Sequel: Crossroads

We Come out at Night

Needy Little Shits

-Lucy's POV-

I sat in the waiting room of the hospital with Brian, Matt and Zacky. Raleigh and Jade had been wheeled into surgery an hour ago and there had been no news since. Matt was trying all that he could think to calm me down but I couldn’t squash the feeling of nervousness and dread that filled me to the core. I was a wreck.

Yes both of my friends had been though surgery before but it still scared the living shit outta me. What if they fucked up somehow and they were like damaged forever? Or worse…died? I knew that it was simple procedure but to error was to be human and it sure as hell wasn’t an ape cutting the tonsils out of their throats.

“Babe breathe…you’re going to make yourself sick if you don’t” Matt said taking my hand in his large one and squeezing it gently.

“I’m sorry I’m just….scared. I’ve been friends with Aden and Joanna since I can remember! Do you know when all of us met? 1st grade. We were all in Mrs. Haversham’s class and the old bitch stuck the five of us in the back because we were too ‘disruptive’ and she didn’t want to ‘distract’ the other students who wanted to learn. They’re like my sisters Matt….I just…I don’t want to lose them.” I replied.

Matt sighed and pulled me from my seat, settling me in his lap, “I know how you feel but worrying isn’t going to help anything. It’s going to be fine. I promise.” he said and kissed the top of my head.

I stayed on Matt’s lap, my head resting in the crook of his neck, watching Zacky and Brian play cards. We were the only ones in the waiting room and it was quiet and I was tired. I had been up the whole night before worrying about Joanna and Aden and making sure they’d have everything they’d need at the hospital and when they got home. I was such a mother it was ridiculous but someone had to be. If not I swear the house would fall in into chaos.

Eventually I dozed off to Matt humming ‘Dear God’ since he knew it was one of my favorite songs. I wasn’t sure how long I slept but soon I was being shook awake by Matt.

“Lucy….Lucy wake up the doctor is here.” he said.

I was awake instantly and standing in front of the doctor.

“Are you Lucy?” he asked looking down at me.

“Yeah….I mean yes…what’s going on are my friends okay?” he asked.

“I’m sorry to tell you that your friends have passed.” he said his face solemn.

“W-What? T-They died? Both of them?” I asked my voice quivering, tear forming behind my lids.

“I’m sorry to say but yes. Both sustained severe head trauma and internal injuries. They lost lot a lot of blood. I’m sorry but we couldn’t save them.” he replied.

“Head trauma? How and the hell did they sustain head trauma?” Zacky asked walking over to where I stood with the doctor.

“Neither of them were wearing seatbelts and their heads hit the windshield at over 70 miles and hour.” he replied.

“Seatbelts? Aden and Joanna went in to have their tonsils removed.” Brian replied.

“You mean that you’re not Lucy Sorenson?” the doctor asked looking at me.

“No! My name is Lucy Patterson! Are you telling me that you just told me that my friends were dead when they weren’t?!?” I asked looking at him.

“I am terribly sorry for this. It hasn’t ever happened before I-” but before he could say he was sorry again I pulled my fist back and hit him square in the face.

“Lucy!” Matt said and grabbed onto me as if afraid that I would punch the guy again.

“There is no fucking sorry for what you just did to me you asshole!” I yelled glaring down at the doctor.

Brian and Zacky helped the doctor up and out of the room. A few moments later another doctor came in.

“Doc I hope to god that you have good news.” Matt said still holding onto me.

“Um…I do. Both of your friends are out of surgery and did well. However I am required to tell you that we did lose one of your friends…uh…Aden. Yes we seem to have lost her.” he replied.

“What do you mean lost her?” I asked my knees getting shaky. He’d said Aden’s name so I knew he was looking for me.

“The orderly that took her down from the operating room seems to have gotten off on the wrong floor or something of that nature because she has yet to arrive in recovery.”


The doctor opened his mouth to say something when a nurse stuck her head in the door, “Doctor we found the patient….she and her friend have been moved to their room.” she said.

“Thank you.” he said before turning back to me, “Ma’am I’m sorry for the inconvenience but if you’d like you and your friend may go see them. They‘re in room 4038.“ he said.

“You’re lucky you found her or you would be in SO much trouble!” I spat as I pushed past him and headed for the elevator.

Zacky and Brian met us as we reached the shiny doors.

“So that doctor you punched asked us to tell you that he was sorry.” Zacky said.

“Fucking douche.” I muttered as I stepped into the lift.

“Hey kid you’re lucky that he’s not pressing charges. The nurses wanted to call security and the whole nine yards but he stopped them.” Brian replied.

“Well he shouldn’t have told me my friends were dead.” I said watching the numbers they climbed to the 4th floor.

Finally we stopped and the doors slid open with a ‘ding’. We stepped out and went to find the room. When we did Aden and Joanna were both laying in their beds.

“Hey how you guys feeling?” I asked.

Neither could talk so we’d arranged for them to have hand signals. Both lazily waved their hands meaning they were fine. Brian went and sat by Aden while Zacky did the same with Joanna. I left Matt in the room and went to talk to the doctor and get whatever I needed so that I could take them home.

I was given a stack of papers that were thicker than the 4th and 5th Harry Potter books put together before walking back to the room. With help from Brian and Zacky I got them both back into the clothes they had worn to the hospital. Joanna was in a pair of dark gray sweat pants, a blue tank top, gray Roxy hoodie, blue Domo socks and brown slippers. Raleigh wore a pair of red sweat pants, a black tank top and a sweatshirt that said ‘Zombies Were People Too’, black and red striped socks and black slippers.

We wheeled them down to the lobby and Zacky went and fetched the car. Twenty minuets later I was shepherding the Aden and Joanna into the house while the guys headed to their hotel for a little rest, promising they’d be back soon.

They both started for the stairs to their rooms but I stopped them, “You’re both bunking in Katie’s room so head in there.” I replied.

Joanna pulled the Mario notebook I’d handed to her in the car so that she could write what she needed to say since she wasn’t supposed to talk for a least 24 hours after. She quickly scribbled something down and turned it to me.

WHY do we have to sleep in there?’

“Because I’m not running up and downstairs all fucking night. I’m going to be in Lexi’s room so if you need me I’ll be close. Besides you have your guitars in there with amps and laptops. Now shoo.” I replied and made shooing motions at them.

Aden picked up her MCR notebook and wrote something quickly and turned it so I could read.


I rolled my eyes and went to get their medicine.

I got back an hour later and headed into Katie’s room. I found both of them running through ‘Beast And The Harlot’.

“Alright time for medicine you two.” I replied and they shot me looks like 8 year olds told that had been told to turn off their favorite show and go to bed.

They put their guitars back in the stand and sat against the pillows.

“Hey don’t give me those looks. At least I brought you presents.” I replied and from behind my back pulled out two iced coffees and handed the cups to them.

They both smiled and I doled out the pills. They had pain meds and antibiotics they had to take and once they had both downed them I took their temps. They were normal and handed them bells.

“You need me ring me. I am going to attempt to get some sleep.” I replied and with that headed to Lexi’s room across the hall.

I kicked off my sneakers and crawled under the skull printed sheets and laid down. No sooner had my head hit the pillow than I heard the tinkling of a bell. Sighing I got back up and walked across the hall.

“What’s wrong?” I asked.

Aden held up her notebook, ‘Just wanted to see if it worked’

I rolled my eyes, “They work now I’m going to go lay down.” I replied.

I had hardly gotten out of the door when another bell rang.

“What?” I asked.

Joanna’s eyes darted around for a moment before she scribbled something down and showed me, ‘I forgot.’

Shaking my head I tried again to lay down but was summoned five minuets later for some other random task that I can’t even recall. This continued on for another hour before I was fed up. I marched into the room and grabbed the bells from them, opened the window and threw them as far as I could.

“Fuck you both! I’ve taken care of your asses for the past two weeks! If you need something find someone else to do it!” I yelled and stomped off to Lexi’s room.

I grabbed Lexi’s ‘3 Cheers For Sweet Revenge’ CD and shoved it in the player before crawling into bed and pulling the covers over my head. I had almost fallen asleep when I felt a tug on the blankets and light invaded my eyes. Standing over me were Aden and Joanna.

“What in the name of Gerard Arthur Way do you want?” I asked looking at them.

Aiden held up her notebook, ‘Sorry :( ‘

Joanna held up hers next, ‘Forgive us please?’

I rolled my eyes, there was no way I could be mad at them, “If I didn’t love you I would’ve already hurled something at the two of you for waking me up.” I replied.

They both smiled and jumped on me, pinning me under their bodies the three of us laughing.

“Um…should we come back?”

We looked up to find Zacky, Matt, and Brian in the door all with wide eyed expressions.

“Come back?!? Are you crazy Vengeance? Please continue.” Brian smiled and pulled out his phone, aiming the camera at us.

“Forget it Gates…not happening.” I laughed and Aden and Joanna climbed off of me.

“C’mon we got ice cream.” Brian said and grabbed Aden’s hand and pulled her towards what I assumed was the kitchen, Zacky and Joanna following close behind.

“You coming?” Matt asked.

I shook my head and closed my eyes, “I’m tired.”

“Aww….I’m sorry.” he said and walked over and sat on the bed, kicking off his shoes and laying down. He pulled the covers over himself before pulling me so that I was curled up against his chest, my face buried in his shirt. I breathed deep, inhaling the scent of his cologne and aftershave.

“Yeah I’ve been taking care of Thing 1 and Thing 2 since they got sick. Haven’t really had time to sleep.” I replied.

“Well maybe I can make you feel better.” he smiled and leaned down pressing his lips to mine.

We lay there just kissing, hands roaming slightly but content nonetheless.


Matt and I jumped apart like we’d been electrocuted. Standing where the guys had stood a few moments before stood Lexi and Katie with Jimmy and Johnny peaking around the doorframe.

“We’re not having sex!” Matt assured Lexi.

“Yeah….we’re still dressed. See?” I added pulling the blanket and showed her that I still wore my black yoga pants, Slytherin crest t-shirt and rainbow socks.

Lexi sighed with relief, “Thank god…I like those sheets the best.”

I laughed and Matt and I climbed out of bed.

“So when did you get back?” I asked.

“Like an hour ago! Thanks for picking us up.” Katie replied.

“Well if you had called I would’ve.” I replied.

“Yeah well we did. Twice. Each. You never picked up. We left voicemails and texted you.” Lexi replied.

“Oh! My phone’s still off! I couldn’t have it on when I was in the hospital this morning and I forgot to turn it back on.” I replied and from the pocket of my pants produced said phone and turned it back on only to have it ring itself crazy at all the messages.

“Well I guess it’s too late now. C’mon lets go get some of the ice cream the guys bought before it’s all gone.” I smiled and we headed for the kitchen.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thanks to music-is-my-vice for writing this chapter :D

Comments are appreciated!