Sequel: Crossroads

We Come out at Night

Early Mornings & Late Night Disturbances

Gunshots are heard from everywhere. I look over at Aden, watching out for her and I both as she reloads her M16.

“Aden! Hurry a horde is coming our way! We have to get to Lucy and Lexi in the truck! We have got to get out of here!” I screamed frantically.

We were almost out of ammo and we could not risk this. We had to get out of here, and get out of here fast. We lost Katie to a horde earlier, and we were all upset, but we would have to put off our feelings until we were safe.

She handed me another clip and we ran as I reloaded and took some more shots as we approached the truck. We jumped into the truck bed and we drove off.

We shot all these fuckers as we tried to cross the state line. From what we kept hearing over the radio, the north was safe. No zombies.

“Joanna! Look out!” I heard Aden scream as a Zombie lunged at me from the roof of the truck. I swung my fist to try to get some room to shoot. As my fist collided, it yelled, “What the FUCK Joanna!”

And I shot up, looking around the room to find Zacky sitting next to me, eyes wide, my friends with the same expression, with the exception of the quivering smirks on Lucy and Aden’s faces. Jimmy, and Brian were staring at me too, and then there was Matt. He was glaring at me as he rubbed his jaw.

“Ohhh. Wonderful.” I said softly as I looked away from Matt.

“Joanna one, Matt zero.” Aden said, with laughter following from her and Lucy.

“The hell was that?” Matt asked me, in a comforting tone, letting me know he wasn’t really mad.

“I was having an intense dream, and you were a threat, and I needed some room to shoot you.” I replied with a straight face. He looked at me with a confused look.

“She was probably having a zombie dream again.” Katie said.

I looked at her, “Yeah, but this time, you didn’t make it. Run faster, the horde won’t get you.”

She just stared at me, “I, didn’t make it?”

“That’s what she said Katie, but it’s okay. You’re still here.” Lexi said putting a hand on Katie’s shoulder.

“WHO? WHAT, WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS?!” we heard from across the room. It was Johnny, and he was most definitely awake, and very upset.

“Why. Am I. Covered. In peanut butter and popcorn?!” he yelled looking at us. “Who are they?” he asked, completely forgetting about his ‘sticky’ situation.

“Oh, I met these girls at Pulse last night.” Zacky said, followed by introductions. “This is Joanna, Lexi, Lucy, Aden and-“ he was cut off.

“I’m Katie.” She said with a giant smile. That dreamy, distant look in her eyes.

“Yeah you actually slept with her last night.” I said with a smirk.

“Yeah, we’re surprised she isn’t covered in peanut butter.” Matt said, still rubbing his jaw.

“Wait, what?! I slept with her?” he asked eying her up and down.

“Yeah, literally. Slept. You didn’t practice making babies, you were unconscious the whole time we were here.” Aden said.

“Oh, well. I’m going to go get cleaned up now.” He said and with that, he made his way to
the bathroom, carefully trying to not get peanut butter everywhere.

After he got out of the shower, the girls and I tried to tidy ourselves up a bit. We didn’t have another pair of clothes since we came over and slept unexpectedly. The guys offered to lend us shorts and shirts but, we felt more comfortable in what we were already in.
We ended up eating breakfast with them.

I don’t think they’ve ever met girls who can quite eat like us. We could seriously, put it away. And we didn’t waste any time. We could shovel a few bites of food in our mouths with no problem. Yeah, we could be pretty beastly.

As we swallowed our last bit of food, the realization hit us that we eventually had to go home today. The guys were nice and called for a cab to take us all home.

When we got home, we were welcomed by our dogs. Dribblez was my dog. He was a Great Dane/Rottweiler mix. Aden had a dog named Lolly, who was a shepherd/boxer mix.. Katie had a black lab named Cindy. And last but not least, Lucy’s dog was named Nightmare, he was a little Yorkshire Terrier.

Lexi was the only one without a dog, instead she had a cat. She had a Sphinx cat named Pudding. She always hid out in her room though when no one was home.

Dribblez came running at me, and I was waiting to hit the floor. It soon came, I was sprawled out on the floor getting licked to death by my big boy. Lolly stayed in a cage when we weren’t home due to the fact that we can’t find a cage big enough for Dribblez and he just wants to hump the shit out of her and neither one of them are fixed. We needed no puppies at the moment.

After we got our greetings, we headed into our rooms to get cleaned up, showered, dressed, and ready to take on the rest of the day.

Aden and I sat in the den with the largest TV in the house playing Left 4 Dead on our xbox 360. This meant that Lucy was in the kitchen doing something since she despised zombies. Lucy and Lexi loved to bake things, just always hated cleaning up, which was always left to Aden, Katie and I, and believe me, it was an at least 3 person job.

“We gotta get to the roof of the hospital to get to the chopper!” I yelled to Aden as we were fighting off a horde. Yes, this is why I have my crazy zombie dreams, and I knew it. I just didn’t care.

“Dude, ammo! Right there!” she yelled as she pointed at it with her gun on her screen.

“Got it.”

“Guys, food is done!” Lucy called from the kitchen. Dribblez picked his head up off of my lap as he trailed after Lolly into the kitchen, knowing there would be a pile of food waiting.
We ate and as always, Katie, Aden and I cleaned up. We used the dogs too. If there was some food left on the plate, they would lick it off before we re-rinsed and put it in the dishwasher.

After all the cleaning was done, we decided to watch a movie. Tonight, it was going to be a Tim Burton night, obviously starting off with The Nightmare before Christmas. Aden sat on the end of the couch with Lolly at her feet. Lexi had Pudding curled up in her snuggie with her, Lucy had Nightmare on the back of the couch, lying right next to her head, and I sat in the recliner with Dribblez on me. I’d say he was laying on my lap but, he’s far too big. It was quite a sight.

I woke up to see The Corpse Bride almost finished. Everyone seemed to fall asleep except for Aden, she was watching the movie and messing around on her iPhone, resting her arms on Lolly’s side.

“Aye dude,” I said groggily, “what are you doin?”

“Angry birds and texting.” She replied concentrated on the game.

“Oh? Texting anyone special?” I asked with a playful tone.

“Nah, just your mom.” She said smirking at me, she noticed my blank expression and giggled. “No, it’s my sister. She’s having trouble sleeping.”

“What time is it?” I asked her as I saw my phone on the floor and out of reach.

“It’s almost 2.” She replied as she got a text.

“Well shit.” I said as I lightly pet the side of Dribblez face that was resting on my shoulder.

He licked my face sleepily and I kissed his nose. Yes, he really was my big baby boy.

“So, you think we should get these three up and try getting them to bed?” I asked looking over at Aden.

“Yeah, they’ll be mad if we don-“ she cut herself off after we heard a knock at the door.

We both looked at the door and then back at each other. Lolly and Dribblez started to growl. We didn’t shush them this time, because we had no idea who was here. We got up and I ran to the fire place mantel and grabbed the baseball bat. Aden looked at me and smirked,

“Yeah Vengeance style.” I smirked back as we made our way to the front door.

“Okay, I’m going to open the door. If it’s a threat, which it probably will be at this time of night, you start beating the shit out of them with the bat. I’ll run and alert the others. And we will work from there okay?” she said to me.

I nodded then smiled widely, “This feels like left 4 dead hahaha. Oh my god what if it’s a zombie?! What if-“ I was cut off by another knock.

We put on our game faces.

“Ready?” she whispered, “1-2-3” and she flung open the door. I held up the bat, but didn’t swing when I recognized the face looking scared shitless of me.
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comments are welcome!!!