Status: Who knows??

This Isn't Possible...

Chapter 2

Jimmy groggily opened his eyes, surprised to see he was in some sort of hollowed out mountain. He stood up and felt very short, which was weird. He looked around and saw he was surrounded by the most bizarre looking creatures in existence; a man shaped grey monster with four hugely muscled arms, a little orange pig thing, a blue and black thing and finally a little blue duck. They were all lying down with their eyes closed. Jimmy lent forward to poke the duck, it looked the least intimidating. He was horrified to see that his hand wasn’t a hand at all, it was a claw.
“WHAT THE FUCK?” Jimmy shouted in surprise. He looked at the rest of his arm, which appeared to be yellow. Jimmy took a deep breathe and looked down, his legs were orange and the lower half of his legs and feet looked like they belonged to a chicken
Jimmy heard movement behind him, he turned around, the little blue duck was moving.
Jimmy started as it sat up, “What the hell?” it groaned in a voice which sounded suspiciously like Johnny's.
It turned and saw Jimmy and started to scream, Jimmy joined in. it stopped and exclaimed “Who the hell are you?”
“Ji-Jimmy” Jimmy stuttered.
“Jimmy no way, it's me, Johnny” the duck answered.
“What the fuck has happened?” Jimmy asked.
“I dunno but this must be the rest of the guys” Johnny the duck sighed and waddled over to to the blue and black thing.
“I bet that's Zacky” Jimmy sniggered, pointing to the pig.
Johnny laughed but stopped when he saw Jimmy staring at him hungrily, “Jimmy what’s wrong?”he asked nervously.
“YOUR A FUCKING STALLION DUCK!” Jimmy cackled, running over to Johnny.
“STOP IT!” Johnny wailed, running away.
Johnny was screaming as Jimmy chased him. The grey monster woke up and shouted “get the fuck away from him”in Matt's voice, he obviously recognised Johnny's screams.
It tackled Jimmy with an incredible force, sending him shooting into a nearby tree. All the wind was knocked out of him and Johnny ran over to see if he was okay, “You idiot Matt, that was Jimmy” Johnny quaked angrily.
“Oh My God are you okay?” Matt asked.
“Sort of” Jimmy wheezed.
“What the fuck am I grey and have four arms?” Matt asked, looking at his body.
“I don't know, but at least you have clothes on” Johnny smiled, pointing to Matt's little black pants.
“I'm naked and I feel amazingly free” Jimmy laughed spinning around.
“Wait, that means you don't have a dick” Matt sniggered.
“What?” Jimmy exclaimed.
The pig struggled to its feet and looked around, it started wide eyed at the strange creatures before it.
“Zack it's us” Matt said reassuringly.
“What the hell?” Zack exclaimed. Jimmy and Johnny fell about laughing. “What?” Zack snapped.
“I love the way Matt assumed you were the little pig” Jimmy sniggered.
“What, I'm a pig?” Zack exclaimed.
“YES!” Jimmy and Johnny shouted in unison.
“Well I wouldn't be laughing if I was you Jimmy, at least I'm not half a chicken” Zack snapped.
“Now it's on Motherfucker” Jimmy growled, running over to Zack.
Jimmy managed to punch him in the head before Matt pulled them apart, “Don't fight” Matt growled.
“I want to kill him!” Zack screamed. As he screamed, a stream of fire shot out of his mouth and grazed Jimmy's strange leg.
“What was that for?” Jimmy whined.
“This is all your fault, if you didn't push Johnny down the hole none of this would have happened!” Zack shouted angrily.
“Actually, how did you do that?” Johnny piped up.
“I dunno, it just happened” Zack answered, sort of shrugging his fat little arms.
Matt carefully put Zacky and Jimmy down, “If you fight, I will slap you both silly” Matt warned.
Jimmy burst out laughing, “Slap us silly?” he choked out.
“Why are you lot pokemon?” they heard something ask behind them. They turned around and saw the creature they assumed was Brian sitting up and looking around.
“What did you say?” Matt demanded.
“Your pokemon” Brian replied slowly.
“Pokemon? What those little monsters that have all the games and shit?” Matt growled.
“Yeah” Brian smiled.
“Dunno why your laughing, your one too” Jimmy growled.
“Wait, how do you know?” Johnny asked.
“I am kinda into Pokemon” Brain admitted.
“Awesome, that means you can tell us what we are” Zack sighed.
“Zack your a Pignite, Matt your a Machamp, Jimmy your a Combusken and Johnny your a Ducklett” Brain explained.
“Then what are you?” Zack asked.
“I don't know Zacky, I cannot see myself” Brain snapped.
“Look at your arms and maybe you can tell” Matt suggested.
Brian looked at his arms and feet and said “I think I am a Lucario”
Jimmy giggled, “What are you laughing at? this is not a funny situation” Zack shouted.
“Johnny is a Ducklett” Jimmy sniggered, “Its sounds so fucking stupid”
“What was that Combusken?” Johnny sneered.
“Fuck you, I will beat the shit out of you” Jimmy growled.
“Like to see you try” Johnny taunted.
Jimmy slashed at Johnny with his massive claws, Matt grabbed him but they managed to catch Johnny chest.
“FUCK THAT HURTS!” Johnny screamed, running around and making a quaking sound.
“It hasn't even left a mark” Zacky laughed.
“Right” Johnny threatened. He waddled over to Zacky and pecked him really hard in the middle of he stomach.
“OW JOHNNY!” Zacky yelled.
“STOP FIGHTING!” Matt demanded, throwing Jimmy on the floor.
“Matt!” Jimmy exclaimed.
Matt apologised to Jimmy. “Brain, can you tell us more about us?” Matt asked.
“Mmmm, Matt your a fighting type, Jimmy and Zacky are both a fire and fighting type, Johnny your a Water and flying type and I am a steel and fighting type” Brain explained.
“Wait, does that mean I can fly?” Johnny asked excitedly.
“I don't see why not” Brain answered.
Johnny jumped up and down, flapping his wings, “Johnny, you look even more like a twat than usual” Jimmy laughed.
“Shut up” Johnny growled.
They heard a shuffling in the trees behind them, they all spun around to investigate the noise.
♠ ♠ ♠
comment please <3









