unleash a distorted view.
Calling out for a savior when god’s turned his back,
no one comes,no one comes.
Breathingout fire
one last time.
In a bed of salt I lie, I lie
pouring answers into teacups
from voids I’ve learned to fill,
rummaging for truths but all I hear are lies.
Rhyming like riddles,
in the end
and sometimes in the middle,
we all die,
we all die.'