‹ Prequel: When the Sun Goes Down

Their Rebellion


Don't waste the bullets!

There was a panic, devastation. Not a clear thought could process through any minds and being that, Erin and Mark began to unload, popping lead bullets in the infected surrounding us. Murphy's iron clad grip disintegrated from my waist as he reached into his holsters to retrieve his weapons. My .22 was a small gun, but if a shot to the head was all it took, than I had just the few eight shots before I was completely out.

The horses reared up occasionally, frightful cries roaring up from their chests. When the crowd continued to grow, no matter how many were put down, Connor began to shake his head, shouting, "Clear a path! We can't kill'm all!"

I felt fingers grab at my jeans, begging ferociously for just a taste of the skin beneath the fabric. I kicked at the infected, rose my gun ahead and prayed for some sort of miracle. With everyone in the group aiming their shots forward, a slow, bumpy path began to clear in front of us. I urged Thatcher forward, who was soon behind Ei, in hopes we made it out of this town alive and whole.

A throaty cry of pain erupted into the streets, forcing almost every infected head behind us. We all turned, watching as Raza reared up, but only collapsed onto the ground as the diseased pushed him over. Maire and Paul shouted out in fear as Raza toppled over, managing to force Paul to get tangled in the saddle bags. Maire scrambled up from the dirt road, shoving and fighting her way in our direction.

A scream built up in my throat then and when it finally came, I screamed, "Paul!"

The contagious monsters clawed at Raza, tearing his hide and stomach open within seconds, never minding his screams of agony as they ate him alive. Mark, the Irish soldier we had met only moments ago, turned on his thick heeled boots, which quickly led him in Paul's direction. The infected managed to skip over the small man next to Raza, because the bigger feast was calling their name.

Paul faught furiously with the saddle bags, trying desperately to disconnect himself from them in order to survive. His pistol clipped multiple monsters in the head, if they managed to see the helpless man on the floor, before he continued toying with the leather straps coiled around his legs. Mark stomped forward, shoving and shooting anyone he could. Maire's tall frame emerged from within the crowd, panting heavily, but never lowering her weapon.

"Go!"Paul screamed."Leave me!"

My hands clenched the reigns in one hand, my gun in the other tightly. I could never bare the guilt of leaving someone behind, especially the man who held us together when we arrived in Ireland. I had fired off four shots to keep myself from being attacked, which only left me with four more before I had run dry. I released the reigns from my left hand as Mark marched forward, kneeling cautiously to help Paul from his trap.

"Mark, watch your six!"Erin's cries fell silent against the gunfire and a man latched his grimy teeth into his shoulder.

Mark's painful screams attracted the diseased who weren't already feasting in his direction. Paul rose his gun to the man behind Mark and pulled the trigger, forcing him to fumble backwards and into the road. Mark toppled over on his side, gloved hand nursing his new wound. I felt my heart race as Connor, Murphy and Maire rid ourselves of the few still straggling near us. I could feel my breath catch as I saw Paul pull the trigger and the woman before him stay standing.

"Leave me!"Paul screamed.

The woman curled her fingers into his button up shirt, pushing forward with enough strength to force Paul onto his back.

"Paul!"I leaped from Thatcher, Murphy's yells falling silent behind me as I fumbled into the road."Paul!"

He pushed the woman away, trying with all his strength to prevent himself from being bitten.

"Adrienne, no!"Murphy shoved Thatcher's reigns over to Abby and Connor, demanding they keep hold of him until he returned.

Connor watched as his brother dashed from his horse, guns risen and firing willingly at anyone who stepped in the way. I stumbled forward, landing hard on my knees as I pressed the barrel of my weapon against the woman's head. I pulled the trigger, watching as she instantly fell limp on top of Paul. He threw the ragged woman from him, quickly sitting up and pulling at the saddle bags once more.

"Adrienne, love,"He began quickly."get the fuck out of here!"

"I can't,"I tried to ignore Mark's cries while searching for my deepest concentration.

The straps had tangled together and around his leg, so within a few twist and turns, he was nearly free. Gunshots boomed from behind us, but from the smirk on Paul's face, I knew it was Murphy.

"Adrienne, hurry the fuck up!"Murphy shouted.

I counted the seconds, counted Murphy's shots, counted my every breath until I finally had Paul untied.

"Got it!"I shouted.

I grabbed Paul by the arm and pulled with all my weight, hoping to get him out from under the weight of Raza's side and the infected. Paul grunted in pain as he pulled as well, sliding only a mere inch in the process.

"Adrienne!"Murphy screamed.

I rose my gun as a thump appeared next to me, flashing it in front of Maire's baby blue eyes. Her face was hard and like stone, but the glisten behind her irises proved she was there to help. I lowered my weapon and sat for a moment, wondering if she was actually here to help me pull a new friend from beneath an obstacle.

"Help!"Maire and I turned, each simultaneously reaching for Paul.

We tugged, pushed and pulled until he finally came free, the saddle bags coming with him. Maire snatched the bags from the ground, holding them uneasily over her shoulder and helped Paul to his feet. He limped forward, his ankle most likely sprained or fractured from the hard fall. We quickly moved forward, my hand grabbing Murphy by the back of his pea coat along the way.

"Wait,"He stopped for a moment, eyeing down the wounded Marine on the floor.

"Please,"His eyes had watered with uncertainty and Murphy let out a huff.

"In Nomine Patris, et Fili, et Spiritus Sancti."He rose his gun to Mark's forehead, closed his eyes and pulled the trigger, ending Mark's predictable future from coming true.

"Murphy!"He turned back to me and quickly made his escape before any more of the creatures lurked in from the woods.

The path I thought I would never see again slowly became cleaarer. As the infected moved lazily in the direction of our fallen horse. Our final connection to Romeo was gone forever, as I watched with wide eyes while the dead picked and dug into his swollen belly. I felt fingers tangle themselves into my shoulder, shoving me ruthlessly toward Thatcher. It wasn't much of an argument, as Murphy demanded Paul and I ride together.

Murphy, Erin and Maire scouted the ground, taking off at a sprint when the time was right. Ei, who held a concerned Connor and amazed Abby, took off at a steady trot, Thatcher, Paul and I following close behind. We had traveled back a good distance the way we had come, panting, scared and tired. After the adrenaline rush wore off and the horses stopped, everyone thought back on the town we thought was okay.

Paul had miraculously survived the fall with Raza, never mind the flesh eating scrounges digging into his light coloured hide. It would forever be a tug of war with the infected, but I stayed happy with my decision of saving Paul, rather than leaving him like he demanded we do. I slid from Thatcher when we came to a clearing, a vast meadow reaching out to the trees behind us. Thatcher and Ei grazed happily, while the rest of us debated our options.

A silent off spilled through my lips as Abby ran into me, her arms wrapped tightly around my chest. I pet back her greasy hair with one hand and remembered her being slightly shorter only a few months ago. She looked up, anger, fear, and amazement etched into her girlish eyes. She shook her head quickly and said, "Adrienne, don't do that to me! You could have died! What were you thinking?! Oh, I'm so glad you're okay!"

She dug her face into my sweatshirt and I hugged her back, trying to calm the young girl down. It wasn't my intention to fight against a horde of man eating creatures, never mind saving a friend from being the dessert after the meal. I let out a long breath, like I had been holding it the entire time and shook my head.

"I know, Abby. And I'm so sorry."I whispered."I shouldn't 've been so foolish."

Abby peered up from me and I could see the worry behind her eyes. I hadn't had time to consult her and comfort her the way I normally did, and I felt a twang of guilt jab into my stomach for it. I brushed back her hair and whispered, "I'll be more careful from now on. Let me go talk to everyone else right now, okay?"

Abby dabbed at her eyes once pulling away from me and nodded. I knew that riding by horseback had given us more trouble than we thought and we needed a new plan. The roads were unsafe, allowing Marines to spot us from helicopters, but no one had seen one since the other day. We would have to risk it, in my opinion, especially after we almost lost Paul moments earlier. He was hurt; we couldn't risk it anymore.

I walked to the group, who stood off cautiously to the side, and said, "We need a car."

The words rolled off my tongue faster than I wanted and I was immediately shut down.

"It's too dangerous."Maire shifted the gun so it rested against her shoulder.

"Goin' by horseback is too dangerous."I commented."We almost lost Paul today. A car is fast and sturdy. We'll have a better chance by car."

"If the Marines see us we'll die."She glared.

It seemed like the hopefulness I saw in her minutes ago had vanished once again.

"We have to take the chance."I whispered.

"What 'bout gas?"Maire questioned."Ever think of that one?"

"We manage. We always have in the past."I said.

Maire looked up at Connor and Erin only, since Murphy was helping Paul guess the damage done to his ankle. They looked at eachother, Connor swiftly moving a hand through his blonde hair, and they shrugged.

"I think Adrienne's right on this one."Connor implied.

"Than it's settled."Maire reached into her pack, removing the old map from inside the flaps."I'll find us a place with cars. We'll need a hefty vehicle that fits us all."

"Try an Escalade."I smiled."They have plenty of room for us and our belongings."

Maire disappeared, allowing only her eyes to search the map, and I turned to Erin, who stood next to Connor, his eyes wondering along the ground. I stuck out my hand and said, "Name's Adrienne. I didn't introduce myself. Didn't have time. I'm sorry about your friends."

"Thanks."He shook it roughly and offered me a warm smile.

I turned to Connor and said, "I'm gonna explain to the other two what we're doin'. Maybe you can break it to Abby that we'll be leaving the horses behind."

A frown crawled along my lips and I walked away, because I didn't want to leave them either. I had become accustomed to riding them, even within a short period of time. The horses were our pets, like a cat or dog would be to others. It was hard to just let them go. I stepped up to Paul and Murphy, watching as Paul slid his pant leg down once again.

"Is it bad?"I asked.

"Just a sprain. I've had worse."Paul pulled from his dying cigarette and gave me a smile.

Murphy stood from his kneeling position and gave me a hard glare. One of anger, rather than love and care. It could be from my stunt earlier, where I risked my life to save Paul's. I wouldn't expect him to understand in the least bit, so it didn't bother me as much. But the look I had received since arriving here was more than unnerving. I explained our situation to the two, just as Maire and Erin came to our side.

Paul stubbed out his cigarette and turned to Maire and I. In a calm, smooth voice he said, "I want to thank you guys for saving me. You could have left me instead of risking your lives, but you didn't."

That conceited smirk pressed itself into Maire's lips, but instead of a snotty comment, she said, "Well, we don't leave our brothers behind, aye?"

The group had gone silent, like we all knew Paul's words had sunk into her, even if just a little bit. I cleared my throat to stop the awkward moment and asked, "Find anythin'?"

"Small shop few miles north. Jus' the direction we need."Maire stated roughly.

The quiet sobs from Abby caught my attention and I turned, frowning rather quickly. I looked back to Maire and said, "Explain to them. I'll be right back."

Murphy watched as I walked away, heading in the direction of where Connor and Abby were. Connor continuously tried to comfort her, but she kept pushing him away, as if she were angry. She wiped at her eyes and stepped to the horses, where they grazed and swatted their tails back and forth. Connor's shoulders slumped before catching sight of me. I waved him over and he followed, the frown on his face persistent.

"She alright?"I crossed my arms over my chest as he sighed.

"We lost our link to Romeo. She loved Raza. Now leavin' the other two practically tore'er in half."He frowned.

"She'll be okay."I said softly."We're gonna be leavin' soon, so grab what you can."

Connor's eyes flicked up behind me and I could feel the angry aura tumbling off whoever was coming our way. Connor gave me a half smile and said, "Good luck. He's pissed."

He made his way back to Abby, where he tried once again to get her attention. The quiet steps of booted feet met my ears and a hand roughly gripped my upper arm. I turned to face Murphy, who was anything less than pleased.

"What were ya thinkin', Adrienne? What ya did was crazy!"He growled lowly."T'was ruthless, stupid. Ya could've died."

"So could have Paul."I glared angrily, yanking my arm from his tough grip."I don't expect you to understand, Murph -"

"Understand?!"He howled."No, ya wouldn't expect me to understand, would ya? I didn't go to school or whatever the fuck it is ya do to become a cop -"

"Detective."I sneered."That's not what I meant, Murphy."

Murphy sighed softly, like he was trying to calm himself down some. I let my head fall, knowing that an argument in our situation was worthless. I looked up as he said, "Ya scared me half to death. Don't be a hero, aye?"

"It's always been my job."I smiled warmly.

Despite his intentions of being angry with me, Murphy chuckled and shook his head.

"Don't do yer job. Jus' be safe. I love ya, Adrienne. I don't wanna see anythin' happen to ya."Murphy cupped my face in his hands and quieted our long lost conversation with a kiss.

My fingers trailed, slowly, up the back of his neck, but once they met the smoothness of his dark hair, a throat clearing erupted behind us. I sighed softly, pulled away and felt Murphy rest his forehead against my own. We turned, finding Paul with a playful grin on his face.

"Don't mean to break up this lovely moment, but are you two ready to go?"Paul smirked."If not, I suggest you start packin' rather than lip smackin'."

"We're ready."Murphy chuckled.

I went to pull away from the warmth I hadn't felt in what seemed like ages, but Murphy was quick to catch me by the hand. I smiled and said, "Sorry for yellin'."

"Sorry fer accusin'."He grinned."Paul and yerself are gonna take Thatcher. Connor and -"

"Absolutely not."I shook my head and took my hand back."I won't have you on the ground without -"

"Adrienne,"He began softly.

"- any help from me. I don't trust the fact that -"I continued.

"Adrienne,"Murphy roughly cupped my face in his hands once again, forcing my rambling to stop.

He smiled warmly and said, "No exceptions. Now get goin' 'fore Paul leaves without ya. Don't worry, I'll be with Maire and Erin. It's jus' a few miles."

"Okay."One last kiss sealed the deal I didn't want to make and within a few extra minutes, we were heading north.

I clutched Thatcher's reigns tightly in my hands, juggling the possibilities of what waited for us at the car dealer. Maire had explained multiple times that the roads were unsafe, but I would rather face the roads in a car than be in the open on horseback. I would miss Thatcher and Ei as much as I missed Raza, but I knew the horses could soon happily run free. I swallowed hard as I followed Maire's lead.

I was nervous, but incredibly anxious. I wanted to sit back in the drivers seat of any vehicle at this point and take the roads into my own hands. To feel the thick steerling wheel under my fingers and allow it to move when I said so. I let out a shaky breath and trembled when Paul's hand appeared to my right. A cigarette hung in between his fingers as he said, "You look like you could use a smoke."

"I think its been long enough."I firmly gripped the filter in between my fingers and stole a drag, feeling the burn more so now than before.

How long had it been since I felt the stress relieving burn of smoke? Days, weeks, months? It hadn't been months, but time would soon be flying by. Our futures were so unpredictable more than it had been when we were living free on Connor and Murphy's land. I coughed out another drag and gritted my teeth together. Paul chuckled quietly behind me and whispered, "You lost your cowgirl touch, Miss Daisy."

"I don't know why I bother with smokes anymore."I flicked the burning filter from my fingers after a few more pulls.

The woods had brought us along the dirt road, curving and twisting until it came to a medium sized, more realistic town. The roads were paved, buildings occupied the sides, now empty and slowly crumbling from neglect and under gravity. I felt my breath catch in my throat and yanked Thatcher to a halt.

"Murphy,"I looked ahead, finding the patch of brown hair peeking out from ahead of Ei.

Murphy placed a hand to Ei's chest, motioining for Connor to stop him. He walked over slowly, one silencer tucked away into its holster, the other gripped within his right hand.

"What's wrong?"He asked.

"This is bigger than the other towns we've come across."I said.

Maire's blonde head turned in our direction, ignoring what Erin was currently saying.

"We've barely made it out alive in them towns. You sure about this place?"I asked.

Murphy tapped a hefty hand to my calf and offered me a comforting smile.

"The dealer is jus' a few blocks into town. Once we pass the food market, we're in. Maire said -"Murphy began.

"Maire says a lot."I stated coldly."I appreciate her helpin' me save Paul, but that don't mean I truster'er one hundred percent, Murph."

"Than trust me."Murphy's shoulders slumped."I've been to this area when I was a wee lad. If it's the same, than I know where the lass is goin'."

Murphy walked away, raising a hand to continue moving. Thatcher and Ei walked patiently beside Maire, Murphy and Erin, even when the spine chilling snaps of twigs or rustling of leaves caught their ears. Smoke rose into the sky from small areas of the town, signaling either for help that won't come, or that a battle had taken place amongst the citizens. Paul's hand brushed against my lower back as he reached for his glock.

My fingers traced along my .22, pulling it from behind my jeans and into my hand. Every step taken was another sure act that we were walking into danger. The town was quiet, eery and forced a shudder of fear to crawl down my spine. We walked quietly, with the exception of the clip clops of the horses of hooves, pushing the thought of eyes on us to the back of our minds. Cars were tossed over.

Garbage and other things were strewn across the roads, which were far more empty than I would have thought. There was no sign of the army, military or government officials in this town. It was like it had been erased from the map, so no one would find it. A low growl filtered through the street, but the being never appeared. It was like they were waiting. Waiting for the group to make one wrong move, or for permission.

Ei and Thatcher tensed at the quiet noise, but we continued moving. Maire rose a hand, stopping us where we stood. I rested my gun on my thigh, fingers twitching and eager to pull the trigger at first sight of movement. Slowly, Maire lowered her hand and said, "We're bein' watched."

"By who?"Abby trembled against Connor's words.

"The dead."Maire's head snapped to her right, forcing all heads to follow.

"We need to get movin'."I ushered Thatcher to stand by Ei's side.

"It's like they're waiting."Erin rested his weapon against his shoulder, like he felt there was no threat.

"But fer what?"Connor asked.

"Best not find out."I watched as eyes pressed against the glass windows, lips snarling and echoing simultaneously into the streets.

Hands pawed at the glass, proving their hunger, but none emerged. From the few dozen eyes peering out behind the windows of buildings, it was easily known that we were outnumbered. What no one understood was why they stayed inside.

"Can we leave?"Abby breathed.

"Let's move."I pushed Thatcher forward again to the front of the group."'Fore these bastards get any hungrier."

"Don't mean to oblige to your sitting party, Maire, but I don't like being starred at like a five star meal in the window of a restaurant."Paul said coolly.

"Look at the roads."Murphy's eyes, along with our own, followed along the road, the things tossed aside."It's like somethin' angry ran through, pushin' everythin' outta the way."

"Best not find out."I whispered.

"Dealer's right after this market."Maire found it difficult to divert her eyes away from the crowds."Let's go."

We started our walk, more persistent than before, and quickly came across the food market Murphy and Maire were talking about. The windows had been smashed in, most likely from looters desperate for food and water. Items were thrown from shelves and tossed about, some stomped on by hurrying feet. The corner had come up fast and with every step my heart beat just a little bit faster.

"Oh, no."Erin's face fell, his features drooping in utter disappointment."What could have done this?"

My heart raced against my ribs, a steady pace that would scare any doctor taking my blood pressure. Thatcher turned the corner, standing side by side with Ei, Connor and Abby. Smoke rose from multiple vehicles, their front ends crushed in like something heavy and unbreakable landed on top. The hoods, rear ends and sides were pushed inward, like a very strong being had gone on a rampage.

Some were unharmed, but those some were very unlikely able to fit the seven of us. Abby whimpered quietly to my side and whispered, "What do we do now?"

"We find a car. Anythin'll do."I said softly."Get the saddle bags, find the keys and siphon any gas you can."

I slid from Thatcher's side, landing with a quiet thud against the concrete ground. Connor and Abby followed my lead and Paul managed to get on the ground alone. Paul limped forward, his face occasionally wincing in pain at his swelling ankle. I pulled hard at the saddle bags lying on top of Thatcher, eventually pulling the thick leather bags off his back. I handed it off to Paul, who holstered the bags over his left shoulder.

I took Abby gently by the hand and gave her a warm smile. I ran another hand along Thatcher's thick hide, whispering softly, "You've been a good boy, Thatcher."

His oceanic blue eyes flicked in my direction, like he knew I was acknowledging him. Abby stifled a quiet sob as she wrapped her arms around his neck. I ran a smooth hand down his nose, smiling sadly as he nickered and pushed his face further into my palm.

"Run free."I whispered.

"Heyah!"Connor and Murphy simultaneously smacked a hand to their rear ends, riling the horses into a quick sprint.

I watched as the two flew off toward the forest, their tails flowing smoothly against the wind. Abby wrapped an arm around my side, wiping her eyes with her free hand. I looked down, brushed back her greasy hair and said, "They'll be okay, sweetheart. We can't hold'm back anymore. They'll have food, water and all the runnin' they can handle."

She nodded her head, understanding but wishing they would come back. I peered out in the direction of where the horses ran, finding that Thatcher and Ei were now out of sight. I felt a knot tie into my chest, as I felt a part of our lives just traveled to freedom without us. It was like watching Connor and Murphy walk out in the time we needed them the most.

"Adrienne,"A soft hand gripped my arm and I turned, finding Murphy by my side."Ya'lright?"

"We're good."I hugged Abby tightly and smiled."Abby, I need you to be a cowgirl for a moment and help Connor and Murphy with what they need. I'm gonna find us some keys to these bad boys."

"Be safe, Adrienne."She whispered."Please."

I cupped her chin in my hand and said, "You know I will."

I pressed a soft kiss to her forehead and ushered her off in Connor's direction. Ei's saddle bags were thrown over his shoulder as he spoke with Maire, Erin and Paul. I looked up at Murphy, a sad smile staying pressed into my lips. He tipped my chin up with his finger and asked, "Ya sure yer alright?"

"Let's just get these cars on the road. Then ask me."I said softly.

"Okay."He smiled.

Murphy pulled my face in for a soft kiss, lips lingering a little longer than needed. He wrapped an arm over my shoulders after pulling away and pulled me along toward the group. I tucked my .22 in between my jeans and hip once more, knowing it would most likely be needed if the dead decided not to linger inside any longer. I looked up and said, "Alright, here goes. Connor, Murphy, I need you two to siphon any gas you find. Let's get these cars runnin'."

Maire rested her weapon securely against her shoulder and said, "Erin and I will find a decent vehicle. Get the shit in the back. Find us some keys, aye?"

"Abby, Paul, help out when you're needed. I'll be right back."I pulled away from Murphy, slowly sneaking my gun back out from my jeans in one swift movement.

"Adrienne,"I looked back, finding Erin stepping up to me."I found a decent sized Escalade that doesn't seem fucked. Just like you asked. Saw it before."

"Great."I smiled."Get to puttin' the shit away. I'm gonna find the keys and hopefully we'll be out of here soon. I don't like those sons of bitches just hangin' out waitin' for somethin' to happen."

"I agree."His face folded in thought."Shout if you need anything."

I checked the chamber for my amount of bullets and wasn't surprised when I found it only half full.

I checked the chamber for my amount of bullets and wasn't surprised when I found it only half full. I took a deep breath and made my way around the building. There was nothing in sight; no infected, citizens or animals. This town had a dirty secret, especially if the infected were waiting inside like scared animals to come out from hiding. I grabbed hold of the front door and pushed it open, shoving my gun out in front of me.

I walked in slowly, like I had learned from being a detective, and found nothing out of the ordinary. Desks sat gathering dust, paperwork still lie in the printers and the model cars inside still looked spotless. I stepped cautiously throughout the room before taking a small hall toward the back. The glass doors showed me nothing of interest, until a billboard of keys caught my attention.

I reached for the handle, stopping when a sudden vibration trailed up my legs and into my shoulders. I shivered at the movement and peered around. I was alone, hearing only the small chatter of the group outside. I twisted the golden handle of the door, stopping once more as another vibration shot through the floor. Papers from the desk inside fell from their crooked piles, landing silently against the linoleum flooring.

"What the fuck,"my whisper came out silently as I walked forward, gun raised and willing to fire.

The room was empty, but the burning sensation of flight didn't disappear from the back of my mind easily. Goosebumps rose along my tanned skin, showing one of the first signs of fear. There was something wrong, but I couldn't pin point what it was. I traced my free hand along the billboard until I finally caught sight of the keys to the Escalade. I snatched them from their spot and made a quick escape outside.

The keys jingled quietly as I ran around the side, finding the group shuffling our belongings into the trunk of a black Escalade. I rose my fist to show the dangling keys, but a sudden ground shaking bang met our ears and I tumbled forward, palms first into the drive. I let out a yelp of pain as the pavement scraped my palms clean, keys digging agonizingly into my skin. My elbows hit next, ripping raw with the hot concrete.

"Adrienne!"I looked up, pure fear in everyones faces.

The ground shook once more, the thick, heavy vibrations traveling along every inch of my small body.

"Get the fuck up, now!"Bangs, crashes and howls could be heard miles away from where we stood.

I climbed to my feet, snatching my gun from the floor and made a sprint toward the car. Erin had slammed the trunk closed as everyone piled into the large vehicle. I opened the drivers door, intent on getting it started, but Maire was quickly by my side.

"Give me the keys,"She argued.

"Just get in the fuckin' car, Maire!"I stepped inside, tossing my gun onto the console.

Maire's features furrowed in anger, but she followed my order and climbed in back. Murphy slammed his passenger door shut as a loud hum began to make its way down the street. The floor shook and danced beneath my feet as I climbed into my seat.

"What is it?!"Abby cried.

"Quiet!"I ordered.

I twisted the key in the ignition once, twice, three times before it revved to its quiet life. The hum had grown louder, but the continuous howls were what sent wave after wave of fear up my spine.

"Adrienne, go!"I twisted the rear view mirror so I could see as I pushed the gear shifter into drive.

"Just like the old days."I whispered.

My foot pressed down on the pedal, jolting the car into moving forward. The tires screeched at the sudden push, but it moved none the less. The Escalade bumped the edges of cars as I drove, pushing them further out of the way as I reached the paved road. I took off down the street, heading toward the nearest road to take us to Belfast. I peered into the rear view mirror once again, my shoulders slumping, heart racing and eyes wide as I watched on.

A cloud of smoke from a burning building had shielded my sight from the monster beyond, but the way the cars and infected were thrown aside did not ease my jumping nerves. A red Volvo, top down on the road, rushed angrily in our direction, like it had been given a good push from behind the foggy smoke. I sped up the car best I could, dashing in between broken down vehicles and obstacles in the way

"What the fuck is that?!"my cry fell silent against the unexplainable howl that pierced the sky.

"That,"Maire leaned back into her seat, weapon pressed tightly into her chest."is Mider."
♠ ♠ ♠
That took me a while to write.
Hope you guys enjoyed your new years & christmas :)
I sure as hell did. :D
I hope you like the new chapter!
I have a lot of ideas for this.
Wonder what Maire's hiding? Lol.
Enjoy guys ;)