Strange Fate

Strange Fate (1)

Copyright © 2011 ItsCandy!

Ok first of all I want to say that I’m really excited! This is my first story that I’m posting up on Mibba :). Anyways, I hope you guys like it, wait, first I hope I get some readers! Yikes now I’m nervous… but any who please, please, please let me know your thoughts so far and what you guys would like to see in my story. Thanks!

And now… on to the story!!

Chapter one:

Janessa’s POV…

It was the last week of school, so of course it was final’s week as well. Ugh… seriously? This week was totally killing me, and the fact that the school agreed to let the crew from the show 90210 film at our school was not helping me either. For crying out loud, it was finals week… couldn’t they wait till the end of this week to film their stupid episode, could they not see that they were distracting the students. “Ugh whatever,” I thought to myself, “Janessa, you’re almost done with this week anyways,” it’s finally Wednesday. One more final tomorrow and I would be done with my sophomore year at Mount Saint Mary’s College.

What a relief, cause let me tell you that this semester, has been kind of tough since I recently switched my major from Biology to Psychology with a minor in art. Because of that, I had to start off with all the freshman classes even though I was a sophomore. It was only ten in the morning and I was already burn out, I had my child and human development final today at 8:30 in the morning. I was feeling tired so I started walking towards my dorm to take a nap, until I remembered that I should probably get some coffee to stay up and work on my final paper for my death and after life class, it was due tomorrow before midnight but I wanted to make sure I had it done way before that. I guess you can say I was kind of a nerd like that.

I went to the café to get my coffee and as I was pouring the hott liquid into a cup, a felt a slap on my ass. I stopped pouring and turned around kind of pissed off cause that could have seriously made me burn ma self with the coffee. When I turn around I see my friend Carol looking at me with a huge smirk on her face. “Hey Janessa,” she said. She always knew how to push my buttons, but I loved that girl either way. She’s stuck with me through a hell of a lot.

“Hey boyfriend,” I told her. Ok so here’s the thing, I’m not gay or anything, this is just a joke that Carol and I have. It all started in our intro to psych class. We sit right next to each other so when we get bored with the lecture, we always start up a note to pass to each other or have a conversation while whispering to each other. She totally tried to pinch my thigh one day in class and I moved out of the way telling her, “that’s not for you, that’s boyfriend territory,” while laughing my little butt off.

Seeing as its Carol we’re talking about, she smiled and said, “I guess that makes me your boyfriend.” We both started laughing and it’s been a joke of ours ever since. “So Ollie, how was the final you had this morning?” Ollie was short of Olivia which was my middle name, my full name being Janessa Olivia Castillo. Carol is the only one who can get away with calling me Ollie, anyone else and I’d pumble their face to the floor.

“I think I did pretty well, most of the questions she used were from the previous tests and quizzes we had,” I paused before whispering, “I hope I did well…” more to myself than to her but she totally caught onto that and gave me a hug. “I’m sure you did great kiddo, be confident ok?” I gave her a small nod and smiled at her. This was a routine for us, she’d always tell me I did great at something whenever I wasn’t sure about it or was feeling little bit nervous.

I didn’t have many friends, but the ones I did have meant the world to me, so I tried to be confident when they tried cheering me up. “So you’re gonna have breakfast Ollie?” carol asked, snapping me back to reality. She was always making sure that I ate since I wouldn’t have such a big appetite, “nope, I had breakfast before my final, just came to get me some good ol’ coffee,” I said while raising my coffee cup to her smiling. “Oh yeah? And what exactly did you have for breakfast girlfriend of mine?” she asked patting my head as we headed to the register.

I smiled and told her I had granola and fruit for breakfast. She nodded her head in approval, I swear, I’m going to miss this girl during the summer. I hope we at least get to hang out during the break, even though I doubt it, reason one being the fact I don’t have a car to get around and number two being that money’s tight at home right now. Oh well, I guess I’ll figure something out or maybe not. I snapped out of my daze when Carol started waving her fingers in my face saying she’d catch me later, she was going to her class to take her Shakespeare final. I nodded and waved her bye, “I’ll text you when I’m done and we’ll have lunch ok,” and with that she left the café. Alright, now time to get my paper done so I could turn in it and get it over with once and for all…

Ash’s POV…

Great, I had to end up stuck on this stupid mountain while I could be on a date with Jessica. She was pretty hot, which I guess makes up for her being so damn annoying, she thought I was going to ask her to be my girl, maybe I would, I mean most of my girlfriends were of interest to me for about a week, and when I was bored, I’d simply start fooling around with another girl and that would be the end of my relationship. I guess you can say I’m not a commitment type of guy, but hey, I had the looks to back it up and the money at that too. Dating Jessica wouldn’t be too much of a bother and I’d have a good time with her too.

I walked out of my car, your basic BMW, the kind you’d expect a rich kid to have. I was on the phone with my father who kept on nagging me to come to the recording on this lame show. My father was Richard James, yeah… the owner of a multibillion dollar chain of companies that organized advertisement for television and radio networks and handled all types of contracts. He wanted me to get some up close look at how the show was going so I’d have a firsthand experience at what the company was working with, because according to my father, I was soon going to be taking over the company. I chuckled a little at this thought; there was no way in hell that I’d be stuck behind a desk all day dealing with paperwork. Oh hell no, I’d much rather be outside on the race track, racing with the roaring of my car’s engine in front of me. “Welcome Mr. James” I was snapped back to reality by a guy who was standing in front of me holding out his hand for me to take. I shook his hand and smiled, I really didn’t want to be here.

“We’re going to be starting the recording in about half an hour, feel free to walk around to check out the set if you’d like,” he said to me. I didn’t hear him tell me his name; then again, I was spacing out when he was talking to me, so I figured I just didn’t catch his introduction. He was wearing a name tag, so I just read his name from there, “thanks Leo, oh and by the way” I smiled once again, “Mr. James is my father, you can just call me Ash.” And with that I walked away heading towards a direction I figured lead would lead me into the main part of the school’s campus.

The filming was taking part in a college called Mount Saint… something; I wasn’t paying attention when they were telling me. I managed to make it up here because of all the crew’s signs that had been posted in Brentwood. It was easy to tell where this crew was going to be filming; I had also heard that this was an all girls school, so I wanted to ‘explore’ the campus a bit.

It’s not like there weren’t any girls at UCLA, it is a co-ed school, but I was getting fed up with them, and I had pretty much gone through all the girls I thought were worth my time. I kept walking when I saw this girl who was carrying a pink backpack on her shoulder, a cup of what looked like coffee in one hand and a notebook in the other. She looked kind of plain from what I could see; she had black hair and wore some brown glasses. She had some faded blue jeans on and a gray sweater.

Wait, she had a sweater on? It was like 90 degrees outside, what the hell was she doing wearing a sweater and drinking hot coffee for that matter? And why did she have jeans on, I’d figure she’d at least be wearing shorts or a skirt. That’s what the girls I saw on my way up here were wearing. I chuckled to myself, thinking how this girl was kind of weird. Even I was wearing some summer shorts with a blue polo shirt instead of my usual black slacks.

I was gonna cross paths with her at any moment, I could easily just wait for her to pass, then walk in back of her and move on with life, but no… curiosity got the best of me and I wanted to see what this weird girl really looked like. So I figured I’d walk pass her and get a glimpse, so I started walking a little faster to get my little plan in motion. Just as I was doing that, she decided to turn and look the other way and with that she crashed right into me, pouring her hott coffee right onto me.

Janessa’s POV…

“That’s effen hot!!”

Holy shitt… I just dropped hot coffee all over some guy, well not all over, seeing as how he’s way taller than me so I only spilt in on his chest running down to his stomach. I looked up at the guy who was standing in front of me, holy shitt, this guy was gorgeous… even with a pained expression he was totally hot, not hot like my coffee, but hot as in sexy hot. He had deep green eyes, dirty blonde hair that he wore in a long, but not too long messy style that looked like he was the only one who could pull it off, he was tall, and had a gorgeous tan that matched his hair perfectly.

“Are you seriously just going to stand there?” his question snapped me back to reality. Ok so maybe his expression was more of an angry one rather than a pained one. “I-I’m s-s-sorry, s-so sorry.” Great, now I sound like I can’t speak without stuttering my English, could this day get any worse. “Don’t just stand and give me your sorry excuse of an apology, that’s not going to help clean up this mess you’ve caused.” Ok, this day just got worse. I just stood there and looked at him, I know I just spilled coffee on him, but it was an accident, it’s not like I meant to do it, so why is he being so…so mean? “Ummm… I’m really sorry. It was an accident; I’ll help you clean it up.” I grabbed some of the napkins that I had gotten from the café and started wiping.

Holy shitt, the coffee was hot; I could feel the heat in my fingers. No wonder he was pissed off, the coffee was burning his skin. It still doesn’t give him the right to be rude, but I guess I can see where he’s coming from. I looked up at him to tell him that I was sorry once again but he cut me off by backing up.

Ash’s POV…

That coffee must have been extremely hot cause the moment she started wiping it off with the napkins; I felt the places of my body that she was wiping coffee off of, heat up. I looked at her and she had a look of hurt on her face, is it because I backed away? Whatever, didn’t matter to me either way. “And what do you suppose we do about my clothes?” I asked in an angry tone. She just stood there and looked at me. There is something seriously wrong with this girl; she’s just standing there looking at me. That’s when I finally saw that her sweater was stained with spilled coffee too.

Oh crap, she got burn too. As if she read my mind, she looked down at her shirt and realized the same thing I had just realized a couple of seconds ago. What she did next kind of threw me off guard, I don’t know why she did it, but she started blushing. It was kind of cute; she had a baby face so it kind of went with her nicely when she blushed. What the hell? Did I just say this nerdy looking girl was cute? The burning of the coffee must have thrown me off my game, to even think that. I chuckled at my thoughts and saw her face expression change into that of an angry one.

“What exactly are you laughing at?” she hissed through her teeth. What was I laughing at? I was laughing at my ridiculous thoughts. “You,” was my only response. This seemed to anger her even more, “well excuse me, if I don’t find this situation humorous.” I only laughed at her response, but only because of how her face didn’t even look mad at all; it looked more like a little girl’s face does when she gets lost at a store. As I was laughing she picked up her stuff coming closer to me to do so and stood in front of me once she had all her stuff. I looked at her still having a smile on my face and with that she kicked my shin and yelled out, “idiot!” she stormed off opening a nearby door with a card, and disappeared through the door.

I smiled to myself, “what is seriously up with that girl?”

“Mr. Ja… ummm Mr. Ash? We’re about to begin with the filming, are you ok sir? You look like you need a change of clothes.” Leo asked while disrupting my thoughts. I nodded as my reply and Leo walked me to wardrobe to get a change of clothes.


The rest of the day went by pretty slow; I didn’t run into the nerdy girl for the remainder of the day. Every time I thought about how she just kicked me and called me an idiot. No one’s ever done that to me, especially a girl. I have got to admit, that I was very humored with it all.

We ended up running out of daylight; we’d all have to come back tomorrow to continue with the filming. Great, one more day of me being stuck up here. I didn’t even see anyone worth looking at; I chuckled remembering the nerdy girl who dropped coffee on me. “Ash, what are you laughing at? Are you even listening to any of the shitt I’m telling you? Hello!...” damn, I forgot I was on a late date with Jessica. She was looking at me with a confused look on her face, now that I looked at her, she wasn’t very attractive. She was just annoying, I sighed and looked at her, “No, I’m bored so I’m leaving.” And with that I got up and left her there while she was screaming for me to come back.

I looked at my BlackBerry for the time, it was only 8:30 at night, too early to just head home so I decided to call my best friend, “hey Liam, what’s going down tonight?”

Janessa’s POV…

I stayed in my dorm all day, not wanting to run into the same guy from this morning. Ugh, I’m probably gonna get sued, how could I have thought it was ok to just kick a random guy, call him an idiot, then storm off and think things were going to be ok. Well whatever, he totally deserved it. Ugh! I need to stop thinking of that stupid idiot and concentrate on getting this paper done. I’ll I had to do was edit it now and I had asked Carol if we could do it over lunch, but she had a meeting with her advisor so we rescheduled it for dinner. Carol was totally amazing when it came to editing papers, she was always open to help me out and the best part was that she loved doing, seeing as she was an English major, she saw it as personal experience towards her future career of an English teacher.

It’s already 7:05 at night and I’m just waiting for her to send me a text saying that she’s free, since our café closes at 8pm, we gotta make sure that we get some food before then, or else we’ll be hungry for the rest of the night. Or at least I will be, she could probably call Derek and ask him to bring her food, I’m sure he would. Those two kids are totally in love with each other. It’s a cute thing too, they totally deserve to be happy.

I looked at my phone again, still no text. I sighed, “What’s wrong girl?” asked my roommate Shimma.

Shimma was an awesome roommate, even though I moved in a bit late into our dorm, she was freaken nice to me. We always seemed to have the most randomest conversations. “Nah…nothing. I’m just waiting for Carol’s text to go get me some food cause I’m starving.” I laughed while telling her the last part. Shimma joined in with my laughter. “Well you better make sure you go get it before they close the café, or else your screwed girl.” I guess you can tell from the way that Shimma talks, that she’s kind of into the ‘ganster’ scene. She’s tough, but she’s also a sweetheart.

“Yeah, you’re right. Imma text her to see what’s up.” And with that we both went back to doing our own business. I sent Carol a message ‘‘Hey kid, I was just wondering if we’re still up for dinner. I’m kind of starving over here. Text me back soon! ’’

My mind wondered off to the events that happened today. Now that I think about it, that random guy was really good looking. I mean, he was kinda… hot… just as I started thinking about his intense green eyes, my phone beeped, pulling me out of la-la land.

It was Carol, ‘‘hey Ollie, meet me in the café, I’m on my way there now.’’ I smiled thinking to myself, that she would be the one who makes me walk to the café to meet her there. Typical Carol, but at least it was dinner time and I’d get to tell her about the random guy from this morning.

Hey guys!

So if you're reading this, then it means you got all the way to the end of my first chapter. How exciting!

Please comment on this chapter, I'd like to know what you guys think of the story so far. I’ll introduce the characters in more depth in the next chapter.

Also, please let me know what you guys expect and want to see happen in the story. I'd appreciate it a lot. I love you guys for giving my story a chance!

Candy <3
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