Sequel: Crossroads

We Come out at Night

Surprise Brian!

It’s been two days since Zacky and I finally got back together, and today was a rather special day for us, we had out interview for the Revolver Golden Gods Guitarist Awards.

The dressing room that was assigned to us was huge. The mirror was big enough to allow all of us to get ready at the same time. Caleb was on the left spiking his hair with some gel. He was wearing a Volcom shirt that read ‘Save the Boobs’, yeah typical of my brother, some blue jeans, and shoes with a grenade on them. Between Caleb and myself was Aden, she was sharing the gel with him as she tried to tame her curls. She was wearing a Blondie Orbital Blush t-shirt, ripped skinny jeans, converses and her black lip ring.

I was leaning in towards the mirror applying eyeliner. I was wearing a purple Fox t-shirt, black skinny jeans, purple and black Etnies, and my purple and gray striped lip ring. And lastly, to my right, was Lucy switching to her blue spiral lip ring. She also wore a Motley Crue t-shirt, gray lacey skinny jeans, and converses.

“Alright guys, you’re up in two minutes!” a woman said pulling our attention away from the mirror for a fraction of a second.

I was trying to quickly finish applying my eyeliner when I heard my phone go off alerting me that I had a text message. When I picked it up I saw it was from Lexi.

From: Lexiiiii :D

Well, we looked at 4 different houses and I think they finally settled for this one. Its pretty nice actually. I think you and Aden will be jealous of the kitchen lol.

I smirked and texted her back letting the others know about the possible new house that Katie and Johnny decided they should get because of the new addition. We said we’d love to have them stay, but they insisted on leaving and not being a burden, either way we would be seeing them daily.

We quickly finished getting ready and followed the woman out to the green room that would appear on TV as an actual room. We were led to a set of four seats and sat down. A moment later out interviewer came out and sat in the seat opposite of ours. He gave us a smile as he tapped on Lucy’s leg and he gave out his and our introduction to the camera.

“So, ladies and gentleman. It’s nice to see you here on the show.” Our interviewer Jose Mangin began.

“Thanks for havin us.” Lucy said with a smile.

We spoke for a bit before he actually started asking us questions. “So, one thing I wanted to start off with was you Caleb. How does it feel to be playing alongside your little sister and close friends? I can imagine you must all feel like family.”

Caleb cleared his throat, “I love it. My sister and I have missed each other so much since we moved apart. This gives us a great opportunity to spend time together. As for the other girls? Of course they’re like family to me. We all grew up together and they mean the world to me.”

“Ah I see. I have also noticed that in recent pictures, as of the shows from last week, you didn’t have these tattoo’s on your arms. Are they new?” he asked.

“I’ll let Aden and Joanna take over from here.” He said letting out a little laugh.

Aden giggled, “Well, we all have a specific tattoo for the band. I have bat wings on my back. Lucy and Lexi have angel wings on their backs. Joanna has angel wings on hers along with a shattered halo at the bottom of her neck, and Katie as a shattered halo behind her ear with a music note in the middle.”

I smiled and patted Caleb’s shoulder, “And since Caleb is in the band we felt it was important for him to get one too. So now he has the wings that start from his hands and work their way up to his elbows.”

“It’s a very interesting piece.” Jose said with a smile. “What other tattoos do you have?”

Caleb went on first since his tattoo was the first in question, “Well along with the wings I have a tribal dragon back piece.” He said as he took off his shirt to show off. After putting his shirt back on, the tattoo tales continued.

Lucy was next, “Well, it’s massively corny but I’m not the only one in our group, I have a Deathbat behind my ear,” she began as she started to point out each tattoo she was talking about, “along with the Deathbat, I have bats going up my arm, and I also have this,” she said pulling down the neckline of her shirt a bit, “’Art is the only escape from the horrors of existence’, I love that quote.”

“Nice! What about you Aden?” he asked.

“Well, along with my tattered wings I have a bat behind my ear, but he is not a Deathbat, and his name is Mortimer Le Squeaky. I do have a Deathbat on my ankle and a Scorpio sign on my wrist. I also have lyrics from Breaking Benjamin on my ribs, so does Joanna, it says ‘And I'll survive, paranoid. I have lost the will to change. And I'm not proud, cold-blooded fake, I will shut the world away…’. And lastly, I have the spider from the cover of a My Chemical Romance album on my upper arm.”

“As for me,” I started, “I got my Deathbat on my ankle when I was 18 with Aden, along with the Breaking Benjamin lyrics. I have a Libra sign on the back of my neck above the shattered halo. And last but not least, I have an ambigram on my right wrist that says Hope/Faith.”

“And!” Lucy started, “We cannot forget about Lexi!”, we all nodded in agreement, “Lexi has portraits of the Adams Family on her thighs. They are quite epic.”

“Agreed!” the rest of us said in unison.

“Here’s a question from a girl named Laura from Florida, what are some of your hidden secrets?” he read from a piece of paper.

“Well, I’m afraid of the water in Florida.” Caleb said with a serious face, everyone laughed but he held up a hand, “Nah dude, their tap water is like, cloudy and yellow. Shits radioactive or something.” He said.

“I’m afraid my fro will get angry with me one day and suffocate me in my sleep.” Lucy said, Aden snickered a laugh.

“That’s not a secret. That’s a well known fact.”

“Well what about you fancy pants? What secret would you like to share?” Lucy said defensively.

“I’m saving mine for last tard.” She replied.

“I couldn’t read guitar sheet music till 2 years after we formed the band.” I said trying to save Aden and Lucy from ripping each other’s throats out.

“Really?” Jose said with a confused expression.

“Yep, our whole first album was just Aden and I shredding up our guitars. I didn’t know how to read the sheet music for a guitar till after the first album.” I replied.

“Impressive.” He said with a smile.

“Nah, it would have made it easier but, it wasn’t that big of a deal.”

“Okay! Now its my turn. So shut up Lucy.” Aden began. Lucy opened her mouth to speak but Aden held a hand up to her face. “Well, my big secret isn’t a secret to these three. But it is to Brian. I have a growing fetus inside me. His super seed has taken affect. BOOM biggest awesomest secret there.” Aden said. Our mouths dropped, we knew she was going to tell him tonight, but not on live TV.

“Whoa-ho. Are you serious?” Jose asked, obviously just as stunned as we were.

“Yup, a little over a month.” She replied.

“Well Aden. Congratulations!” he said as he got up and hugged her. I could only imagine what Brian’s face looked like hearing this on TV. I smirked at the thought as the interview continued.

The interview lasted for about a half hour longer. After we headed into the back we saw Brian and Zacky run through the door. Brian spotted Aden and ran right up to her and scooped her up in his arms and planted a kiss on her lips. A moment later he finally pulled away.

“Are you serious right now? Did my “super seed” take affect?” he asked.

She laughed, “Yes, there’s a tiny fetus brewing.”

We all gathered around them having the most epic group hug ever as we decided to head back to the hotel and get changed to go out to dinner and celebrate.

Aden wore a red thermal top, blue skinny jeans, boots, a bangle with skulls, a watch, and a red beanie. Brian wore a black v-neck thermal, jeans, black Timberland boots, a watch, dog tags, and a fedora Aden forced him to wear.

Lucy wore a blue striped hoodie, blue faded skinny jeans, boots, a blue belt and a TMNT rubber bracelet she borrowed from me that I stole from Aden a while back. Matt wore an Affliction thermal, black jeans, black Timberland boots that matched Brian’s, a black studded belt and dog tags.

I wore a red and purple striped sweater, blue faded jeans, boots, a black and purple studded belt, a purple beanie, and sadly I had to wear my glasses that I hated wearing since I lost a contact in the shower. Yeah that’s my fuckin luck. As for Zacky, he wore a fancy ass knitted shirt, black faded jeans, black boots, a black studded belt, an LA Angels hat, and so I wouldn’t feel so out of place and alone, he decided to wear a pair of nerdy ass glasses. When we emerged from our room, Aden looked at us and noticed the glasses. When Zacky told her the reason he was wearing his, she nudged Lucy and made a sarcastic smirk, “Sharing in the humiliation of intense nerdiness. Yeah, that’s true love right there.”

We made our way to a little Italian restaurant. We got a booth in the back and placed orders for drinks while we decided what we actually wanted to eat. That turned out to be the hardest task since Aden and Brian were two of the mushiest people in the world at the moment. It was cute, but it was also gag worthy.

We got some appetizers, shrimp and such. The appetizers were gone in 2 minutes. We could see Aden’s appetite growing, but thankfully it was nowhere near as bad as Katie’s yet.

The dinner was a great idea, I felt as if it was something we all needed, and the mood was just amazing. I was wrapped up in a conversation with Brian and Zacky when I heard Aden gasp. We looked up to her bouncing in the booth as she had one hand to her mouth and the other was pointing frantically at another table. We all turned in the direction she was pointing in and Lucy and I immediately mimicked her reaction because the people that were eating at the same restaurant as us were the people who inspired us along side Avenged.

“Holy fuck.” Lucy said, she was the only one who could find her voice.

A moment later Aden found hers. “MmmmmmAA. It’s Ger-Bear!!” she exclaimed.

The members of My Chemical Romance turned to view the obnoxious guest that just so happened to be us.

They must have recognized us because they got up with smiles and walked over to our table.

“Ahh, Shattered Halo and Avenged Sevenfold. How are you all doing tonight?” Gerard said sliding into our booth, we all crunched in together so him, Frank, Mikey and Ray could scoot in.

“We’re doing alright.” Lucy said. She was trying to keep calm but I knew her so well, I could see her shaking with excitement.

Our food came a short time later, and when their food came out they requested it was brought to our table, which it did. While we ate we talked, laughed, and joked for a little over an hour.

“So I saw the interview today, and I must say, congratulations Brian and Aden.” Frank said. Frank was Aden’s favorite out of MCR growing up, but Brian was her beau.

“Thanks.” They both replied with a smile.

We continued on with the dinner until Gerard had announced they had to leave and meet up with the girls.

We took a couple of pictures together for our blogs and just for fond memories on our part, exchanged numbers, and then decided for ourselves that we should head out too. Aden looked exhausted, I remembered when I was where she was at and I got pretty exhausted too. Seeing her and Katie getting pregnant and watching them grow almost made me want a kid too. Then I soon realized I’m going to have 2 kids to smother for the time being and should let it ride out.

We hailed for a cab that could accommodate all of our asses, and once we got one we piled in. I climbed into the very back with Zacky and sat on his lap making room for Matt and Lucy to sit next to us, giving the back seat to Aden and Brian. I really had no idea how tired I was. One moment I was sitting on his lap laughing with everyone else and the next moment I’m being woken up from my foot hitting the door frame of the bedroom Zacky and I were staying in.

I mumbled something as Zacky laid me down. He chuckled and told me to go to sleep. He pulled my shoes and jeans off before climbing into the bed, pulling the covers over us and pulling me close to him. I felt him kiss my cheek and I smiled as I drifted back into a sleep that I felt could last till the next night.
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Comments are appreciated! I mean it!! :D