Endless Summer Days

Lyanna Carter & Sebastian Miller

“Who needs true love as long as you love me truly.”

Lyanna was the girl everyone wanted to be. She was pretty, smart, popular and had all the boys chasing her. Yet she was still the nicest person around school and never let her popularity get to her head which only made her more loved by all those around her. She always spoke her mind and wasn’t afraid to look stupid.

So when she is asked by her parents to go help her crazy grandfather pack up all his things for his move to a home she doesn’t hesitate to say yes. Leaving Chicago for a small town in southern Illinois is a shock but Lyanna takes it in strides having no idea that she is about to have a summer that would change her forever.

Arriving at her grandfather’s she has no idea what waits her having never set foot in the town where everyone knew everyone else from childhood. Lyanna quickly makes friends who all have the same warning—avoid the Millers at all costs especially Sebastian.

The father was said to be a violent drunk that would only be seen when he was stumbling home drunk from the local bar or screaming from his porch to his two children. The oldest was a twenty-two year old girl named Heather who was considered the local whore. It was whispered that she had slept with all the men in town, even a few married ones and she had no shame in the act. It was a miracle to the citizens that she only had one child and when she had disappeared for a year the rumor was she had gone to rehab which hadn’t stuck. The son, however, was the one that held a sick kind of fascinating horror to those that lived in the town. Sebastian was the original bad boy. Every horrible thing imaginable he had done: drinking, smoking, stealing, and drugs. Everyone in town mistrusted him yet girls couldn’t help being attracted to his dark haunting looks and the mysterious but dangerous air around him.

Lyanna is captivated by him and sees something in him that others never have. So when her grandfather hires Sebastian to help with the move his cold devious ways have no chance against Lyanna’s kind heart and unwavering determination.

For both the summer days will seem endless and they will find that that it is just fine with them.