Status: In Progress.

I Need You So Much Closer

Danger, danger! I'm in love with the perfect stranger.

“Alright.” he proclaimed holding the map up in the air. He pulled me over to a table and we both sat down across from each other. “If we‘re…” he trailed off, “Where the hell are we?” he laughed.

I glanced around and saw a stage that had a large banner that said “Stage: Green.”

“We‘re by the green stage.” I spoke up.

“Alright, green stage, green stage.” he laughed.

“Excuse me! You can‘t sit here unless you‘re eating.” A security guard with a forceful voice informed us as he overpoweringly stood at our table.

Nathan looked at me and smiled, “Hungry?”

“Starved.” I admitted. We agreed on chicken strips, while he went and got those I saved our table and looked at the map.

He returned and sat down across from me, “Find it yet?”

I nodded, “Yeah, I‘m trying to figure out which way will be fastest, its clear on the other side of the grounds.” We snacked on our chicken strips and fries while we tried to figure out the quickest route, in the end we decided on the way that had the least amount of stages, figuring less people would be walking there. “I’m guessing it’s about a ten minute walk, if it‘s as crowded as I think it is.” I said as I folded the map back up.

Nathan pulled out of his phone, “It‘s 3:15 now, we better get a move on it!”

He tossed our garbage in the trash and soon we were off to the Alligator stage. “Oh, how much do I owe you?”

“I don‘t know, you‘re quite the handful, after almost losing you once, I‘d say at lease a couple hundred.” he winked.

“Not that! For the lunch.” I said, playfully hitting his arm.

“Nothing, it‘s on me.”

“But-” I protested, he instantly cut me off.

“No buts, and no worries.” he smiled. Oh great. He was extremely good looking, had an amazing smile, and was a gentleman. I think I’m going to die.

In all this chaos his hand found mine and started pulling me again, leading me towards the now dreaded Alligator stage. A good ten minutes later we made it there, “Mind if I watch their set with you?” he asked.

I smiled “I don‘t mind.” We stood back far enough so we could still hear each other while we talked.

“So where are you from?” he asked.

“Los Angeles, what about you?”


“I‘ve never heard of it.” I laughed a little, hiding my embarrassment.

“It’s in San Diego.”

“I‘ll ‘Google Map’ it one day.”

“Why, so you can stalk me?” he winked

“No, to improve my geography!” I said matter-of-factly.

“I just can‘t get the ladies to stay away!” I rolled my eyes, fighting the smile that was trying to form on my face.

I found out he was twenty, I was nineteen, that we both had a strong passion for music, and had the same taste in music. Before I knew it the hour long set was over, as if on queue, Nathan’s phone rang. He turned his body away a little and plugged one of his ears as he spoke on the phone, “I‘ll be right there.” were his last words in the phone conversation. Dang.
♠ ♠ ♠
It takes me forever to find a title for the chapter haha.

Well, speaking of Warped tour, anyone going to it? I might be!! There's too many bands to list that I want to see there. A few are; Black Veil Brides, Every Avenue, There For Tomorrow, A Day to Remember, Family Force 5, The Narrative, Hellogoodbye.

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