Sequel: Crossroads

We Come out at Night

Fibbers and Snaps

Lucy's POV

“Lucy!!! Will you get me a glass of juice?!?”

I sighed as Katie’s voice rang out through the house. Zacky and Joanna had escaped this madness but left the remaining seven of us to deal with it.

“Anyone know a good priest?” I asked as I stood up.

“What? Why?” Lexi asked.

“Because I swear that’s a demon in her stomach…not a baby. It’s taken over her soul and made her a pain in my ass.” I replied but nonetheless walked into the kitchen and poured her a glass of apple juice.

A few days before Katie had been ordered on bed rest because apparently the baby was under stress or some shit and she had to stay in bed. That meant that we had to take care of her ass. She wasn’t shy about asking for something either. I swore I was in better shape than ever having to climb the steps up and down to take Katie whatever her little pregnant heart desired.

“Here you go.” I said as I handed Katie her juice.

“I wanted grape.” she frowned.

“We don’t have grape. We only have apple.” I replied.

“I know would you run to the store and get some?” she asked.

“You want me to go to the store just for some fucking grape juice?” I asked.

“Please?” she asked.

“But I just went to the store to get you those fucking barbeque chips. You couldn’t tell me then?” I replied.

“Well I didn’t want it them.” she said.

“You know what? I’m done with this!” I said and spun on my heel and walked out of the room.

“What’s going on?” Matt asked as I stomped down the stairs.

“Katie and her spawn that want GRAPE juice instead of apple. I need out of this god forsaken house and I need out now. I say we go for a ride. I know Joanna wants to go but I really want out of here and can‘t think of a better way to keep me from blowing up at Katie.” I said turning to Aden and Lexi.

“Sounds like a plan to me.” Aden said a smile stretching across her face.

“I guess.” Lexi replied.

I laughed, “Just shut up Lex and lets go put on our gear. Will you big strong men please hitch the black trailer out back to the pick up?” I asked looking at Matt with puppy dog eyes.

“Depends…will you tell us what’s in it?” Matt asked.

“Um…not right now….you’ll find out when we get there. Thanks.” I smiled and kissed Matt’s cheek and bounding upstairs behind my friends to get dressed.

The guys knew a lot about us but there was still a few things they didn’t know. Like the fact that all five of us were pretty hardcore motocross riders. We rode all the time back east and now we were going to go on our first west coast excursion.

I pulled out my FOX duffle bag from the back of the closet and unzipped it, pulling out my motocross outfit. I dug out a Rockstar wife beater from my drawer and pulled that on over a sports bra before putting on my black pants. After quickly braiding my hair into pigtails and putting in my contacts I strapped my feet in my boots and checked my bag for everything I needed before heading out.

Aden met me in the hall dressed in white, red and black motocross pants, her black and red boots, a Nirvana tank top and skeleton riding gloves that I had a pair just like. Her hair was done the same way as mine and she had a smile on her face.

“God I’m so psyched for this!” she grinned.

“So am I! I missed riding so much.” I replied returning the smile.

“Ready.” Lexi said walking out in pink and black motocross pants, a black sports bra and black and pink boots, her hair in a messy ponytail.

“C’mon Lexi you know you love riding.” Aden replied.

“Yeah yeah yeah I know but it’s such a hassle to get the bikes on and off the truck!” she replied.

“And that’s why we have the guys…hello!” I replied.

“Oh yeah! I forgot!” she replied perking up.

“You know Joanna’s gonna be pissed as fuck when she finds out we went riding without her right?” Aden asked.

“Not when she gets to the track and finds that we’ve got her stuff.” I replied.

“We have her gear?” Lexi asked.

“Well we will.” I replied and walked past her and Aden into Joanna and Zacky’s room.

After a few moments of searching I found her bag full of motocross gear and grabbed her a tank top from her drawer. Slinging it over my shoulder with my own I headed back into the hall way where Aden and Lexi were still waiting.

“C’mon lets go.” Aden said when I emerged from the bedroom and we headed downstairs.

We found the guys hooking up the trailer to Matt’s huge pick up. When we walked up they stopped.

“Whoa! So that’s what we’re doing? We’re going to the motocross track?” Jimmy asked.

“Yes baby we’re going riding. Our bikes are in the trailer and we’re set, so you up for it or not?” Lexi asked.

“Of course but we don’t have anything to ride or the clothes. We used to ride when we were younger but we don‘t have any of our stuff anymore.” Brian replied.

“Well then we’ll just have to go shopping beforehand. You guys can rent your bikes and let us girls pick out your outfits.” I replied.

“Sounds like a plan then.” Matt smiled.

“Totally! Lets go!” Johnny smiled.

“Um…sorry Johnny…you’re not going.” Aden said.

“What?!? Why don’t I get to go?!?” he asked.

“Dude you put the pickle in the hole and put a bun in the oven. Now you get to go take care of Mama.” I smirked.

“Yep…should’ve told your little spermies not to hit that egg and make the chicken.” Aden laughed.

“Fuck all of you!” Johnny said and walked pouting into the house.

“He’ll get over it. C’mon lets go!” Brian smiled.

Matt and I piled into his truck while Aden, Brian, Lexi and Jimmy climbed into Jimmy’s SUV which the guys had hooked their old tour trailer. We drove to the nearest sports store and climbed out. The guys went to see about renting bikes for the day while Lexi, Aden and I got their sizes and went to pick out gear for them.

I grabbed a green and white jersey with matching pants for Matt along with boots, a helmet, goggles, a tank top and gloves. Lexi grabbed the same stuff for Jimmy in blue and Aden grabbed Brian’s in black and red. Finally we picked out purple for Zacky thanks to something that Aden had snagged from his room. We made our purchases and went to find the guys.

“So ready to go?” Jimmy asked.

“You get the bikes?” Aden asked.

“Yep. They’re all in the trailer.” Matt replied.

“Then all that leaves you to do is change into your gear.” Aden replied and we handed the guys their bags and shooed them off to the bathrooms.

They emerged a few minutes later and we headed for the cars. Twenty minutes later we pulled up to the motocross track. We parked and the guys started to unload the bikes. As soon as mine was unloaded I threw on my jersey and pulled on my gloves and helmet.

“I will see you out on the track.” I smiled and put my goggles on before throwing a leg over my bike.

With one kick my bike roared to life and I took off to the track. It felt awesome to be riding again. I accelerated and bumped over a series of hills. I heard a noise behind me and turned just in time to see Aden right behind me.

Soon all of us were riding neck and neck. Dust was billowing behind us and we couldn’t help but laugh. It turned out the guys were almost as good as us. They kept pace with us at every lap.

I don’t know how many times we went around before Aden began motioning over at the side of the track. I looked over and saw Joanna and Zacky standing there waving their arms at us. We pulled to a stop next to them.

“Hey guys…sup?” I asked pulling my helmet off.

“How about the fact that you went to the motocross track without me!” Joanna said.

“Joanna breathe we knew you’d come.” Lexi replied.

“You knew?” She asked.

“Yeah which is why your gear is in the back seat of Matt’s truck.” Aden replied.

“Really?!?” she asked her face lighting up.

“Yep and there’s a sporting goods bag that has shit for Zee in it too so he can ride.” I added.

“Hell yes! C’mon!” Zacky said and they ran off.

They returned a few minutes later fully dressed. Joanna’s outfit was a mix of colors, the main one being purple which is why Zacky had purple in his…along with the thing Raleigh had swiped. Her hair was pulled into a messy bun and she was steering her bright yellow bike towards us.

“I have a question…” Zacky said as he walked up behind her.

“Yes?” Aden asked.

“Um…what’s with the bow tie?” he asked holding up the bright purple bow tie.

“Because you’re just adorable in it Mr. Baker.” I cooed in a baby voice pinching his cheek.

“Yeah yeah I get it. I’ll put it on.” he replied and hooked the bow tie around his neck.

“Good Vengeance…now let’s go!” Aden said.

We lapped the track a dozen or so more times before finally taking a break. Brian and Jimmy ran out and grabbed some food and brought it back. We all relaxed in the back of Matt’s truck to eat, our jersey’s discarded and Aviators perched on our noses.

“Ew…you’re all sweaty.” Matt said wrinkling his nose as I laid back against his chest.

“And so are you. So shut up.” I laughed as I bit into my burger.

“Oh so listen to this.” Joanna said putting down her food quickly.

“What?” Aden asked.

“Katie’s faking the whole bed rest thing.” she said.

“WHAT?!?” we all chorused.

“Yeah. We walked in and she was dancing around the house! Johnny had run out to grab her something to eat and she was fucking dancing around like crazy! She didn’t even try to lie when we caught her either.” Zacky replied.

“What did she tell you?” Lexi asked.

“That she only faked it to get us to wait hand and foot on her without whining.” Jade replied darkly.

“That bitch! If she wasn’t pregnant I’d kick her ass.” I replied.

“Yeah well now that the cat is out of the bag she can’t pull that shit anymore.” Zacky replied.

We nodded and went back to eating. When we finished we headed back to the track for a little longer. The sun was almost down and we wanted to get as much riding done while we could. However that ended in a huge bust.

I was making a couple more laps before we had to put the bikes up with Joanna and Lexi on my tail. Aden was in the bathroom and the guys were watching us as we made our way over the track. There was a final turn before the straight away that started the track.

I was making the turn when suddenly there was a huge ‘BANG’ as my front tire blew out. Before I knew what was going on I was flipped over the handle bars of the bike and had hit the ground hard on my back, my leg screaming with pain. There was the sound of yelling, screaming and screeching metal as both Lexi and Joanna’s bikes hit mine, sending them flying as well.

Their bodies collided with mine and we were all lying in the dirt moaning with pain. Everyone was around us.

“Lucy….Lucy say something.” Matt said.

“It hurts.” I said tears falling down my cheeks.

“I know baby…we called an ambulance and they’re on their way….don’t move too much.” he replied.

I heard Zacky and Jimmy’s voices talking lowly near me but the lightning sharp pain shooting through my spine and my leg were too distracting for me to figure out what they were saying. I heard sirens and a few moments later two paramedics were over me.

“Lucy? Can you hear me?” one asked.

“Yes.” I replied.

“Alright you’re going to be fine. We’re going to put you in a neck brace and backboard and take you to the hospital.” the other one said.

“O-Okay but c-can my boyfriend stay with me?” I asked.

“Of course.” the second one said.

They started turning me over so that they could put me on the backboard and the pain in my leg became so intense I saw lightning flash before my eyes and then I blacked out.



I cracked my eyes open to find that I was in a hospital bed. Matt was kicked back in a chair sleeping. I felt like someone had beaten the hell out of me and I couldn’t move one of my legs.

“Matt?” I croaked, my throat dry.

Matt jumped a mile in the air, “LUCY!” he said.

“Hey.” I smiled.

“Hey…how are you feeling?” he asked.

“Like I went 3 rounds with Mike Tyson.” I replied.

“Yeah…that’s what happens when you flip off a dirt bike babe.” he laughed.

“How are Lexi and Joanna?” I asked.

“Lexi has a broken collar bone and is bruised up like hell but other than that she’s fine. As for Joanna she’s got 2 cracked ribs from where she hit the handlebars of her bike, she dislocated her wrist and broke her tail bone however she’s fine too.” He said.

“And what happened to me?” I asked.

He took a deep breath, “Okay you fractured a vertebra in your back, snapped your left ankle clean in two when you hit your leg on the ground and fractured your left femur. They went in and did surgery to fix it and now you have not only a rod in your leg now but you get to wear this stylish cast that goes from around your hips to your toes for at least the next 3 months.” he replied pulling the sheet back to show me a bright purple cast on my leg.

“Fuck my life.” I replied.

“At least you’ve got me to nurse you back to health.” he smiled and leaned forward and kissed my lips which hurt.

“Ow.” I muttered.

“You’re complaining over a kiss?!? I broke my ass!”

I looked behind Matt and Joanna being wheeled into the room by Zacky. She wore a hospital gown and sat on a donut. She had bruises in various places and I could see the bulky dressing under her gown.

“Yeah well I broke my leg in two places!” I replied.

“Psh…at least you can sit down.” she smirked.

“You both need to quit complaining. You’re getting drugs and not the shitty ass ones like I have.” Lexi replied walking in the room.

“All of three of you need to shut up. You’re all clumsy ass chicken babies.” Aden replied as she walked in with Jimmy, Brian, Katie, and Johnny.

“Hey my tire blew out. It wasn’t my fault. They should’ve avoided me.” I replied.

“You crashed in the middle of the track! How were we supposed to avoid you?!?” Joanna replied.

“I don’t know….TURN THE BIKE?!?” I laughed.

“Look you all are safe and that’s what matters.” Brian said.

“Correct. And unlike some people we’re not faking.” Lexi said glaring at Katie.

“What?!? I wanted a little love.” Katie replied.

“Yeah and that’s how you ended up pregnant with the gnome spawn.” I replied.

“I am not a GNOME!!!!” Johnny yelled.

There was beat of silence before we all looked at Johnny and said in unison, “Yeah you are.”

We broke out into laughter. It hurt a little but they say that laughter is the best medicine. And what better laughs do you have than with your friends?
♠ ♠ ♠
Motocross :D

Special thanks to music-is-my-vice for writing this chapter and making the outfits :D she's one of the best co-authors ever!!! :D

Comments are appreciated!!!!