Status: Who knows??

This Isn't Possible...

Chapter 3

A little blue otter like creature came cautiously out of the trees, holding a shell like a weapon.
“Who are you?” it asked, it had a cute little squeaky voice.
“Oh My God you are so cute” Jimmy squealed, running over to it.
“Jim, wait!” Matt warned.
The otter threw the shell at Jimmy like a boomerang, it hit him square in the face and he fell to the floor.
“Ouch that hurt” Jimmy complained.
“Who are you?” it demanded, catching the shell.
“Put down the shell and we can talk” Matt negotiated.
It cautiously attached the shell to its front, somehow, “Talk” it snapped.
“I'm Matt and these are my friends, Jimmy, Brian, Zacky and Johnny” Matt said, pointing to each of his friends.
“My name is Oshawott” the creature replied, “Your names are strange”
“We used to be humans” Brian explained.
“Humans?” Oshawott asked.
“Yep, we fell down a giant hole” Jimmy said, sitting up.
“Some of us were pushed” Johnny mumbled.
“That is strange” Oshawott mumbled.
“Are we stuck like this?” Zack shouted.
“I don't know” Oshawott snapped, “but this isn't unheard of”
“It isn't?” Zack sighed with relief.
“No, but we need to go and see the elder” Oshawott explained, starting to walk. It turned back and saw that no one had moved, “MOVE!” it shouted.
They all scrambled after it and it continued to walk through he woods. They reached a clearing which was filled with little straw houses and in the trees, there were more. A variety of weird looking creatures stared at them from doorways.
Oshawott led them to a slightly larger building, “In here is the elder Carracosta” Oshawott explained.
“Okay” Jimmy sighed.
Oshawott pushed back the leaf that was the front door and lead them inside, elder Carracosta turned out to be a giant blue and black turtle.
“Ahh Oshawott, who have we here?” Carracosta asked in a gravely voice.
“They say they were humans” Oshawott explained.
“Humans?” Carracosta answered.
“Yes, we were” Matt growled.
“Ho ho young sir, there is no need to get worked up” Carracosta laughed.
“worked up? This morning I was a person, now I'm a whatever...” Matt sighed.
“There is a Pokemon rescue team in the next village that may be able to help you, they used to be humans too” Carracosta answered in his gravelly voice.
“Can I escort them?” Oshawott asked.
“You will need some help though” Carracosta said, “You can stay here tonight and head off first thing in the morning”
“Is there food?” Zack asked hopefully.
“Yes, you will have food waiting in your beds” Carracosta laughed.
“Thank you” they answered in unison.
Oshawott led them to where they were staying, Zacky immediately jumped on the food waiting on his bed.
Jimmy picked up an apple and looked at it disgustedly, “What is that?” he asked.
“An apple” Oshawott answered, picking up one from Jimmy's pile.
“Oh” Jimmy answered, trying to put it in his mouth. “Fuck my mouth is a weird shape” Jimmy sighed after a few minutes of trying to shove it in.
Oshawott used its shell to cut the apple up. Jimmy thanked it and started to eat.
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