Status: Coming Soon

Holding Out for the Wishing Well

Chapter 6

Kel forced her unnaturally heavy eyelids open, knowing something was very wrong. There was an icy chill clamped around one wrist, holding it slightly off the squishy surface she lay on. The squishy surface was unfamiliar; there were no sag points where her bed frame was broken, and it was level and stable. As she looked around, Kel found she was in a dank basement, with one wrist locked firmly in a handcuff.
Forcing herself not to panic, Kel took a deep breath and started picking at the cuff, trying to spring the lock, pull apart the hinges, anything. She tugged weakly at the restraint, too weak with the infection to do much else. Kel was finally forced to give up, laying limply on what she had discovered was a sleeping bag on the concrete floor.
After what felt like hours of drifting in and out of reality, Kel heard a door open somewhere above her, followed by footsteps trying to sneak down the stairs. She hoped it was Gerard coming to explain everything for only an instant before she realized Gerard was the one who’d gotten her into the whole mess. The girl chose to stare apathetically at the foot of the stairs, waiting for her jailer visitor.
Kel wasn’t sure if she was relieved or disappointed when the Killjoy appeared at the bottom of the stairs. It was Jet Star, one she was unfamiliar with, and his eyes were hard from behind the open visor of his helmet. He carried a tray of food over to Kel, who simply watched expressionlessly, and dropped it to the floor in front of her. He and Kel stared at each other for a moment, trying to read something in each other’s blank stares, then he turned on his heel and vanished up the stairs.
Kel glanced at her tray of food, seeing that it looked edible, more so than what she usually ate, at any rate. With a sigh, she pushed the tray away and turned her back on the basement, facing the wall.
That became the routine for the next few days; one of the Killjoys Kel didn’t know brought food down, which she refused. There was no attempt to communicate or fix her wound, which was worsening as the infection spread with inattention. The days stretched into one week, then two. Kel was used to the rhythm, by then, knowing when a Killjoy would come and what time that meant it was: morning, noon, or dusk.
One night, Kel lay staring up at the ceiling, imaging all the lights she stared at every night. She found herself missing the distant view of Earth more than ever before, as well as the sunset. As she stared blankly at the bland concrete above her, she heard the familiar sound of the door opening, though no one was supposed to be coming down. Kel didn’t bother to look, knowing whoever was coming would wind up by her; she was the only thing down there, after all.
“Kel?” Asked a familiar voice, and she almost responded before recomposing herself and continuing her staring contest with the ceiling. “Hey, don’t be like that.” Gerard said softly as he crossed the basement. He made it to the sleeping bag Kel was perched on and knelt down beside her, though she gave no sign of having noticed him.
“I’m gonna clean you up, okay?” Gerard asked, though he didn’t wait for a response as he peeled off the disgusting bandage, immediately dousing Kel’s wound with a stinging antibiotic. Kel winced, and Gerard found himself glad she was showing some sign of life. He cleaned out and re-bandaged the wound, then frowned at the girl before him. “C’mon, Kel, you’ve gotta eat something.”
Kel gave no sign of having heard him, other than turning her head slightly away in protest, her eyes still locked on the ceiling. She flinched when Gerard reached over and re-secured the feather in her hair, stopping it from falling.
“Eat something so I can give you painkillers to stop the fever.” Gerard commanded, helping Kel to sit up. He had to hide his alarm when she just slumped against him, not fighting at all. Gerard produced some graham crackers from his pocket, offering them to his friend. Kel took them hesitantly, and ate one slowly. Her stomach rejected the food, however, sending back up in a pathetic puddle on the concrete.
Gerard sighed, then set about mopping up the mess with the few napkins he’d brought down. “Kel, I know it’s tough, but try to keep the food down, okay? It’ll help the medicine work.” He handed her a small pill, which she took without looking at him. “Please say something, Kel. I know you’re pissed, but come on.”
Kel ignored him, staring at her hands in her lap. Gerard chose to sit with her in silence for a long while, the two trying to work out what had sent everything to Hell shit. Finally, Gerard stood with a soft sigh, shooting Kel a strained smile that she missed because she still wasn’t looking at him. Gerard’s grin slid away, and he turned to cross the floor, stopped by a soft voice when he reached the bottom of the stairs.
Kel heard Gerard creep back up the stairs, then slowly push the door open, hesitating before leaving. As soon as the door clicked softly shut, a loud voice shattered the silence, tearing into Gerard.
“What were you thinking? You know you’re not allowed down there. I don’t even know why we kept her around!” Kobra Kid laid into Gerard, who remained silent. “She’s going to die, Gerard, because we’re not going to help her. She was better off in whatever gutter you dragged her out of.”
“Mikey, come on-” Gerard began, but he was cut off.
“No! Y’know, this is as much her fault as yours. You just went right along with her, didn’t you? You ditched us every day to go fuck around with your girlfriend, and just forgot all about us.” Mikey snapped. “Hell, you didn’t even stop her when she stole Frank’s gun. Whose side are you on, Gerard? ‘Cause it sure doesn’t seem like ours.”
“I think we have to do what we were told, this time.” Jet Star cut in, obviously having been drawn to the argument. “Hopefully everything will work out once she’s dead.”
“Ray, you wouldn’t-” Gerard began, but he was again overridden.
“Gee, this is for your own good. She won’t be suffering anymore, either.” Mikey said softly, as if trying to console his brother. Gerard shouted a violent protest when the door banged open, and there was a muffled crash as someone thundered down the stairs ahead of the melee.
Jet Star jumped the last three steps, Kobra Kid hot on his heels as he held tight to his brother’s arm, trying to hold him back. Fun Ghoul was close behind, grabbing Gerard’s other arm to hold him back as Jet Star approached Kel where she lay on her sleeping bag.
Kel just stared up at the Killjoys, not really caring that they were there until Jet Star raised his gun. Then Kel narrowed her eyes and shifted, speaking to Jet Star for the first time.
“Wait.” She said, and started struggling to her feet. Jet Star raised an eyebrow, but held his fire, curious to see what this sick, beaten girl would try. She tried and failed to get off her knees, then collapsed a second time. The Killjoys were growing impatient by the time she finally grabbed the chain on her handcuff, using it to pull herself up as she leaned on the wall until she was standing, carefully straightening to stand up straight on her own two feet. Her grey eyes, slightly glazed from the fever, met jet Star’s, and the Killjoy was surprised that she wasn’t scared or upset. “Okay.” She nodded, holding his gaze as she stood, swaying slightly, but unafraid.
The Killjoys stared at the girl, not sure what to make of her and her determination to die on her feet. Kobra Kid relaxed his hold on Gerard slightly as he studied Kel, loosening his grip just enough for his brother to lunge forward and knock the gun from Jet Star’s hand.
Kel watched the ensuing scuffle carelessly, not really interested in who would be coming out on top. She knew it wouldn’t matter, anyway; it was three to one, and she was going, one way or another. She was, however, struggling to stay upright, swaying more and more where she stood. Oh, hurry up. I want to die on my feet. She thought, wishing she could walk over and pull apart their wimpy little pansy fight.
As the men in front of her argued fiercely, each trying to restrain the others, Kel started trembling from the effort of staying upright, the small tremors slowly becoming a steady shaking until she was forced to lean back, slumped against the wall. The Killjoys stopped shouting and looked at her as she fought with herself to stay upright, bracing herself on the wall and wrapping the handcuff chain around her hand to hold on to. She was fighting hard to stay up now, her eyes locked on the ground as she grit her teeth and glared blankly in anger at herself.
Jet Star shifted slightly, weighing his options, then took a step back, standing down. Fun Ghoul and Kobra Kid hesitated for a moment longer, then released Gerard, who immediately rushed over to Kel as she stood shaking against the wall.
“Stop it.” Kel mumbled, swatting Gerard’s hand away when he reached out to help her. “No.” She pushed him away again, swaying alarmingly with the effort. Gerard frowned, but kept trying as Kel continued to push him farther away.
“Kel, c’mon,” Gerard began, trying to reason with her as he reached out again, but when Kel jerked back, she slumped against the wall, sliding limply down the concrete wall. Gerard saw his opportunity and caught her, shooting her a worried look before glaring at his fellow Killjoys, who had the decency to look slightly guilty. Then he took off her handcuff and carried her away.
♠ ♠ ♠
It's been way too long. My apologies.
Blame life, blame me, blame anything you want.
I'm a loser and a user so I don't need no accuser
to try and drag me down because I know you're right

Green Day