Status: Completed

I Wonder What It's Like to Be Loved by You

Guess I'm Stuck In This Mad World

“How’d it go?” Danny asked me when I walked through the door.

“Well, at least it’s over,” I chuckled.

Danny sent me a sympathetic look before pulling me in for a comforting hug. I just broke up with Josh and he was really upset. I feel bad but I don’t love him and I don’t feel like I ever could, he just wasn’t right for me and like Danny said, I can’t force myself to love him.

“So when do you have to go back to England?” I questioned once we parted and headed into the kitchen and had a cup of coffee.

“In two days,” He replied then took a sip of his coffee.

“I’m going to miss you,” I softly said while looking down at the table.

“I’m gonna miss you too,” Danny replied. “It’s so good to have you back.”

“I feel the same,” I smiled but then let out a big breath and said, “I think I need a vacation somewhere.”


“Yeah,” I honestly said. “I got this Josh thing over with but just in my art I feel like I’ve exhausted all inspiration. The most fun things for me now is designing stages and stuff for bands because I get to meet the people and capture their personality but all my photography and graphic design stuff is lacking inspiration and I love doing it, I just need new inspiration, new experiences.”

”Hey!” He shouted. “I have an idea!”

“What?” I questioned.

“Why don’t you move to England,” Danny suggested with a huge smile spreading across his face.

I let out a small laugh before saying, “Funny Danny.”

“What’s funny about it? I’m serious,” He replied.

It took me a minute to compose my thoughts but I eventually spoke, “Dan, I can’t just move to another country.”

“Why not? Your parents don’t live in California anymore, you don’t have a boyfriend here, what’s there to leave behind?” He asked me.

“This is my home Danny, England is a whole other country! Besides, it’s taken me a long time to build up this client base here. There’s a lot of artists out there and it takes a while to prove yourself and really get a break, in England I’d have to start all over and I don’t know if I want to work another five or more years to just get to where I am now,” I countered.

“But you could work for us. We all loved the posters and the stage you designed and you already have a lot of publicity just from designing that,” Danny battled.

“What about a house and stuff, I’m going to have to fly to England, buy a house, come back and sell mine then move,” I added.

“Just sell your house here, then come to England and stay with us until you find a place,” He grinned then took my hands in his. “Kirstie, all of us love you so much, especially me and we would love having you around all the time. I promise everything will work out, just promise me you’ll think about it.”

“I don’t have to think about it,” I stated and his face fell before I said, ”I’m going!”

“Really?” Danny buzzed. ”That’s great!”

He scooped me up and spun me around and we started laughing hysterically. I could hardly wait to move, I think this is going to be the best adventure yet!
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whoo! i finally got one comment! i would really love some more feedback though, i really do appreciate it!

i'm kind of having McFly A.D.D. though, all the sudden i'm like HARRY! hahaha

Kirstie and Danny