My random Naruto life


Hmmm...Gotta love that awkward silence....Not!!! I said to myself.
Kakashi and I had been walking for a few hours now to deliver
a scroll to the Tsuchikage and sense our awkward moment at my
apartment we really haven't said much to each other. Not to mention
he keeps glancing at me which makes it even more embarrassing.

"Why don't you take a picture it'll last longer." I snapped.

"Don't mind if I do." He then put his fingers up to resemble a camera
and said "Click."

*Sigh*"You are such a baka. Stop making me feel more awkward than I
already do."

"Maybe we should hug." He suggested. "You know to ease the tension."

I started to laugh."Only in your dreams Kaka-poo." I then heard him
Silently heard him whisper "If only you knew." What the hell was that
Suppose to mean?!

We Finally made it to a clearing when Kakashi spoke up. "We should
make camp here tonight. We only have a few more hours till we reach
our destination and it's starting to get dark out."

"Good idea I'm beat." I said while throwing my backpack on the ground.

"I'll keep first watch." Kakashi told me.

"And I'll gather wood for the fire."

"I'll summon Pakkun to help you." He then made a couple of hand signs
and sent the pug with me.

With that I turned around and walked towards the woods not noticing at
all the longing stare Kakashi was giving me.


"What's so funny?" I looked down and asked.

"Oh nothing, Just thinking about how dense you are that's all."

I was really confused now."What the hell are you talking about?"

"Just the fact that you are suppose to be such an elite ninja yet you
can't even see how much Kakashi loves you."

"..." I stopped dead in my tracks. "What have you been smoking?
Kakashi doesn't love me." Does he? I said to myself.

"Of course he does! Haven't you seen the way he looks at you?
Or the fact he never has his book out in your presence?
Or how Genma ended up in the hospital the next day after hitting
on you the night before? Or ho-"

"Wait...Kaka-poo put Genma in the hospital...For me?!"

I had no idea what to think, did Kakashi really love me like I did him?!

"Wait a minute!!!! Is that why all my past dates end up avoiding me?!"

"Hehe, see I told you you were dense."

"Well then why hasn't he said anything to me about it instead of going
through all that trouble?"

"Well, He's afraid."

"What? Afraid of me?"

"Not you per say, More afraid of getting close to someone again."
He had to explain further to me due to the dumbfound look I was giving him.
*Sigh*"Think about it, every person he's ever cared about and loved has have had
their named engraved on the memorial stone."

"Oh..." Was all I could say. Man I really am stupid.

We finally made it back to the campsite. I was so wraped up in my thoughts that
I didn't notice Kakashi standing right behind me.

"Is everything ok?" He asked.

"Christ-on-a-cross!!!" I yelled."Do you have to sneak up on me like that?!"

He just stood there with his adorable little eye smile crease thingy and rubbed
the back of his neck, and after finding out this new revelation it made me even
more flustered than I already was.

"Now what did you want?" I asked nervously.

"I just asked if you were ok? You looked a little startled when you got back."

"Hehe Yeah I'm fine never better just peachy keen!!! Now are you gonna start
that fire or what?" I said while pointing down at what I gathered and then
briskly walked back to my backpack to unpack.

Kakashi looked down at Pakkun and asked "Did something happen back
there that I should know about?"

"No not a thing. I think it's just hormones." Was his reply.

"I heard that!!!!" I yelled.

"Yup, definitely hormones." Kakashi said then went to start the fire.

What I wouldn't give for that awkward silence now.