Sequel: Crossroads

We Come out at Night

Busted Out & My Brother's Bitch

“Ugh, what the fuck is that stench?” I said groggily. I looked around the room and saw the other girl in my cell shamelessly using the bathroom. I scrunched up my nose and hid my nose under my shirt. I looked over to the cell across from mine where Aden was being kept.

“Hey Mountain Lion, you up over there?” I asked sitting up on what they called a bed.

“Indeed Grizzly Bear.” She said waving while still lying down.

“How’d you sleep?” I asked knowing she slept just about as little as I did.

“Well, I’ve discovered that you’re not the only one who snores as loud as you do.” She said leaning over her bed and death glaring at the person sleeping under her.

I couldn’t even laugh. I was in such a bad mood. I was insanely tired, the bed killed my back along with my neck, and I was so worried about not getting out of this place in time for the interview.

“Dude, do you know what time it is?” Aden asked me.

“Not a clue.” I looked over to the front of the station and saw a man sitting at a desk, then realizing it was
Officer Hanson.

“Officer Hanson! Could you tell me what time it is please? I’ll be your best friend!” I called to him.

“It’s about a quarter to 8. But I’ll be with you in a minute, I have to finish your visitors paper work.” He said as he shuffled through folders.

I looked over at Aden, “You think it’s our lawyers?” all I got was a shrug.

We sat there for about a half hour; we sat by the cell doors and played rock-paper-scissors until Hanson came for us.

“Come on you two, go see your party.”

“Our party?” Aden asked.

“Yes, now come on.” He said rushing us.

“Yay! Off to the room of plexiglass wonderment!” I said in a sarcastic tone.

We walked down the walkway where other captives were being visited. I saw one guy on the other side talking to a woman residing in the cell next to Aden and gave him two thumbs up. I was in the state of mind where I didn’t necessarily give a fuck about anything.

I sat down next to Aden and saw the lawyer that helped my family out a few times along with my brothers. I tried to smile the best I could. I knew he was upset, and I hated seeing him like this. “Caleb, if you don’t smile I’ll smush my face against the glass.” I told him in a serious tone.

I saw him hide a smirk, so I went in for it and pressed my face against the glass. He broke out into a fit of laughter which caused Aden and myself to laugh. I even got a smile from our lawyer.

“I’d like to say it’s nice to see you again Louie, but under these circumstances, I’d be lying.” I said to him. I haven’t spoken to Louie since my brother Ray was arrested for stealing a crate of ice cream when he was 17. And now that he was going to be defending me, it just wasn’t pleasant.

“Well, I have some good news. Since this is your first offense, the judge will probably let you out today on bail or just with a fine. You know how well the judges here know me.” He said with a wink and smirk.

“Yeah, I know. Our hearing is at 11. I just hope everything goes smoothly.” I replied.

“It should. I just need to hear the story of what happened with you ladies.” He said, getting a pen ready.

Aden and I told him the whole story, not leaving out a single detail. We started from the point when we got off the plane to being thrown into the police car.

“It’s such a stupid situation.” Aden said as Louie finished writing his notes.

“I’ll get you guys out of here. I’ll see you around 11. I’ll let your other visitors see you before you get dragged back to your cells.” We said our farewells until later on.

We sat there and waited for the other girls to come in. I called for Hanson to come over, and it only took a second. “What time is it?” I asked again.

“9:37.” He told me, then turned around and walked back by the door to keep an eye on all of the other captives.

We heard the door close and we knew the girls would be coming into view any second now. Only it wasn’t the girls, it was Zacky and Brian.

Our breaths were caught for a second. We looked at them and then at each other.

“What are you guys doing here?” Aden asked.

“Well Lucy called yesterday. She told us what happened and we’re gunna try to get you out of here.” Zacky said.

“But aren’t you guys supposed to be recording?” I asked running my fingers through my hair, realizing how nasty it was and how badly I needed a shower.

“We stayed at the studio all night to get our parts done. We needed to come out here and make sure you guys got out and everything was alright.” Brian said.

Aden nudged my leg with hers and I saw this little smirk on her face. I couldn’t help but smile too. “Our hearing is at eleven. And our lawyer told us that we should get out on bail or just a fine since this is our first offense. Besides I’m sure he has tapes or some type of evidence. This guy is good.”

“Well, we will be at your hearing. You know, moral support.” Zacky said with a smile, and once again I couldn’t help but return a smile. I wanted so badly to break apart this glass so Aden and I could jump on them, but just as soon as I thought it, Hanson came up behind us.

“Come on ladies, you have to get cleaned up for your hearing.” He said patting us on the shoulder.

“We’ll see you guys in there.” Brian said as they got up and left.

We got to take our showers, and I was grateful, granted the shampoo smelt like complete and total ass and I got like a drop of conditioner for my long, thick hair, I was clean and very happy about it. We got our clothes back too. We were told we had to look decent and I guess sweatpants were okay.

The wait for our case to be dealt with took forever. There was a clock in the room we sat in and I couldn’t stop watching it.

“Dude, the longer you stare at that clock, the longer the wait is going to feel.” Aden said to me rubbing her wrists. Yes we had to sit here with our handcuffs on.

“I can’t fuckin help it dude. I’m anxious and we’ve been here waiting for almost an hour.”

“Katherine, Lillian, Jessica, Nicole, Aden and Joanna?” an officer called. We all got up and walked over to the door forming a line. About twenty minutes later we were called in.

The judge looked at us with an amused look. “And what are your names?”

“Joanna Toscano.” I told her.

“Aden Sabatino.” Aden replied.

The judge smiled and started shifting through papers. “So it is my understanding that you two are being charged with Assault and Battery?”

I tried my best, but failed miserably, to not roll my eyes. “Yes your honor.”

“So you two just mauled a couple of men in an airport?” she asked, smirk still on her face.

“No your honor. They were stealing our guitars. And Joanna’s was brand new. And they are kind of necessary for what we do.” Aden told her.

“Yes, yes. Shattered Halo would be nothing without their guitarists.” She said as her smile grew.

Our jaws dropped. Did she listen to our music? She let out a small laugh at our expressions and reaction.

“Well, I saw the footage from the airport. And it turns out the two men you mauled were identified later and they were found with other passengers luggage. So your story can be backed up. However, I will tell you two ladies this. Even though you two are very well capable of taking care of these two gentlemen on your own, leave it to the security guards to take care of these matters. That’s what they get paid to do. I would love to let you guys out free, but the best I can do is let you out on $175 bail. Good luck on your new tour and I will be watching your interview with my two children. They appreciate you guys signing Brittney’s binder.” She winked and signed a paper releasing us to the back to be bailed out.

I’ve had to bail my brothers out of jail before. So I knew it was a long and tedious process. We got released to Zacky and Brian. We walked out into the cold air and saw Zacky, Brian, Matt and Lucy. They wrapped their arms around us making it probably the best group hug in the history of hugs.

“Thank you guys. You don’t know how much this means to us.” Aden said into mine and Lucy’s faces and Brian’s chest.

We eventually broke apart from the hug and I pulled my hands into my sleeves. “Wait, how did we get released to you? They usually only release people to family, not friends.”

“Well that’s because we put down ‘boyfriend’ under relationship to inmate.” Brian replied.

“Boyfriend?” Aden asked, to no one in particular.

“Might as well be. We’ve been dating long enough, as long as you three say its okay to be called our girlfriends. I mean, there is a long list of things you’ll have to put up with, but seeing how you two mauled those two guys, it shouldn’t be a problem.” Zacky said with a smirk.

It would have been a perfect moment, if mine and Aden’s stomach didn’t growl so loudly it would have woken a bear out of hibernation.

“Hungry?” Matt asked smiling, his dimples making Lucy melt on the inside.

“Indeed!” Aden replied.

We took a cab to Caleb’s house. On the way we called Lexi and Katie to let them know we were okay. Our manager Jake called us too and let us have a rather large piece of his mind. He worked his magic though and as far as we knew, no one knew about our prison adventure.

Caleb had food waiting for us. He made an assortment of food. Sort of like a mini buffet. He had a huge stack of pancakes, waffles, French toast, and even ham and bacon. Aden and I dug right in. There was no shame in how we were eating, especially since we haven’t eaten since the morning before.

About halfway through my second serving of waffles, I heard Ray pull up the driveway. Caleb went to greet him at the door and shortly after the door shut I heard them whispering loudly at each other. As if they were fighting and trying to hide it.

I got up swallowing my waffles and walked to the front door. “What’s going on?” I asked. A moment later Lucy and Aden were right behind me.

“Oh uh, nothing. Go eat.” Caleb said to me. I rolled my eyes and looked at Ray who just looked irritated.

“Dip shit is afraid of you meeting my girlfriend right this second.” He said crossing his arms.

I trusted Caleb, and I knew the kind of girls Ray would bring home. “Why do you think that is?” I asked him.

“Fuck if I know. But she’s out in the car and I wanted to check on my big sis and Aden. I’m not going to let her sit out there in the cold.” He said rather snappy.

“So bring her in. If I don’t like her, I’ll make it known.” And with that being said I turned on my heel and walked back into the kitchen.

We continued eating while Zacky and Brian made fun of how we were eating. At one point, Aden put a blob of butter on her fork and flung it at Brian, this caused everyone to laugh.

Just as I put another forkful of waffle in my mouth, Ray and his girlfriend walked in. The moment I set eyes on her, I knew she was no good. I could tell Aden and Lucy were thinking the same thing. We put on a happy face though.

“Hi there, I’m Joanna, Ray’s sister. And you are?” I asked with the fakest smile I have ever had on my face.

“My name is Kristin.” She replied in the fakest innocent tone I ever heard.

“Pleasure. This is Aden, Lucy, Zacky, Brian, and Matt. And of course you know Caleb.” I said pointing to everyone as I stated their name.

“Hmm.” She said with a faker smile.

“I’d say have a seat but, there aren’t any chairs.” Caleb said, getting a glare from her. Apparently they don’t get along.

A little while after we cleaned up and decided to watch some TV before heading back to the hotel to meet up with the girls. While watching the movie, I noticed Kristin staring at the guys. I snuggled up closer to Zacky as he wrapped his arms around me then gave Kristin a look. She grimaced and directed her attention to the movie.

I could already tell this girl was going to be a major problem, and this was only the beginning.
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