Sequel: Crossroads

We Come out at Night

Surprise Sleepover

“Brian?” I asked.

“What the hell is with the bat?” he asked wide eyed holding Johnny in front of him as a shield.

“She’s pulling a ‘Zacky’.” Matt said, with a smile.

“Yeah, I told her she was ‘pullin a Vengeance’” Aden said with a giggle.

“Well done.” Zacky said with a laugh. I did a small bow.

“I’m happy to see you guys and all but what the hell are you doing here at 2 in the morning?!” Aden asked. Lolly started barking and she quieted her down.

“And how did you guys even find our house?” I asked resting the bat on my shoulder.

“We found this.” Brian said holding up a Sublime wallet.

“Hey, that’s mine!” Aden said, happy to see her wallet. “I didn’t even know I forgot it.”

“And you would think I would be shocked by this. You lose everything Aden.” I said rolling my

“Shut up pig fucker.” She said glaring at me. I waved my hand as if to dismiss her comment.

“It’s nice that you guys personally delivered her wallet back to her, and believe me, we are grateful, but why would you come here at 2 in the morning, why not just come by tomorrow?” I asked.

“Well, we got kicked out of our hotel room.” Jimmy said with a giant grin stretched across his face.

“I guess we shouldn’t be surprised by that either.” I said letting out a small laugh with Aden.

“Yeah, so we came by since we were passing through to find a different hotel.”Johnny said.

“Well, you guys took us in last night, we could do the same for you if you’d like. It may not be as comfy but we have a huge den with awesome couches. Our rooms aren’t really…tidy. I mean you could try to not scream at the very sight of them. That’s entirely up to you. I means it’s really late. You probably won’t find anything that isn’t infested with roaches.” Aden said shivering at the thought.

“Yeah come on in, we gotta wake up everyone anyway. They’re passed out in the den.” I said stepping aside to let them in, which I found to be a bad idea.

Dribblez is very protective of his family, especially me. He saw the guys walk in through the door and started snarling, his mouth dripping.

“Whoa boy, easy.” Matt said holding his hand out to let him sniff.

“Oh come on man he’s just a dog.” Jimmy said pushing passed Matt and into the house.

That idea was worse than mine. Dribblez lunged for him, knocking him to the ground. He had his front paws on his chest and he was baring his teeth, growling and snarling in his face. Jimmy looked horrified. The rest of the guys went to come inside until Lolly was in front of them baring her teeth and growling. She wasn’t as large as Dribblez, but she was just as protective.

I walked over to Dribblez and Jimmy and tried to get him to calm down and let him know that they were allowed to be here. He was hard to calm down. Aden got Lolly to calm down and let the guys in. I pet Dribblez behind his ears and he started to relax, but he wasn’t moving quite yet.

“Its okay boy. They are friends of ours.” I said to him in a calm, happy tone. He started to ease off of him. And then he finally let Jimmy up.

“That, was some scary shit.” I looked behind me and saw all the girls standing there.

I turned back to Jimmy and the guys. “You have to let him meet you first. He’s a very protective dog. Now one at a time, hold a hand out and let him get to know you.”

Jimmy went first. It took a minute but then Dribblez licked his hand and wagged his little nub of a tail, rubbing against his legs. Jimmy began to pet him and he knelt down and even had him lick his face.

As for the rest of the boys, it pretty much worked the same way. The only exception was Johnny who didn’t really have to kneel down to get licked in the face.

After the meet and greet, we went to the kitchen for something ‘non-alcoholic’ to drink before figuring out sleeping situations. We settled for whoever was comfortable having someone in their untidy bedroom could have them in there, if not they could take over the den.

It was almost 4 by the time we all decided to go to bed. “Looks like we’re making a habit of this.” Lucy said and we all laughed. “But don’t forget we have to start practicing by 11. We have to get the rest of this album done before we start our tour.”

“Yes mom.” I replied with a smirk.

She threw the pepper shaker at me. “You fuckin bitch. Why did you have to throw tha- ah- AH-CHOO.”

“Haha, that’s what you get dumbass.” She replied sticking out her tongue.

“Lucy one, Joanna zero.” Aden said laughing. “I like being a scoreboard; I think I’ll continue keeping scores.”

“Okay, well I’m going to head to bed.”Katie said waving for Johnny to follow. “I honestly don’t give a shit what the hell my room looks like, you don’t like it, go find a couch.” She said exhausted.

I nodded agreeing with her. This was unexpected, and it wasn’t a hotel room where maids just cleaned up your mess. We all decided to have the guys just sleep in our rooms.

I led Zacky down the hall to my room. Dribblez ran ahead of us and opened the door himself. Zacky was shocked by this.

“Huh. Your attack dog is really smart.”

I giggled, “He’s not an attack dog unless he feels someone is a threat.” He jumped on the bed and I kneeled on the edge of it petting him behind his ears, his little nub wagging.

“He’s just very protective of his momma. Aren’t you, you big hunk of muscle.” I said baby talking him and knocking him over and laying on the bed with him.

Zacky stood in front of my closet looking at us with a crooked smile.

“What?” I asked a bit confused.

“You two remind me of how I am with my dog Majesty.” He replied, his mind obviously in a very happy and comforting place.

“Yeah, the girls are my best friends, but this is truly, my best male friend.” I said squishing his face. He stuck his tongue out to lick me and the way his face was screwed up made me break out into a fit of laughter.

“Oh, sorry for the wreck of a room. I’m not really sorry but I felt it would be nice to pretend that I cared what you thought of my sloppy room.” I said with a big smile.

He laughed walking over to the bed, and took a seat on the edge. “It’s quite alright. You know, you girls have some sort of pull on us. We meet girls all the time, but you girls are definitely different. You guys are so chill and have a ‘I-don’t-give-a-fuck-what-you-think’ attitude. The real reason we brought the wallet back ourselves was because we wanted to see you all again.” He said running his hand through his hair.

I couldn’t help but smile. “Well, we had an amazing time with you guys last night. Even Katie, with Johnny being passed out and all. I don’t want to sound really creepy, but you guys along with a few other bands are our inspirations for our music. We’ve always wanted to meet you, and I never thought meeting you would have gone the way it did last night. It was bitchin yo!” I laughed.

He smiled and then let out a loud yawn. “Ready for major sleepage?” I asked. He nodded in response.

I made Dribblez sleep on the left side of my instead of his usual right. He definitely wasn’t pleased by this. He kept moving and taking up all the room on the bed, trying to force Zack out of the bed.

45 minutes later I had had enough. He HAD to get over the fact that there was another male in the bed. “DRIBBLEZ! God damn it dog, stop acting like a father by trying to get the man OUT. OF. MY. BED!” I pushed him over and he finally got the hint. Zacky chuckled lowly and put an arm around me.

I sighed heavily and tried my hardest to fall asleep, but the sun was beginning to rise and it was creeping up my bed. I threw a pillow at the window and told it to stop being bright. Zacky let out another chuckle, then I finally relaxed myself enough to drift off to sleep, and into another zombie filled dream.