Status: Who knows??

This Isn't Possible...

Chapter 6

They were at the village at the end of the day, Emolga told them to wait in the town square while it went off to find the rescue team.
Matt was chatting to a giant brown bear with yellow markings on it, which for some reason took a shine to him.
Most of the other pokemon seemed to be trying to avoid the strange newcomers, Zacky said this was Jimmy's fault as he was such a freak.
“Its your butt ugly face that's scaring them” Jimmy retorted angrily.
Brian stood in between them, holding out his hands, or paws, whatever they were. “Stop fighting foe five minutes please!”
Emolga came back with three pokemon; a little blue and black one that looked like a miniature version of what Brian was, a green one that looked like a lizard with a huge tail and a little blue penguin.
Jimmy's eyes lit up when he saw the penguin, “Jimmy...” Matt warned, stopping talking to the bear.
Emolga landed next to Jimmy and gave him a warning glance, “This is Team Saviour, they used to be humans too” it said.
“My name is Josh, I'm a Riolu” the mini Brian said, glancing at Jimmy nervously, “This is Beth, who is a Piplup”, he indicated to the penguin, “ and Darren is a Trrecko” he said, finally indicating to the green lizard.
Matt stepped forward, being the leader again, “My name's Matt”, then pointed to the other members and gave their names.
Zacky stepped forward, “I just want to tell you guys that all of this is Jimmy's fault” he said, pointing at Jimmy.
“Yeah, yeah, we're all bored of your stupid stories Zack” Jimmy replied, throwing an evil glance at Zacky.
“Please ignore them” Brian interjected, rolling in eyes slightly at his friends embarrassing behaviour.
Matt and Brian sent everyone off to do whatever they want while they discussed 'grown up business', as he put it.
Jimmy went for a walk in the forest, he was whistling happily, then he thought he heard a noise.
He froze and listened hard.
There it was again!
It was like a little squeak, but whatever it was sounded like it was in pain.
Jimmy wandered around, searching through bushes, until he came across the little creature; it looked a little like a mouse and had huge orange ears, a tufty little tail and massive blue eyes.
“Hi” Jimmy said softly to it, taking a step closer.
It made the sound again and tried to shuffle away.
Jimmy got a little closer, “Don't worry I won't hurt you”
“Who are you?” it asked in a shivery voice.
“I'm Jimmy, I used to be a human but fell down a massive hole and here I am” Jimmy explained, sitting on the floor.
The creature nodded, “I'm Victini”
“Your so cute” Jimmy gushed, then Jimmy noticed that it seemed to be in pain “Do you need help?”
Victini nodded and Jimmy stood up and looked around, he saw a little blue fruit that he remembered Emolga saying was good if you were hurt, he reached up and plucked it from the branch, “Here ya go” he smiled, passing it to Victini”
Victini ate the fruit and then was able to stand up “Thank you” it said.
Jimmy ended up carrying it back to the town square, telling it how much it would like his friends, “Can you just keep me a secret” it said nervously.
“Sure, but where should I put you?” Jimmy said, looking at his body.
“I can hide behind your tail” it said, then climbed down his back.
Jimmy giggled; it tickled. “I didn't even know I had a tail”
Jimmy got back to his friends, who had apparently thought of a plan.
Jimmy tried to keep a straight face, but he was notoriously bad for keeping secrets.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thank you bloodyvengeance, vacant and Violent Ecstasy for commenting xDD
Trust me, your guess is as good as mine when it comes to knowing whats going on here!
I have an idea where Violent Ecstasy and bloodyvengeance are gonna fit in
if anyone else wants to be in, please shout out!!
here's Victini