Status: One Shot

Never Tell Me the Sky's the Limit...

...When There Are Footprints On The Moon

"The sky's the limit." Her dad always told her. She believed him; she could do whatever she wanted... Within limits, of course. At first, it meant nothing to her. She had a limit to what she could do, and she was fine with it.

Then she found the flyer for a local star search. She didn't think anything of it until one of her friends told her she should go and sing for it. So, with her friend's support, she went to the first auditions.

"Hello, my name is Katie Jennings, and I'm here to sing for you." She gave the bored looking judges her brightest smile and put up her long, auburn hair. One of the judges, a man, looked at her.

"And what will you be singing?" He asked in a bored voice. She swallowed, suddenly nervous.

"I-I'll be singing Born This Way by Lady Gaga." She answered. The man motioned for her to start and she cleared her throat.

She began singing and closed her eyes, not wanting to see the judges' reactions. When she finally finished, she peeked at them just a bit. Instead of bored looks, they were now giving her smiles.

"That was lovely, Katie! My vote is yes, you will move on." She looked to the man next to her.

"I've heard better, but it was great none the less. You're in." Katie felt her smile grow.

"Sweetie, you're in." Katie smiled at the last woman and thanked them profusely before leaving. Of course, she had a few people who told she'd never go far. She tried to shake off their harsh words, but deep down inside, they got to her confidence.

Weeks past and she cleared the next few rounds, until it was down to the final three. They were all at the site of the competition, and Katie was chatting with her fellow competitors.

"So, Jazzy, who do you think is going to win?" Katie asked the girl next to her. She was very pretty, with bronze skin, jet black hair, and smoldering brown eyes.

"I think you will, Katie! Don't you agree, Heath?" Jazzy looked over to Heath, a handsome young man with sandy blonde hair and sparkling blue eyes.

"I totally agree." He smiled and gave Katie a wink, to which she blushed.

"Guys, we all have a great chance." Her green eyes twinkled with the fact that she had made it so far. Maybe, just maybe, her choices didn't have a limit.

The competition started not much later and each competitor did their absolute best, but only one could win. They all held hands and Katie squeezed her eyes shut.

"The winner is... Katie Jennings!" Her eyes flew open, not believing her ears. Jazzy and Heath tackled her in a hug, shouting their congratulations.

Several years later, after Katie was signed to a record deal and put out her first album, she was at one of her concerts when she spotted someone in the crowd.

It was one of the people who told her she'd never make it. Her mother. Next to her was her father, who'd told her that she had a limit in life. She locked eyes with him and spoke the next words with confidence into the microphone.

"Never tell me the sky's the limit when there are footprints on the moon."
♠ ♠ ♠
Well, something entirely different, and it may not be too good, I know, but hey, I tried, right? The title and the chapter title make up the quote I chose for the contest mentioned in the description. =]
