Status: In Progress.

I Need You So Much Closer

And these are your friends.

After the concert Nathan’s hand found mine and he pulled me aside to a wall on the side of
a stage. I leaned against it as he stood in front of me, “I should probably be going.” I sighed.

“Why the long face?” he laughed.

“I just had a really good time.” I smiled.

“Me too.” he smiled as his fingers laced through mine.

I looked down at our intertwined fingers as I said, “Thanks for letting me have a good view on your shoulders. I hope you‘re not sore tomorrow…”

He laughed lightly and gave me a genuine smile, “It was no problem, you‘re as light as a feather.”

I felt myself blush and I averted my eyes from his. His hand reached up and his fingers softly brushed across my skin, tucking my hair behind my right ear. He stepped closer to me, backing me up against the wall, his other hand slid around to the small of my back and held me close to him. I felt his breath on my face as his eyes locked on mine, I was going to melt. I felt butterflies flying around like crazy in my stomach, like the keys with wings in a scene from a Harry Potter movie. My breathing was getting heavy, I was anticipating his lips on mine. His hand slid down my cheek and slipped behind my neck. His forehead rested on mine and his eyes slowly closed. I closed my eyes, knowing our lips were about to touch, I reached my hands out and grabbed a hold of his shirt and pulled him closer to me.
And then someone started calling his name. We both opened our eyes and turned our heads to the direction the voice came from, there were three guys standing there, smiling as they walked towards us. Nathan sighed and threw his head back in annoyance. He backed off of me a little and turned towards the group of guys, his fingers laced through mine securing me at his side.

“Hey guys.” he mumbled.

“Who is your lady friend?” one of the guys teased, he had green eyes that reminded me of Claire’s, and wavy brown hair.

Nathan looked over at me and smiled, “This is Alison.”

“Hi.” I smiled.

“Ally this is Cameron,” he pointed to the guy that spoke up, with the green eyes. “Michael,” he then pointed at a guy with black hair, “And this is Zach.” he said lastly, pointing to a guy with blue eyes and brown hair.

I shook their hands and smiled, “Nice to meet you.”

“So you’re the girl who got lost with Nathan earlier.” the guy Nathan referred to as Michael said.

“So did you guys need anything?” Nathan interjected before I could answer.

“No, we were just walking and saw you, we figured we‘d interrupt and say hi.” Cameron smiled.

“Good timing.” Nathan mumbled.

Zach looked from Nathan, to me, then down at our hands, confusion on his face, “Did you guys want to catch a concert with us?” he asked, figuring out what was going on between us.

“I should actually get going.” I gave them a half smile.

“Don‘t leave because of us!” Cameron said quickly.

I shook my head, “It‘s not because of you. I‘ve got an early morning tomorrow.”

“What about you Nathan?” Zach asked.

“Yeah, I‘ll go. Just give us a second?” Nathan demanded more than asked, looking at me.

“Don‘t get lost.” Michael scoffed. They all exchanged a laugh and walked off, leaving Nathan and I alone.
♠ ♠ ♠
New Brighten EP tomorrow. I am going to fucking die.