Sequel: Crossroads

We Come out at Night

The Life Changing Test

To: Zee<3
Babe, it’s almost 4 in the morning. Lol you need to go to bed.

I hit send as I looked over at Aden, looking and feeling just as exhausted as I did. We went on tour for 3 weeks. We covered most of the eastern side of the country and we now had time for a 2 week break. Three days after coming home, Aden and I discovered we had tonsillitis. Lexi, being the vocal talent, was ordered to leave the house and find somewhere to stay until we were better. Katie decided to go along with her since she caught illnesses so easily. So they decided to go out to California and spend some time with Jimmy and Johnny.

Lucy decided to stay at the house with us and help take care of us. Aden and I are pretty independent people and normally felt better if we took care of ourselves. Lucy, being the motherly figure in the house, wouldn’t allow it.

Aden and I were being quarantined in my room. My bed was like heaven and if we felt up to it, and eventually we would, we could play our guitars since I have mine in here and I still had the speakers lining the wall.

“There is never anything good on TV this freakin early in the morning. Why don’t they ever put anything good on for when there are people, like us, sick as a dog and unable to sleep? This is bullshit.” She ranted before going into another coughing fit.

I handed her the bottle of water she was going to be grabbing for after it passed. She nodded to me in thanks. “That’s what DVD’s are for my dear.”

I threw my purple and white blanket off of me to get up and put on one of our favorite movies, ‘Tenacious D and the Pick of Destiny’. As I got up, I felt sore, all over. I grunted as I got to my feet and made my way over to my DVD collection and set up the movie. As I hit the bed my phone went off. It was another text from Zacky.

From: Zee<3
I just wanna make sure you get some sleep and that you’re okay :/

I smiled to myself as I felt Aden on my shoulder. “He’s such a mush. Tell him to chillax.” She laughed.

“I did.” I said smiling at her.

To: Zee<3
Haha, I will get some sleep, but my phone continually going off doesn’t help lol. Aden and I are going to watch this movie and try to catch some z’s. plus Lucy is still roaming around. I heard her go out around 2 and when she came back I heard her rustling through a bag. I’ll be fine. I’ll text you when I get up :] get some sleep. You’re the one that has to be up early. Good nighttttt :D

I hear Aden snort a laugh as she popped a mint in her mouth. I lightly hit her in the arm and rolled over on my side, pulling the covers over me as Aden and I huddled together waiting for the movie to start.

“It’s 80 fuckin degrees in here and we’re still shivering our asses off!” Aden exclaimed.

I took a swig from the Nyquil bottle that became one of Aden and I’s best friend within the past few days. After swallowing the second gulp, I handed it to her. “I know! This is ridiculous.” I said as my phone went off again. I wiggled around and felt for my phone.

“Fuckkkkk.” I said holding my phone.

“What’s wrong?”

“I’m shivering so fuckin hard I can’t unlock the screen!” this caused her to let out a little laugh. Finally I got the screen unlocked so I could read the text I got.

From: Zee<3
Well, you already caught a z ;) but go ahead, get some sleep. Text me when you wake up. Good night :)

“Thank god the mushy shit stops now.” Aden said.

I sighed and rolled over. “Yeah like I haven’t seen any of the texts you and Sir Brian send each other.”

“Shut up chicken fetus.”

I smiled as I listened to the sweet sounds of Jack Black and Kyle Gass playing ‘Master Exploder’.

I felt like I was being shaken. I opened my eyes and saw Lucy standing over me. She looked a little off. “I’m sorry to wake you, I have no idea when you fell asleep. But I need to take yours and Aden’s temperature.”

I looked over at Aden who was still fast asleep. I sighed and sat up, feeling all the aches in my body. I looked up at her and she looked back at me with an apologetic face. She handed me the thermometer and I sat it under my tongue while it read my temperature. A moment later the thermometer beep. Lucy took it from me and sighed. “101.4, still not as bad as the past two days but, we need to drop it.” She put the thermometer back in its container and turned to walk back out.

“Wait, what about Aden?” I asked. “You didn’t wake her up!” I said sounding like a child who felt was being treated unfairly.

“Oh, uhm. I’ll just take her temperature when she wakes up. You know how violent she can be.” She said, almost sounding as if she was trying to get out of an awkward situation.

I cleared the mucus from my throat. “Are you alright?” I asked her.

She hesitated for a moment, “Y-yeah I’m cool.”

I raised an eyebrow, “Don’t lie to me Lucy, what’s going on?” I demanded.

She looked at her foot for a moment. She wasn’t answering me. Something must have really been troubling her. “Stop staring at your awesome slippers and MCR shirt. And wait, those pants are mine.” I said.

“And those are my socks your wearing.” She said to me.

I looked down and noticed my Pokémon t-shirt and purple plaid pajama pants didn’t even match the socks.
“But they’re comfy.” I said. “Whoa. Wait, stop changing the subject!”

Her expression switched back. “Can you come with me to the kitchen?”

I noticed that she actually looked scared. “Yeah, yeah come on.” I said to her putting an arm on her shoulder.

I sat down at the island counter while she stood by the stove. I wrapped my arms around myself to keep myself from shivering. My own hands felt hot to me.

“What’s going on Lu?” I asked, watching her every move.

“I, I cant even bring myself to say it so here.” She said taking a bag out of a drawer and putting it on the counter.

I grabbed the bag and pulled it towards me. The contents of the bag were light. I opened the bag and my jaw dropped. “What? Are you serious? A pregnancy test?!”

She looked down at her feet again. “I’m scared Jo. I don’t know what to do.”

I looked at the box, turning it around in my hands. I noticed it was unopened. “Well. For starters, you could take the test. What makes you think you’re pregnant?”

“I’m two weeks late.” She said grabbing the box from me.

“Well, go pee on that thing and let’s see if you even have anything to worry about.” She did the best she could to smile as she walked off to the bathroom.

I put my head in my hands and sighed, a million things running through my mind. What the hell were we going to do if she is pregnant? We just started our first international tour. My thoughts were interrupted when I heard a cough coming down the hall. I looked up to see Aden walk in, she was wearing Spongebob pajamas and blue striped socks.

“What’s going on?” she said as she yawned.

“We might have an issue but we won’t know for about at least another 5 minutes.”

“What?” she replied.

“Let’s just wait for Lucy to come out.” Aden shrugged and went to the fridge for a drink. A moment later, Lucy came back into the kitchen. She saw Aden and went a bit still.

Aden looked her up and down, “What’s going on?”

“Lucy thinks she’s pregnant.” I said looking at the counter.

Aden’s jaw dropped, “Well did you pee on a stick?!”

“That’s what I just fuckin did! And you freaking out isn’t helping my nerves, or your condition. If you get too excited you’re going to go into another coughing fit!”

I set a timer on my phone. And we sat and waited in the worse silence ever. I was hoping she wasn’t pregnant, only for the fact that I don’t believe any of us were ready and for the sake of the tour. On the other hand, if she was pregnant, I knew she’d make a great mom. And I know Matt would make a great dad, because I would rip him a new asshole if he didn’t.

Finally, the timer on my phone went off, causing all of us to jump 2 feet off of any surface we were on. “It’s time I guess.” Lucy said as she headed towards the bathroom.

Aden and I sat there looking at each other, waiting for Lucy to come back. We were far too impatient to wait. We got up and ran towards the bathroom. Before we got to the door she was stepping out. The look on her face was hard to read.

She held the test in her hand and looked from us, to the test, and back to us a few times. Aden got extremely impatient.

“What fate has your pee given us woman?!” she yelled.

She finally looked up and smiled, “Negative.”

We all breathed a sigh of relief. We all laughed as she threw the test away. Aden and I decided to go back to our rooms as Lucy went off to the kitchen to try finding us something to eat. She settled on making oatmeal.

As I got back under my covers, I grabbed my phone. I had a missed call and a text. The missed call was from Lexi. I texted her telling her that we were still pretty sick but we weren’t contagious anymore.
I opened the text from Zacky. A smile across my face before I even read it.

From: Zee<3
Good morning babe. I know its pretty early. But I hope you got some decent sleep last night. Matt, Brian and I are aiming to come out there within the next few days. Well I hope you have a good morning and a good rest of the day. Text me later.

I laughed to myself and text him back.

To: Zee<3
Morning babe. I slept pretty well, but boy did I have an interesting morning.
♠ ♠ ♠
No babehz!!! :D


comments are appreciated :D