‹ Prequel: Give Into Me

Country Strong

Hollywood With A Touch Of Twang

“Five minutes, Colton!” The loud, balding lounge manager yelled. The younger and much taller man waved the old man off before heading down the dark and dim corridor. The rumble of music could be heard from the He only stopped when he reach his destination and heard the sweet sound coming from inside.

“Said honey we may be through but you'll never hear me complain.” Her smooth drawl sang to herself. With the toe of his boots he nudged the door open a little more, catching sight of her perched at the vanity the venue had provided for them. Due to the miniscule nature of their show and the building itself, the two of them were required to share a dressing room.

“That voice of yours sounds as good as ever.” He commented, a smile creeping onto his lips as she jumped in surprise. If it weren't for the pink hue she had just painted onto her cheeks, he was sure she'd be blushing.

He crossed his arms casually across his chest, letting his eyes sweep over her. Taking in the form fitting black floral print dress right down to the weathered brown cowboy boots on her feet.

“Thank you.” She commented with a hesitant side-eyed glance, she could feel his eyes boring into her.

Silently Colton moved further into the room, letting himself stop just behind her situated body. She was puckering her lips slightly as she applied a thin layer of clear lip gloss to her perfectly put together face.

“You're welcome.” He commented in a hushed voice, his rough hands resting on her bare shoulders.

It was at that moment that she regretted opting for a strapless dress. Not only that, but her old duet partner as well, because despite her thinking Riley had been interested in her, he had never once made her uncomfortable. But due to personal reasons, Riley had dropped out of the country music scene five months back.

Her posture stiffened under his touch and her brows furrowed. Colton threw his head back in muffled laughter, two months on tour and four months knowing her and she was still acting cold towards him.

Colton cleared his throat before bowing his head down to her level, his lips coming far too close to her ear. “Don't look so nervous, darlin'. We're friends right?” His thick Texas accent asked her, she could practically see the shit eating grin on his face.

Caroline inhaled a deep breath before shifting herself forward to inspect her make-up before casting a glance to Colton through the mirror. “I got friends in low places, where the whiskey drowns and the beer chases my blues away.” She sung the words forcefully, sending him a stern look and a subtle half smirk.

Colton chuckled, enjoying the small woman's fiery nature. Over the course of their tour, Colton had found it extremely enjoyable to make Caroline as uncomfortable as he could. He'd be lying if he said he didn't hold some sort of attraction towards the country starlet, but due to her clear disgust with him, he just chose to express it in an unconventional manner. The boys in the band warned him of the man she had back home waiting for her and what exactly Matt Sanders was capable of, but Colton wasn't worried in the slightest.

“I thought we agreed this was my dressing room?” Caroline quirked an eyebrow at him as she collected her belongings. They were due to check into a nearby hotel after their show tonight and she wasn't about to forget something of importance because of her opening act. “You bother me enough as it is on the bus with your stupid comments, Colton. I thought maybe I'd get a break tonight.”

“You call 'em stupid but I've caught you laughin' on more than one occassion.” He commented with a cocky smirk which turned into a chuckle. “When you gonna let me sing that song with ya?” He wiggled his eyebrows as if the comment was suggestive.

Caroline shook her head in disbelief. Ever since hitting the road with him, Colton had asked before each and every show if he could sing 'Give Into Me' with her. Something about singing the song with anyone but Matt felt completely wrong.

“I'm singing it solo like I have all tour.” She insisted with a saccharine smile, letting it falter once she had gotten her point across.

“Colton! Would you get out there before Gary blows a damn gasket?” A sharp but feminine voice cracked from the doorway. The blonde who went by the name of Delia Stone, sent a pointed look his way as one hand rested on her hip.

“Guess that's my cue.” Colton took a quick look at himself in the mirror before adjusting his cowboy hat ever so slightly. Caroline's body was still perched on the small stool in front of the vanity as he leaned down close to her once again. “Wish me luck?” He drawled smoothly.

Caroline's eyebrows raised slightly at his request. “Break a leg...literally.” She commented with another saccharine smile and batting of her long black lashes to match. She then directed her attention to the blonde and light brown waves of hair that had fallen out of place. Side eyed him as he backed away, catching Delia in the midst of rolling her eyes.

“Darlin' you say the sweetest things.” Colton flashed her a cocky grin before winking at her through the mirror. Caroline waited until the clicking of his cowboy boots stopped before she continued to collect her belongings.

“You two seem awfully close.” Delia commented, Caroline could've sworn she heard a tinge of resentment in the short statement. The heels of Delia's shoes clicked against the worn hardwood flooring as she stepped further into the room.

“Colton is just overly friendly, that's all.” Caroline answered lightly, mustering a hesitant but hopefully reassuring smile. The last thing she needed was for her manager to think she incapable of working with the Texas native. After all, Delia had been the one to discover Colton and promised Caroline a big rise to fame with the tour and the upcoming release of her second album.

“Hmm.” Delia uttered softly with a nod of her head. “Anyway, I talked to the label and they're very excited with the second album coming up. They loved what they heard, there's even talks of adding you to Brad Paisley's tour in the spring.” She revealed with a hopeful smile.

“Are you serious?” Caroline's voice peaked an octave at the good news, not able to hide the excitement brewing inside of her.

“I am.” Delia concluded with a nod. “So keep up the great work.” The blonde placed a comforting hand on Caroline's shoulder before excusing herself.

Caroline watched Delia go before slowly looking back into the mirror, her lips stretched into a permanent smile. Her fingertips lightly pinched the skin of her opposite arm. “This is really happening.” A dreamy sigh left her throat before she bit down on her bottom lip and released a high pitched squeal of happiness.

- - - -

An hour and a half later, Caroline found herself front and center, drowning in the spotlight. She had her guitar strapped across her torso and a bright, friendly smile on her face. A smile that was far more genuine than the one Colton had found himself on the receiving end of. Despite her earlier words to him, Colton stood just off to the side of the stage. He was reminiscent of a vulture, circling its impending meal to give up so he could swoop in.

Her set was coming to a close, she had left 'Give Into Me' for last like she typically did. The song reminded her too much of Matt and made her miss him all the more, so leaving it for last gave her an opportunity to call him right after she stepped off stage. It had become somewhat of a tradition between the couple.

“I have one more song left.” She spoke softly into the microphone, she could hear her voice echo through the dim lounge and the patrons whistle and clap for her. “This last one was originally a duet but sadly my partner isn't here tonight, so I'm going to be singing it solo. I hope ya'll don't mind?” Her rhetorical question was met with a loud course of cheers from the audience.

“Alright then, this one's called Give Into Me.” She mumbled softly as she bowed her head while her fingers danced along the guitar strings. The band behind her began to play as her dark brown head of hair nodded along with the melody of the song. Just as she brought her lips close to the microphone, preparing to breath the opening words but someone else had beaten her to it.

“I’m gonna wear you down, I’m gonna make you see.” The husky voice filled the small venue, and suddenly a spotlight flashed over to the left side of the stage and from the darkness emerged someone who was supposed to be two states away.

“I’m gonna get to you. You’re gonna give into me.” Matt's dimpled smile crept across his lips.

Caroline had to keep her jaw from falling to the floor as he stopped next to her with a microphone in his head, his eyes briefly looking out to the crowd. He casually waved out to the crowd as they cheered. It wasn't until Matt's hazel eyes looked over at her, did she snap her mouth shut. Her lips curved into a soft smile, the last thing on her mind was performing when the man she loved was standing next to her after almost two months of being apart.

The rest of the song went by fairly quickly, Caroline managed to regain her shaken composure long enough to successfully finish the performance. The pairs eyes remain locked as the last few chords faded out and the spotlights dimmed. Matt ushered Caroline off stage the moment she bid farewell to her crowd of admirers.

“I can't believe you surprised me!” Caroline screeched loudly as she turned her body around, immediately throwing herself into Matt's strong and warm embrace. Enjoying the feeling of being back where she knew she belonged.

Matt's chest rumbled against hers as he laughed. “I couldn't wait another two days to see you. I missed you too much.” His large hands coming to rest on her hips, he pushed her back slightly but only enough to capture her lips with his in a lingering kiss.

“I missed you too.” She managed to get out before his mouth covered hers. Caroline smiled into the kiss, patience had never been one of Matt's better qualities but this time she didn't mind. She leaned herself closer to him so that her chest was pressed up against his as her fingertips grazed his inked forearms.

Matt in turn, grasped her hips tighter and she felt his nails dig into her sides. A faint moan escaped her mouth, giving him the opportunity to slip his tongue past her lips. She let her fingertips move upwards until they came to rest at the back of his neck as she pulled him closer. Caroline pulled herself away once the need for oxygen became too great.

“Where are the guys?” Caroline looked around the backstage area but all she saw were members of her band, Travis and several other roadies packing up the instruments. Matt chuckled lightly, shaking his head.

“Not here.” He said with a smile before he tightened his hold on her and brought his head down so place a soft kiss on her neck. “I wanted you all to myself for a bit.” Matt's voice was husky and low, Caroline had to bite down on her lip to keep from jumping him right then and there.

“So selfish.” Caroline scolded playfully before she released a girly giggle when Matt continued to nip at her neck with his mouth. “Lucky for you, we're checking into a hotel tonight.” Caroline ran her fingertips lightly across his t-shirt clad chest, feeling his breathing quicken underneath her touch.

“But the guys are there and they're gonna want to catch up with you.” Matt muttered against the warm skin of her throat. “Zacky brought the baby and everything.”

Caroline gasped and pushed him back slightly so that their eyes were locked. Her brown eyes were enlarged and her mouth hung open. “You said they didn't come!”

“I just said they weren't here as in at the show.” Matt countered with a dimpled smile, making it hard for her to even be fake mad at him. “Not that they didn't come at all. You think Brian would let me visit you without him being here?” Matt quipped with a faint smile.

Caroline pursed her lips as she stared intently at him. “How did you know where I was?” She questioned with narrowed eyes. Matt simply motioned with his thumb towards her longtime friend and current instrument technician tending to a out of tune guitar a couple feet away.

“I should have known.” She sighed as she tilted her head to the side shifting her eyes back to her beaming boyfriend.

“So...” Matt began, inching his arms back around her small waist and his lips next to her ear. “do you have a dressing room we could have a little alone time in?” His idea was tempting but she knew they couldn't.

Caroline cursed the small venue and the fact that her and Colton had to share a dressing room. He was more than likely waiting for her to gather her things and ride with the rest of the crew on the bus to the hotel. The last thing she wanted to do was to introduce Matt and Colton and cause a scene. She knew how jealous her boyfriend could get and knowing Colton's cocky personality, there was sure to be a fight.

“Later tonight, I promise.” Caroline raised up on her tip toes to place a chaste kiss on his lips.

As she pulled away, out of the corner of her eye she caught sight of a red plaid shirt and black curls belonging to none other than her charming tour mate. He had an eyebrow quirked and a sly grin on his face.

Not showing any sign of discomfort, though she certainly felt it, to the man in front of her or the one staring her down from across the room, Caroline flashed a cute smile. “Let's go see our friends.” She beamed, taking Matt's hand in hers and began walking in the opposite direction.
♠ ♠ ♠
Eek, so I don't know if I like this. :| Then again I always say that. Let me know pretty please? I'm kind of in the process of putting together a potential A7X contest and mixing it with country music. Would anyone be interested in participating? I've never done a contest before so :/

Also I know there's only twenty five minutes left of December 28, 2011 but I just want to say that I'm thinking about Jimmy today like everyone else, he was such an inspiration to so many people. He's what drew me to A7X in the first place and for that I'm forever grateful. ♥