

"Listen Jake I just found it better if we didn't see each other again." I heard my sister say once again to another guy. Holly Baker, 24, a big actress. Secretly to me she was just a skank, constantly with another guy. She's played in three different million dollar movies, I haven't seen one. Sure she was my older sister, but I found her more as a waste of space. Nobody knew how she really was...except, well for me. Our parents were millionaires, she has the looks, and a great memory. Only reason she made it big.

"Hey Maddison, is there a reason you're reading here?" Holly asked walking into the kitchen as she flipped her blonde hair over her shoulder.

"Is there a reason why you never stay at your house? Always have to be here?" I asked setting my book down to look at her.

"I need to speak to mom about Saturdays dinner, thank you."


"I'm bringing my fiance." she said holding up her left hand to reveal a ring.

"He must've been drunk when he asked you." I said standing up. She's never been with a guy longer then...well a day.


"Well what guy will ask someone to marry them after one night?"

"We've been together for three months thank you." Holly sassed, I rolled my eyes. My sister was, tall, tan, blonde, beautiful, and of course famous. Me...well was was tall, just not as tall. I was tan and had dark brown hair, unlike the both of my parents. I think I was adopted...I thought I was pretty, but any guy I bring home ends up in Holly's hands and I'm left broken hearted and pissed. I gave up on looking for guys, I'm only 21, I have at least five more years before I should panic. Holly should have a man and be knocked up by some other guy in five years so I'm safe till then.

"Wow, you've been with a guy for three months, the so-called 'one' and you're dating other guys in between. You are a saint." I said walking my plate and glass over to the dishwasher.

"You're no saint either honey." Holly snapped; I smiled.

"I haven't slept with anyone, you on the other hand don't have enough fingers on your hands to count how many guys you've been with. But mom's outside working on her so-called tan, have fun she's in one of her moods. Probably because I said her ass is starting to sag." I said before walking out of the kitchen. Life was beautiful.