Status: Done. Wish me luck! :D

Like A Diamond

Rough Cut

Gabriel Smith. There’s so much I could say about Gabe; he’s smart, funny, nice, talented, but the word that comes to mind most often is the word Diamond. Yeah I can’t use that to describe him, but the reason that it comes to mind is because he calls me his little Diamond for I’m apparently so much like a diamond, so he says. Every time I ask him how I’m like a diamond, he answers with a useless fact that I don’t understand. I secretly think it’s sweet that he could compare someone like me a diamond, but I’m a bit of a smartass, so I have to question his reasoning.

We were sat on my couch cuddled close together watching Rocky Horror Picture Show because Gabe has loved this movie ever since we discovered it back in the 4th grade. Of course back then we weren’t together so I could openly drool over Rocky without feeling guilty that my boyfriend would be jealous. What? You’re just now realizing that Gabe and I are teenagers, madly in love? Well get used to it, because there’s physically nothing that could pull us apart. Smiling at the thought I turn and kiss Gabe squarely on the jaw. He smiles and returns the kiss upon my cheek.

“You’re so cute my little Diamond,” he said once his lips pulled away, holding a kind smile. I huffed like every other time he’s called me diamond then ask why I’m like a diamond so he can give me another useless fact. “Because Love, diamonds are the gem stones for April and you are born in April.”

“But Gabey,” I whined, “you’ve already given me that reason. I want a different one.” He chuckled at me before going on because he knows I’ve never heard him say this before, I was just looking for an excuse to hear his nonsense.

“Fine, because you’re stubborn and hardheaded just like a diamond. Did you know that Diamonds are the hardest natural substance on Earth?”

“Gabriel, you’re such a nerd,” I said through a giggle, “but you’re my nerd and I love you.”

“And I love you little Diamond.” He kissed me tenderly and in the background we could hear Janet’s moans to ‘Brad’. I giggled and called her a stupid whore causing Gabe to laugh along with me.


“Baby! We should go to the Zoo !!” I practically screamed at Gabe as we walked out of our shared apartment. He was walking me to the local college I attend, like every day for the past 2 years, for another bright day of measuring gawd knows what.

“And why is that?”

“Because the gorillas just had a baby and the Zoo is presenting him on Tuesday! Can we go please?!”

“We have school little Diamond. We can’t just skip out on school because of a gorilla baby,” he said taking both our bags, lighting the load on my struggling form.

“Gabe! Don’t call me little Diamond; I’m nothing like a diamond!”

“You’re just like a diamond! My Aaron is a very rare person to come across and those that have someone like him are very lucky, just like a diamond. Did you know that pink diamonds are the rarest diamonds in the world and people would pay billions of dollars just to be near a diamond so rare? Well Aaron baby, I’d pay billions and billions of dollars just to have the pleasure of calling you mine.”

“Don’t tell me you’re going to start calling me your Pink little Diamond because as gay as I am, I can’t do with the sissy name.” He chuckled then pulled me so close to his body that I could smell the cologne he’s worn since 8th grade.

“No, if it makes you happy, I’ll call you little Blue Diamond, because blue diamonds are just as rare, if not more. Did you know-”

“Sweetheart, no more ‘did you knows’, my brain is still trying to digest your last one.” He stopped in front of my math class with a smile, then kissed me goodbye as he rushed on to his art class. I stared longingly after him before Professor Fenway cleared his throat and pointed me to my desk. I sigh then happily skipped to my desk thinking of how no matter how annoying I get, nothing will separate my Gabriel from me.


I looked down at the gorgeous engagement ring that was sat in the little black box Gabe held. I tried not to scream as the single diamond glistened up causing a slight rainbow to run along his knuckles. I nodded my head vigorously then stuck out my hand so Gabe could slide the ring on my left hand, but of course not before he could murmur out a crazy fact.

“The Egyptians use to believe that the ring was supposed to be on the left hand because there’s a vein in your third finger that leads straight to your heart and the tradition of a diamond engagement ring started in 1477 when Archduke Maximillian of Austria gave a diamond ring to Mary of Burgundy.”

“Gabriel, shut up and just kiss me already!” He stood back up to full height after proposing on one knee, leave it to Gabe to be traditional, then engulfed me in a loving kiss. The crowd around us applauded and cheered as the waiters brought us a small dessert that Gabe had preordered for this special moment. I pulled back from the kiss and smiled so much it hurt, I couldn’t believe I’d be living together forever with the man I loved. Just the thoughts of never being away from this wonderfully, amazing man gave me goose bumps. This was the moment I had waited my whole life for, after knowing Gabe for 26 years, I thought he’s never ask me to marry him.

“Why’d you finally ask me Gabe?”

“Because I love you my precious little Blue Diamond,” he said like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

“And why am I like a diamond again?”

“Because you are the most beautiful person I know and diamonds are the number 1 object of beauty to the world. Did you know that diamonds are the most valuable gems in the world? Everyone of course wants their own and everyone deserves their own, but anyone can get any old diamond, but the great ones are found after long time. 26 years seemed like a long enough time, don’t you think love?”

“I THINK you’re silly, but I KNOW I’ll love you forever for it.”

I cried as I sat there in my hospital gown. I thought 38 was too young to need a heart transplant, but apparently no one is too young. I looked through my scrapbook Gabriel made me as a 10 year anniversary present. It had pictures from when we were born all the way up until our anniversary party. It was the year celebrated with diamonds, so of course he’d want to make this book for me. I still remember the words he uttered to me at the party.

“Little Blue Diamond, did you know that not only is the wedding decorated with the beautiful gem, but also the 10th anniversary and the 60th anniversary?”

Of course I hadn’t known that, so he explained more to me. I of course called him a geek playfully, because that pretty little head of his was just so full of these facts about diamonds. Sitting here I think about why and how he knew all these things, but it all seemed to baffle me. I gave up on the thinking and just cried. I cried because there would be no 60th anniversary. No more useless facts about diamonds. And no more of that sweet voice calling me ‘His Little Diamond’, because it was all over. A heart transplant would be the thing to end our friendship, our relationship, and our lives. It would never take our love away though, that we would have forever no matter what. I thought diamonds were indestructible, that almost nothing could destroy them? Well my diamond was destroyed, taken from me in the sweetest most horrible way. I looked back down at the crumpled note in my hand. The writing was messy and quickly written out, but I could feel the love in it as I read it over and over again.

My sweet little Diamond. My very rare blue and pink diamond.
I love you, not loved, but love as in I will forever. You are my
everything and though I can’t be there with you, know that I never
left. Did you know that only another diamond could destroy a
diamond? Well, I couldn’t have your heart failing and my precious
diamond dying, so here I am, giving you my heart because only
my diamond is allowed to take my life away, but don’t be sad Love,
because I know you. You’re rare, precious, and indestructible.
You’ll go on to do great things and I’ll be right there in our heart so
don’t forget me. I’ll see you when you’re time has come, and your
diamond, the thing you love the most, destroys you.


Gabriel Brandon Smith
♠ ♠ ♠
I might write a sequel to this. Let me know if you guys think I should:)
