Status: infrequent updates...sorry

The Voice and the Coach

Chapter One: The Voice

"'s not a good idea." I said, cradling the phone to my ear as I sliced veggies for my stew.
"Ren! You have an amazing voice. And you know that certain someone you have a complete fan-girl crush on?" She asked slyly.
"A-Adam Levine?" I squeaked, dropping the knife.
"He's one of the coaches...and he works with people with voices like yours! If you audition he could pick you!" She replied excitedly. "Just think about it Serenity! You, Adam, all buddy buddy?"
I dropped the phone as I screamed fan-girlishly. I can't help it, I'm a teen at heart sometimes. And when it comes to Adam Levine....I think I just swooned.
I quickly picked up the phone.
"You've convinced me." I said breathlessly.
"Great! Just practice. Okay...what song are you thinking about doing?"
"My gift is my song, and this ones for you. You can tell everbody that this is your song." I sang.
"No...I've got a better idea." She squealed as she whispered the title in my ear.
"Oh fuck yeah." I giggled.
~Three Weeks Later~
As I slowly stepped out of the taxi, my nerves hit me full force.
Adam Levine. ADAM FREAKING LEVINE PEOPLE! I think i'm gonna faint. No...DIE.
My hands shook with nervousness as i stepped into the theatre to sign in and wait to sing. As I was walking through, I saw Chris.
"Chris!" I called. She turned and smiled brightly.
"Ohh! Ren! You look adorable!"She sighed. I was wearing a baby blue cheetah tank top, hot pink shorts, and baby blue converse.
"Thanks. You too." I laughed.
"Okay, well, you better get going, we aren't supposed to be talking...good luck baby cuz."
"Ha. Ha. Ha." I said sarcastically as I walked off, smiling to myself.
Chris helped calm my nerves, and it helped that she would be out there, supporting me. When I walked back, someone rushed up to me.
"Serenity Greene."
"Great. You are third in line. Wait until you hear your name, then move on to the next room."
"Okay." I said, my nerves slowly coming back to me. The lady walked away.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck...Adam...just think...Adam Levine...don't lose it. Come on, Ren. You can do this. Adam will pick you. You will get picked by least Chris...if Adam...well...Chris. Oh what the hell am I doing here?? I'm so easily pressured. Adam freakin Levine is out there..." I was hyperventalating and freaking out at the same time. I mean, I was singing that song.
I collapsed into a chair and tried to calm myself and practice the lyrics one more time.
I was just finishing the song when I heard,
"Serenity Greene, you are on deck."

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welll....kinna crappy kinna not? what do yea think?? COMMENTS PLEEAASSEE(: <3