Status: On Hold.

Well, Maybe a Little Bit

Chapter Four

“It’s true, you don’t see many Dwarf women,” Gimli boasted to Eowyn as she walked next to his horse and as I trotted alongside him on the other side. “And in fact, they are so alike in voice and appearance, that they’re often mistaken for Dwarf men,” he chuckled.
Eowyn looked back at Aragorn. “It’s the beards,” he whispered.
“This, in turn, has given rise to the belief that there are no Dwarf women and that Dwarves just spring out of holes in the ground,” Gimli, Eowyn, and I all laughed, “which is, of course, ridiculous.” Gimli’s horse then got spooked and took off. Gimli then lost his balance and feel to the ground. “It’s all right. Nobody panic.” He grumbled from the ground. I smiled at him. “That was deliberate. It was deliberate,” he said as Eowyn helped him up.
I trotted up ahead to where Legolas was standing and watching the horizon.
“Need a ride,” I smiled to him holding out my hand.
He smiled taking my hand, “A rest would be nice.” He swung up behind me onto Snowshadow.
“See anything?” I asked.
“Nothing out of the ordinary,” he sighed resting his hands on my waist.
I blushed and gently nudged Snowshadow up to the front of the long line of people.
I was walking with Snowshadow, near Aragorn and Eowyn, a few days later.
“Where is she?” asked Eowyn. “The woman who gave you that jewel.” Aragorn was silent for a long time. “My lord?”
“She is sailing to the Undying Lands with all that is left of her kin,” he said to her. “Except for her sister.” I knew he nodded to me.
A few of Théoden’s guards galloped up ahead of the crowd. I frowned and climbed onto Snowshadow’s back. I galloped up with them near Legolas.
"What's going on?" I asked him.
Legolas shook his head, "Something is coming."
The two riders galloped down the slope. I watched as they reared up in fright. I gasped as an Orc riding warg jumped down from the ridge above and attacked the riders.
"Wargs!" one of them cried.
I galloped down around the smaller ridge while Legolas jumped down, firing an arrow at the rider. I galloped over and cut the throat of the warg. Aragorn appeared on the ridge.
"A scout!" Legolas cried to him.
Aragorn ran back to the king while I waited next to Legolas on the next hill. Snowshadow trampled the ground in fear of what was coming. I patted her neck while staring out into the distant hills. Numbers upon numbers of Wargs cam over the hill towards us. In unison, Legolas and I drew our arrows and shot down what Wargs we could. The hooves of the other horses thundered as they came up from behind us. Once they met Legolas and I, I kicked Snowshadow into a gallop, while Legolas joined Gimli.
We met the Wargs head on. Arrows were shot, swords swung, Wargs teeth snapping. I lost Legolas, Gimli, and Aragorn in the crowed of Wargs and Theoden's men.
I jumped off Snowshadow and turned her away from the fight, "Go back to the lines." I tell her before I pull two arrows back taking out another Warg.
Snowshadow disappears and I'm alone near the edge of a drop to the river below. I stayed a good distance away, taking out Wargs with my arrows. I saw Aragorn fighting with one that was headed for the cliff. I shot it but the Warg had too much momentum and both the Warg and Aragorn were sent over the edge.
"Aragorn!" I cried running to the cliffs edge. I watched him take the plunge into the cold water river and then swiftly taken down river.
I forgot about the battle and fell to my knees. I had let another one of my friends die right in front of me. I bowed my head, tears dripping on to the grey stone below me. Maybe I was as monstrous as the Elves predicted. Even with my upbringings in The Shire.
"Aragorn!" I heard Legolas shout.I let out a quite sob knowing he wouldn't get an answer.
"Aragorn?" Gimli called.
Legolas ran up near me, but I did not dare look at him. An Orc laughed from behind us. I turned and watched Gimli grab a hold of him and held his ax up to the Orcs neck.
"Tell me what happened and I will ease your passing," he growled.
"He's" the Orc coughed, "dead. He took a little tumble off the cliff."
Legolas glared at him, "You lie."
The Orc laughed while taking his final breaths. Legolas reached down and pulled the Evenstar out of his hands. Tearing up again, I turned back and gazed down at the water. Legolas and Theoden joined me.
"Get the wounded on horses," Theoden told his men "The wolves of Isengard will return." He paused. "Leave the dead." I looked up at Theoden the same time Legolas did. Theoden placed a hand on Legolas's shoulder, "Come." He then looked at me. "This is the reason why women do not fight. They do not take death well."
I jump up," How dare you! He was my friend! Of course I will grieve for his death!"
"Now is not the time for grieving. The Wargs will return and will not show mercy on a women. Especially a She-Elf." Theoden growled at me.
"I am just as good of a warrior as you, King Theoden. Elf or not. Don't you forget that," I hiss stalking off.
I found Snowshadow and mounted her before riding off to Helm's Deep in silence. I glared ahead of me, not daring to look at Legolas, Gimli or Theoden.
"Make way for Theoden. Make way fro the King," a guard shouted to the people as we rode in.
"Some king," I snorted.
We reached the top and dismounted our horses. Eowyn came running up. "So few," she whispered. "So few of you have returned."
Theoden nodded, "Our people are safe. We have paid for it with many lives."
"My lady," Gimli gasped of sadness from behind me.
Eowyn looked between him and I. "Lord Aragorn...Where is he?"
Gimli blinked at the tears that were in his eyes, "He-he fell."
"What," she gasped looking to me. She looked over to Theoden who only gave her an apologetic look.
"Yeah, that's all you'll get from him. Warrior's don't show emotion," I snapped stalking off. I took deep breaths, feeling the darkness within me. I stood on top of the gate, staring out into the deep gorge we were now trapped in. Saurman was getting closer to Helm's Deep. And closer to me.