Status: In Progress.

A New Life I Have Found

Crazy Fun

As we walked in the front door later that night, I sighed tiredly. I spent most of the day keeping Johnny and Bam out of trouble, but mostly it was Bam. We had gotten kicked out of multiple stores and even got the cops called on us at one point. I did join in on the trouble a little bit, though.

"Remind me to never go out with you two ever again," I said jokingly. "I felt like a babysitter."

"Oh, come on," Bam said going to sit on the couch. "You know you had some fun."

"Running from cops is not my idea of fun," I said glaring at him. "I've had to do it numerous times being friends with you."

Bam just smirked and I smiled. He knew I was kidding. I always had fun with him.

"You're a fast runner, Tori," Johnny said chuckling. "I've never seen someone hightail it so fast in my life."

I laughed and pushed him lightly. It wasn't awkward between me and Johnny anymore and I was glad for that.

"You should've seen her when we broke into a hotel swimming pool once," Bam said. "Someone caught us and Tori was out of that pool and running in a bikini down the street so fast before me and the guys could process what was happening."

Johnny and Bam started laughing hysterically while I crossed my arms over my chest and pouted.

"You're not funny," I said.

"How did you two become friends in the first place?" Johnny asked.

"I moved in a house beside of him when we were in high school," I said. "Well, I was in high school. Bammy quit. My parents sent me over to his house to complain about the racket, but I didn't go over there to complain. I went there to join in."

"Yeah, her parents fuckin' hated me," Bam said smiling.

"That they did," I said.

"Do they not still hate him?" Johnny asked.

"I wouldn't know," I said shrugging. "They moved away years ago and I haven't heard from them since. They said they didn't like where my life was going."

"They sound like assholes," Johnny said.

"They can be," I said. "Anyways, let's watch a movie or something."

"Sounds good to me," Bam said. "What do you want to watch?"

"I don't care," I said. "Make it a good one. I'm going upstairs to change into something more comfortable."

I ran upstairs and into my room. I went over to one of my suitcases and found what I wanted to wear. I changed and decided I would go ahead and unpack all of my stuff. I was still going to be there for a while. I had no idea how long because Bam wouldn't tell me. All he said was to pack a lot of shit and let's get going, which I did.

I went back to the living room when I was finished. I found Johnny and Bam on the couch with a bowl of popcorn. I sat down in the spot between them and grabbed the bowl.

"About time," Bam said. "What the hell were you doing?"

"I went ahead and unpacked my shit," I said putting some popcorn in my mouth.

"Well, I picked out "Dazed and Confused" since we all like it," Bam said.

"Yay!" I yelled. "There's all kinds of sexy men in that movie."

"No comment," Johnny said.

The movie began and we all became silent as we watched it. When it was in the middle of it, I became sleepy and laid my head back on the couch. I was asleep in no time.
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I hope all you of you are enjoying the story. A big thank you to everyone who has read, subscribed, and commented. Makes me happy :).