Sequel: Crossroads

We Come out at Night

Out and About

“We should really hit up Pulse tonight. I heard there’s a huge bubble/glow paint party going on at 9.” Aden said putting her hair up.

“Yeah that sounds fuckin awesome dude!” I replied putting eyeliner on.

We just found out that we finally booked our first International tour and we needed to go out and celebrate. We thought that the first time we saw someone wearing one of our ‘Shattered Halo’ t shirts was the best feeling ever until we heard the news on the tour.

With the plan set, we finished getting ready. Lexi, who was our singer, was wearing a pink leopard print tank top, pink skinny jeans, and pink studded pumps with a Hello Kitty necklace. Lucy, who was our bassist, was wearing a Cupcake cult t-shirt, black skinny jeans, black converse and a set of Black Veil Brides bracelets. Aden, who played guitar along with me, was wearing a blue Gir t-shirt with blue skinny jeans, Batman converse, and a necklace with a guitar on it.

Our drummer, Katie, was wearing a green t-shirt that read “Sham Rocking”, black jeans, green flip flops, and a necklace with a black and green heart on it. And as for me, I was sporting a purple t-shirt with a dinosaur on it, blue jeans, purple and black Etnies, and a necklace with a ribcage dangling from it. Our makeup was perfect, and we were ready to head out.

As we pulled up to Pulse, we all started to shake with excitement. We blasted My Chemical Romance the whole way there and pulling up, we were just finishing Vampire Money. We stepped out and jumped the line, a few people asked for our autographs on the way in but we were pushed forward and politely waved.

The music was bumping. Tons of bass, and tons of glow paint and bubbles, just like the advertisement promised. We ran straight to the drums that were splattering the glow paint everywhere. It didn’t take us long to get covered in it.

“Joanna! This is like one giant public bubble bath!” Lucy yelled to me as we all danced.

“What do you mean?” I yelled back, running my fingers through my hair.

“Well, you’re getting covered in paint, and there are bubbles everywhere, and it seems that the waterfall over there is being used to wash the paint off! It’s like one big public bath tub!” she replied laughing.

“Indeed!” Aden chimed in.

“Guys! Let’s get a drink!” Lexi announced.

“Good idea! I want a Jager Bomb!” Katie called out. With that we walked over to the bar to order some drinks.

“Shut your pie hole, you smelly cheese horse!!” Aden screamed at a guy obviously trying to get with her. Lucy and I just glared at him and he ran off. Yeah, we were some scary bitches.

“You guys wanna go play in the bubbles some more and then test out the waterfall?” Lexi asked.

“Hell yeah!” we all yelled.

We ran toward the bubble horde.

“BUBBLES!” I screamed as I ran in. Aden grabbed a hold of my shirt so she wouldn’t lose me. Lexi, Lucy, and Katie trailing behind her.

We danced for hours. We were having the time of our lives and we were definitely celebrating the best we could. But just like all good things, it soon had to end. It was coming close to 12:30 and the club would be closing in a half hour, we had to go to the waterfall, now.
We all linked our arms together and made our way over and tested the water with our hands. The water was perfect.

We all made sure our valuable belongings were out of our pockets, phones, wallets, etc.
I was handing one of the staff members my phone and wallet just as I was shoved in. The water was perfect, but no matter how perfect it was, being shoved in made it seem otherwise.

“What the fuck gives! Who shoved my ass in there?!” I yelled wiping the water and suds away from my eyes to see two of the most beautiful green eyes staring at me. “Hey, sorry about that. I didn’t hurt you right?”

“Uh…no, no I’m fine. I’m a tough cookie.” I replied with a small smile. Then that’s when it hit me. The person who bumped into me was Zacky Vengeance of Avenged Sevenfold. He was, without a doubt, the man of my dreams.

“Dude, close your mouth.” Aden whispered in my ear. I did as instructed.

“It’s no problem Zacky. No harm, no foul.” I said with a bigger smile, trying not to seem like a glompy fan girl.

He smiled back, but then I noticed a glare behind him. It was a petite blonde girl with way too much eye makeup and some horrible quality tattoos and a septum piercing. I’m not a fan of girls having septum piercings unless they can rock it. This girl, was not rockin it.

“It was nice meeting you.” I said and with that, we walked away.

“You guys ready to go home?” Lexi asked.

“Not really, but what else is there to do?” Lucy replied.

“There isn’t much of anything to do at this time of night, usually hookers are being brought
back to a drunken guys hotel room but, none of us are hookers or drunk so that’s out.” Aden said.

“Thank God.” Katie mumbled.

“Well let’s sit on that bench till we figure it out.” Lexi suggested.

We sat there for a good 20 minutes without success. We were about to give up when we heard someone clearing their throat.

We all looked up to see Zacky, and a smile stretched across my face against my will. “You girls retiring for the night?” he asked us.

“Actually, we were trying to figure out something else to do, we aren’t quite ready to go home yet.” Katie replied.

“Well, would you guys be interested in coming back to my hotel room to hang out with me and my friends?” he asked with a hopeful smile, looking mostly in my direction.

“Your friends?” Aden questioned. I knew what she was thinking, she wanted to hang out with Synyster fuckin Gates.

“Yeah, my band mates and roadies.” He scratched the back of his neck.

“Fuck yeah!” we all yelled. He smiled in return and called for a limo.

“Hey, what happened to that skanky looking thing you were with earlier?” Katie asked, as the rest of us smacked our foreheads.

He laughed, “She’s not worth my time.”

The limo pulled up and we all piled in. On the way to the hotel he was staying at, we all decided to clean out the mini fridge, resulting in quite a few tipsy people, meaning everyone.
I sat in between Zacky and Aden as we all laughed. I grew a little stiff when I finally realized his arm was around my shoulder. I wondered how long it had been there.

“We’re gunna get in the limo and have an orgy, and they might video tape it. We will not be rolling, but it will be bouncy!” Aden yelled and we all laughed as she recited a well known Zacky line.

We pulled into the parking lot and got to the door.

The ride in the elevator was definitely a memorable one. We were all singing scream as Zacky laughed and clapped at us. Suddenly Aden dropped to the floor and I did the same knowing exactly what was going on. We scooted our asses to the walls of the elevator and counted to three.

“1-2-3. YOU DON’T PLAY GUITAR WITH YOUR NECK BRO! YOU PLAY IT WITH YOUR BUM-BUM!” we yelled, and thus the laughter ensued.

We got to the room and Zacky realized he forgot his keycard, so he knocked.

Matt answered the door, “Now, Zack, you said no bitches tonight, so these better be decent women.” He said with a smirk.

“And your wish is my command. BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM!” he said and with each bam, he pointed at one of us.

We walked in to find a beyond wasted Johnny Christ passed out on a bed with Synyster Gates and The Rev gluing popcorn to him with peanut butter. Aden gasped at the sight of Brian Haner Jr. I pinched her arm and smiled. She snapped out of it just as I had when she whispered in my ear.

“Hey, I’m Brian, this is Jimmy, and the passed out gnome is Johnny. And we could use some help.” He said with a smile.

“Hey I’m Aden, and this is Lexi and Katie.” She said as the three of them walked over.

Lucy was definitely a Matt fan, so we decided to stay with Zacky and him.

We sat down on the other bed and began to talk. We had a very pleasant conversation about music over the duration of a 6 pack.

I looked at my phone and saw that it was 4:17 a.m. over the course of 4ish hours, we got to know the members very well, and we could tell that they noticed the attraction we had towards them, and they went on in letting us know that they had a liking to us.

I looked over to the other side of the room and saw that Lexi was asleep on a chair in Jimmy’s lap as Brian and Johnny were sleeping in the bed with Katie and Aden in between them.

Matt and Lucy looked like they were ready to knock out and they were already assuming the position of awesome sleep. I looked at Zacky and he understood.

He laid down pulling me with him. The air conditioning was cranked in the room and I didn’t realized how cold I was until I felt how warm he felt.

“Look, I don’t want to see extremely corny, but I’m freezing, and you’re like a furnace.”

He laughed pulling me close to him and pulling the blanket over us. I laid my head on his chest and closed my eyes as he rubbed my arm and back trying to keep me warm. I was just about to fall asleep when I felt his lips press against my forehead. And just as I drifted into sleep, I thought to myself ‘This, by far, is the best night ever.’
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First story I've posted on Mibba that I came up with!!! Please comment!!! It would make my world sparkle with magic stuff!!!

Shattered Halo