‹ Prequel: When the Sun Goes Down

Their Rebellion

Their Rebellion

Fear itched it's way through every inch of the brothers' veins, simply because their gorgeous baby blues were starring down the thin barrel of an M - 16 automatic weapon. Connor's fingers detatched themselves from Murphy and he swallowed whatever saliva was pooling in his dry mouth. The Irish beauty behind the gun did nothing but breath easy as she starred them down intently. Her blonde hair fell off to the side of her face, which struck the boys as odd.

A Marine's hair cut was much more strict than that, so they had a strong feeling she might not necesarrily be part of Ireland's help. Though her attire matched every rule, they had their doubts. Regardless, they still had to face the not so loving barrel of a dangerous weapon. She didn't ask their names or why they were walking about the town, which forced shivers down their spines. Murphy had seen with his own eyes what they did to innocent civillians, so he had a clue of what could happen next.

Her eyes darted between both brothers, but she refused to move her gun an inch as she asked, "Ya infected, boys?"

Connor and Murphy exchanged nervous glances as they debated speaking to this woman. They had what seemed like a fifty fifty chance at surviving, so they were hesitant on answering. Connor looked over at the woman and asked, "Ya infected yerself?"

"It's a yes or no situation, boys."Her finger tensed along the trigger, making the breath of the boys grow lost in their throats."Ya best not lie to me, or I'll put a bullet in between both yer eyes."

"We're not infected."Murphy whispered.

The Marine carefully looked over the Irish twins before pulling her weapon to her hip. Connor licked over his lips and said, "We came fer some smokes."

Connor and Murphy ducked down as the consistent gunfire shot out through the town once more. The Marine's lips pulled up into a conceited smirk as she dug her hand dangerously deep into her front pocket. Murphy looked over to Connor, who seemed just as nervous as him. They watched as she began to pull out of her tan pocket and breathed a sigh of relief at the square, cardboard box reading Newports. She flicked the box open with her thumb and pushed a cigarette in between her lips.

She slowly held the cigarette case in front of the boys, offering them a smoke for the road. They apprehensively took one from the small box and dug into their pockets for their lights. Their nervous, twitchy gaze never left the woman as they held a flame to their cigarettes, and then hers as well. She inhaled deeply on the long stick and tried to prolong their unwanted conversation. Murphy looked over at Connor, wondering if he was going to ask what they were both thinking.

Murphy looked back at the Marine and said, "I've seen what yer doin' to these innocents."

"It's fer safety reasons."She plucked the cigarette from her lips and smiled.

The gun fire continued on, but sounded farther away from where the three of them stood. The Marine turned her attention through the alley way she had come before flicking her bright blues back in their direction. She stomped out her half smoked cigarette and clutched her weapon tightly within her fingers. In a low growl, she said, "We've gotta go, boys."

"Ya ain't gonna sho -"Connor began.

"Ida killed the both of yas by now if I wanted."She said softly."I ain't one to punish the innocents. Now if ya wanna exchange stories in the middle of this fine alley, be me guest, but I'm leavin'."

"We're headin' home."Connor threw down his cigarette and exhaled slowly.

"We've got friends back home."Murphy added strongly.

"Then to yer home it is, lads."She rested her gun on her shoulder and nodded for them to follow along."Take the lead."

The twins exchanged a few more nervous glances before nodding lightly. They stood in a confused town, where gun fire seemed to take over. They were unlucky enough to be unarmed, so traveling with a so called soldier fit their needs more than they hoped for. Whether or not this woman was an actual Marine or stealing identities to live didn't matter much to Connor and Murphy. They wanted to get home as quick as they possibly could to keep Adrienne, Abby and Paul safe.

They snaked through each alley, finding that the long, twisted walls felt more like a maze than a way home. The Marine quickly stuck out a strong arm, stopping both Connor and Murphy in their tracks. Though her feet were clad in thick, clunky boots, her steps stayed silent as she moved forward. She rose her weapon high to her eyes and pointed a thin finger forward. Connor and Murphy looked on, wondering what she could possibly be so apprehensive about.

Connor's stomach turned over slightly, however, when a stumbling teenager fell into their eye sight. She collapsed onto her knees and cupped a hand to her bleeding mouth. Her red curls fell into her red, swollen eyes as she knelt over. Quiet, but agonizing moans whimpered through her partcially parted lips as she caught little blood in her hands. The thick liquid coated her pale skin when caught, but most dripped onto the dirt floor.

The Marine stepped forward, keeping her well aimed shot on this young girl. Murphy went to step forward in attempt to stop her, but Connor gripped his arm tightly. Murphy turned, his eyes holding nothing but sympathy for the small woman. The Marine let out a low whistle, which caught the attention of the girl. Her head jerked up at the light sound and she turned toward the armed woman. Murphy held a hand to his mouth in attempt to keep his food down where it belonged.

The small teenager's lips were torn to the side, revealing her well kept teeth. Though the rest of her was neatly kept, Connor and Murphy couldn't help but grow more anxious at the sight of her vibrant, green eyes. There was a deep red surrounding the irises in her large orbs, which seemed all too familiar to them. There was a hallow, decayed look to her eyes, which showed more so when they widened. They knew that look all to well and it forced their knees to begin shaking.

Murphy slapped a hand to the brick wall beside him in order to stay standing. Connor huffed quietly as he watched on. Even though this young girl was involuntarily bearing her pearly whites, he couldn't find the heart to turn away from her. The Marine traced a finger over the touchy trigger and seemed to let out a quiet growl. The teenger's eyes turned hard and cold before letting out that nightmarish scream. Connor and Murphy fell silent as she pulled the trigger, piercing the thin skull of the teenager.

Her head bounced back at the hit, allowing the blood, slime and brain matter to coat the floor and walls behind her. Her body fell limp as she collapsed onto the ground completely. Murphy turned toward Connor, giving him an eager look. The Marine turned back to them and scoffed lightly. She edged them on to keep following as she began to grow closer to the street. Loud gun fire cackled loudly through the streets and she tensed up significantly.

"In here."She turned the corner onto the streets, which Connor and Murphy found absolutely idiotic.

They followed her lead, however, and snuck into one of Ireland's local conveinent stores. Connor and Murphy stole a glance around the store and found that the Marine was now hidden from their sight. The quick taps of the firing guns made them rush as they headed over to the counter of the store. Connor and Murphy quickly found refuge behind the large counter, finding the local Marine backed up against the wall. They pressed themselves against the wooden counter and let out a deep breath.

Murphy ran a heavy hand down his face and looked over at his brother. He shook his head quickly, whispering, "It's all over 'gain, Connor."

"Don't fuckin' say it."Connor spat lowly.

"You've dealt with this before, boys?"She whispered quietly.

The Marine kept a close eye on the front of the store, waiting patiently for the few soldiers to make their way passed the open windows. She turned to the brothers for a moment, only to look back out for their own safety. Murphy rested his head in his hands, unable to answer the beauty before them. Connor nodded his head and brushed his hair from his face.

"Aye. Back in the States."He stated softly.

The Marine sat back against the wall, seeming less worried, and pulled the extended magazine from her gun. She furrowed her eyebrows together, possibly from the sudden amount of stress and shoved it back into her weapon. She wiped a hand down her face and asked, "What's yer names?"

"Connor."He placed a hand on the Murphy's shakey shoulders and finished with, "This here's Murphy."

"Well, Connor, Murphy. I'm yer new guardian angel."A smirk fit her plump lips."Fer now, that is."

"And yer name?"Murphy finally peeked out from behind his hands.

"Me name isn't important."She whispered cooly.

"'Less ya want us callin' ya Irish beauty,"Connor began with a smile.

Murphy understood his need to lighten the mood, but it didn't seem fitting for a time like this. His thoughts jumbled roughly through his mind, so he was unable to make sense of a lot of things. He had promised Adrienne that they would be safe within the greenery Ireland had blessed them with, yet he broke that nearly two months later. He couldn't afford to go through another crisis like this, especially if he were to lose someone. To lose Adrienne.

"Maire."Murphy looked up at the Marine, who had broken him from his unfaithful thoughts."Me name is Maire."

Connor took in a quiet gasp before letting his gaze flicker over to Murphy. Murphy knew what Connor was thinking, but the meaning of the Marine's name was only a coincidence.

"Their Rebellion."Connor's words were barely audiable through the thick gun fire.

"Excuse me?"Maire scoffed.

"Yer name."Connor breathed."Yer here to save us."

"I'm here to save myself."Maire narrowed her eyes angrily.

She began to shake her head slowly, as if she couldn't believe the words coming from Connor's mouth. One Marine was not going to put her life at risk to save a few people she barely knew. Connor slapped a hand to Murphy's back, forcing him to jerk forward slightly. He pointed a finger in Maire's direction, earning nothing but a cold stare.

"Ya may not know it yet, lass,"Connor began quietly."but ya'll be the savior of us all."
♠ ♠ ♠
I chose the M - 16 'cause it's amazing.
Out of all the guns my dad owns,
that is certainly my favourite.
It's automatic & gets the job done right ;)
Or a semi - auto.
Whichever :)
Hope you guys enjoyed the new chapter!
We'll see about this Hurricane bullshit.
It went from a cat 3 to a cat 1,
so we'll find out what happens.
Wish us luck!