Status: In Progress.

I Need You So Much Closer

Tell it all like it was in a letter.

I was walking to the spot where I met Nathan, when I thought he worked here. I had gone home and freshened up a bit; I straightened my thick blonde hair and touched up my makeup. I glanced down at my grey converse, making sure they were both tied, adjusted my white tank top that had a dream catcher on the front of it, and pulled my phone out of the pocket in my jean shorts, I checked the time, it was exactly seven. I was late. I picked up my pace a little, not wanting him to leave if he was already there, and then my mind started a war against myself, arguing that he wouldn’t be there. But he was. I saw him nonchalantly leaning up against the fence, his hands in his front pockets and one foot resting on the fence behind him. He was looking off to the side, so I studied his facial structure, make that his perfect facial structure. His sun glasses were still on and he was still wearing the same shirt, I was hoping he would change so I wouldn’t get caught staring at his arms all night. I’m secretly glad he didn’t.
His head turned and he looked right at me, a smile appearing on his face, I stood in front of him a few seconds later.

“I was starting to think you got lost again.”

“Funny,” I replied sarcastically, “At least I know how to read a map if I do get lost.” I remarked.

“Ouch!” he chuckled, putting a hand over his heart. He pushed off the fence and started walking. It took me a while to get my feet moving, I quickly caught up with him. He was walking at a slower pace than he was earlier today, and he wasn’t weaving through the
crowd as much, which made it easier for us to talk.

“So are you going to school anywhere?” he asked.

“Yeah, UCLA.”

“Woah, smarty pants.” he teased, “What‘s your major?”

“Sports medicine, I‘m planning on being a physical therapist.”

“Oh really? That‘s awesome, I have a cousin that does that.”

“What about yourself?”

“Nope, no college for me, as of right now. I went for a year, I‘m taking a break, I guess you could say.” Well at least he was honest.

“I would never want to go back if I took a year off, I would love to though. And just travel the world and not have to do anything.”

“You should do it, I bet you‘ll force yourself to go back to school.” he smiled.

I shrugged, “What‘s something someone wouldn’t know about you if they looked at you?”

“There‘s a lot of answers to that, but the most surprising one to people would be that I‘m adopted.”

“I definitely would have never guessed that. You‘re full of mysteries.” I laughed.

We talked and walked, not going anywhere in particular. We stopped at random stages and listened to a few bands for a while and then we‘d continue walking. I found out he’s an only child, unlike me, I have a five year old brother named Sam. I found out he plays guitar, and likes the beach, just like me.
I didn’t check the clock once the whole time I was with him. We were sitting down at a table eating ice cream when my phone went off, I was going to ignore it but Nathan insisted I answer it. It was Claire, she was checking in on my ‘date’ if you even want to call it that. I told her I’d call her later, there was no way I was talking about this in front of him. I glanced at the time and saw it was already ten. After we ate we headed to go watch The Cab play, we decided to get up close this time. I was having a hard time seeing the stage, people were on other people’s shoulders blocking my view. Nathan nudged me and pointed to his shoulders. Did he want me to get on his?

I shook my head and smiled, “No, that‘s okay!” I yelled so he’d be able to hear me.

“It‘s no problem! Come on.” he said in my ear, the fact he was that close to me set chills down my spine. He crouched down and I sat on his shoulders and held onto his hands as he stood straight up, the view was amazing. His hands rested on my thighs which sent tingles throughout my skin.
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Comments? Feedback is always appreciated, it gives me motivation to write!

I start school back up in 21 days. boo.